Tuesday, June 22, 2004
The Trip
Back from an eye-opening trip to Bangkok, the city of nice peopLe, and I am wondering how much Im gonna be writing. Man, getting da traveL depression right now, missing Bangkok heLL Lots. WeLL, I wiLL spLit each wonderfuL day I spent in Bangkok wif a new paragraph, and dat'd make 5 LONG paragraphs in totaL. Take ur time ..
17th June (Day 1):
Caught the morning SQ FLight at 1040, din noe wat to expect over there in the strange city of Bangkok. FLight was cooL, great food, great movie, ohh and dat was 50 First Dates (sorry Guoann, no offence <--- he's on Budget AirLines hah) man, u guys shud reLi catch this comedic romance show by Adam SandLer and Drew Barrymore .. weLL the trip was spLit into 3 different fLight timings, Im in the morning one, Guoann in the afternoon and the rest of da guys in the evening. Anyway I was fortunate to be with Yongren's famiLy who went on da same fLight as me. WhiLst descending I cud see da vast pLains of farming and Lots of LittLe housings wif da horizon so far away! Awesome view .. Landed in Bangkok at SG time 1pm (Bangkok is an hour behind us). Sawadikarp Bangkok!
Becoz Yongren's coming in da evening, I therefore had da chance to be his Mom's son for a day, having to foLLow them around the buzzLing city. They are good nice peopLe I can say, treating me Like their own. During dinner I was kept fuLL by Yongren's eLder sis who keep picking food for me. And his Mom's been great, keep asking me to eat more. We had Swensen's ice-cream after dat, shared Earthquake the 2 sis and Chris, younger sis' guy. WeLL da day passed reLi fast and night soon came, da guys finaLLy arrived at da hoteL. After settLing down we went down the hoteL Lobby's cafetaria for da EngLand match - EngLand 3 SwitzerLand 0 .. after which took a stroLL aLong da backstreet of our hoteL. And guesz wat? An eLephant on da urban streets? Datz something incredibLe! And I was reLi shocked .. there goes, good nitez day 1.
18 June (Day 2) :
Rise and shine, we had our first American styLe breakfast in the hoteL restaraunt. It was so sumptuous and fufiLing, but da days dat foLLowed we had da same thing and grew sick of it LoL. Once again itz shopping time, we waLked around the nearby fLea market beside the Sky Tower (which is 90 storeys high). Went to Pratunam after dat where itz shopping again. Had a LittLe bite at KFC. Damn, da KFC gaL's so sweet and nice, wonder why Thai gaLs have such a pLeasant voice and expression. Went to MBK , a gigantic shopping centre, yet again, for dinner. And then itz back to our hoteL. WeLL evrytime we took a cab at night, the taxi driver is bound to tok about bringing us to the night cLubs or watching "tiger shows". ActuaLLy the taxi drivers earn coupons of fueL as commission for bringing customers to the cLubs. This night, we paid 100 baht to get to Partpong, where night cLubs thrive. But instead we ended up in Suan Lam, another night market. However dat pLace was fuLL of soccer fanatics, drinkers and of coz, gorgeous waitresses. Took another cab to Partpong and dat pLace sure Live itz name, fuLL of sex businesses, bars, flea market and stuff. We passed by many cLubs where tru da door is bar top wif babes dressed in bikini dancing. Temptating pLace it is, but Im proud me and my guys haven done anything against our purity, not evening drinking or any hanky panky business wif any of da bar gaLs, though there is da thought of it hah. Anyway we shopped around the fLea market there and then fLagged a cab back to our hoteL.
19th June (Day 3) :
Same thing, same breakfast. After which we went for prayers at the 4-faced Buddha tempLe and headed for the SLeeping Buddha tempLe. It took da whoLe morning after which we went to Jartujat, the Weekend Market. This pLace is so BIG they say u take a whoLe week to finish waLking. CLothes, ornaments, furniture, and at one corner, pet puppies! God, the goLden retriever puppies cost onLy a mere 300 baht (as equivaLent to SG$15). There is da buLLdog, chin and even daLmatians. How I wished I cud juz adopt one of them. Singapore puppies cost at Least $400. See da difference .. weLL evening faLLs and we went to MBK for dinner again. Returned to hoteL after some minor shopping at MBK and we guys went searching for massage parLour at midnight. As usuaL, once we stepped out of our hoteL a man came to us asking us to go to for the "night life", but aLL we wanted is juz massage. WeLL 1 man brought us to a "cLean" massage parLour where there is no "speciaL" services. Kenneth got an oLd Lady whiLe Guoann got da most gorgeous one, and Kenneth kept whining about it. Dunnoe wassup wif him, juz a massage and he is so picky. Mine was da youngest and one of da most vocaL gaL. She is not bad .. feLt great tru out da 2 hours (of massage dat is). At 2am, the driver who brought us there brought us back to our hoteL. Great nite sLeep it was ..
20th June (Day 4) :
Sunday it was. Wore the Same Shit Different Day tee today for breakfast. How true it is, sure is same shit we're eating. Got down to Chinatown for u know wat. We shopped for hours and had Lunch with bird's nest man. 100 baht for a bowL of bird's nest was quite something. In da noon we went back to da weekend market and u know wat again. Took da whoLe day to finish up wat we had to buy coz tis is da finaL day. Yongren din buy much again, but the others sure had quite a good fetch. I had been feeLing jaded and Lethargic since da 1st day I was here, no idea why. MayB coz I've seen tru too much. Life in Bangkok is hard, but the peopLe ain compLaining. And I have da utmost respect for them. Went to MBK for dinner, this time we guys had something different - barbeque dinner. Me, Yongren and Kenneth on 1 tabLe, Dave Guoann and Leon on the other. Was da best dinner, not da best food though. We 3 had a heart-to-heart chat and I feLt Lots better after dat, but some things stiL make me sick, Like being pursued for few bahts (cents worth in Singapore?) .. give me a break!
The FinaL Night
As it was the finaL night, we decided to give the Toot-toot a go. Toot-toot are those 3-wheeLed Thai motor vehicLes which u can see on the James Bond Visa advetisement. Man do they traveL fast and furious. It was heLL of a ride! WeLL having seen aLmost evrything incredibLe here, aLL except for Yongren who havent seen an eLephant on da street, yet, coz he was in 7-eLeven da day we saw it. Thus, we decided to venture onto the streets again. God was Yongren Lucky, we were juz 5min into our adventure and here comes da eLephant. He saw it, we've seen it. Back to hoteL LoL.
21 June (FinaL Day) :
Same breakfast. We packed evrything and finaLLy itz time to bid Bangkok goodbye. This time Im on da same return fLight as da guys, but not Yongren's famiLy members for they are on da afternoon fLight. Anyway I was so hoping dat Linkin Park wud be on da same fLight as ours, for their concert in Bangkok was yesterday and they are gonna have one in Singapore the next day. I was spot on, they caught one fLight after ours. Fuk man, so near yet so far. We arrived in Sigapore at 2+ whiLe Linkin Park arrived 2 hours Later .. weLL fate prevaiLs. Anyway, home sweet home .. Kapunkarp Bangkok (thank u, Bangkok).
Sunday, June 13, 2004
The Gathering
Been almost half a decade and it is this day that we met again. Yes, Im referring the gathering of secondary 2E2 peeps! A fortnight ago I wud be surprised to hear that 20 odd is to turn up on this day, and so they did. Was late (as usual for me) with Yongren and when we arrived, I cant believe my eyes seeing so many of them at Orchard MRT. There was the clique of Michelle Jiemin and Agnes, and the "guai" group of Peiling Wingyan Huimin Diana Peiyun Tse Lun Shuling and not forgetting Yiwen, for whom I had a 2 year crush on during the secondary skool days. Man, she hasnt change one bit, and itz real. Well the rest was made up of us guys. Nothing much has changed, except that every one is becoming more matured and of coz better looking. Dinner at Marche was cool. All on 2 long tables, a cosy affair it is. Still, we can never forget the good old days of rumours between this and that .. and yes Im not let off too. Seriously the feeling of rejuvenation filled me up, with that strong first-time-crush emotion rushing tru my blood. Well did steal a peek or two at Yiwen tru the whole course, which I dun deny. Dinner over, and we then went down to Suntec for some updating in each and one of our own lives. The beautiful day ended at 11pm, and the "magical moment" faded .. in my heart I can only say miss ya guys lots. Till the next time then. Another half a decade? Im keeping my fingers crossed.
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