Monday, September 27, 2004
FLown By
Before I knew it .. itz onLy a week Left at this stopover where I beLieve has been thoroughLy enjoyabLe for not onLy myseLf but aLso many others around. WeLL, same goes here as it happened in F.R.I.E.N.D.S .. watever began, muz have an ending. There's stiLL some time Left here in Inventory Management, but itz inevitabLe we wud Look forward and itz time to bid goodbye. Im gonna miss of coz our office where I have worked cLoseLy with Sabur, ALvin, ALages, SzeLing and Vanessa, Located in the LifestyLe shop aLong with Yingsen, Wenxiu and of coz Peh Yun aka Ah Boy (sure gonna miss u) .. the VaLue Shop peeps of Raveti, Liping and Jean .. shop with Zann and 3 other decentLy nice gaLs .. SASA Pretty Face with another 3 of whom smiLes at me evryday without faiL .. Sweets N Such shop in JacqueLine, Rene and Yueping and Last but not Least Fuzion with Novendi, Sandra, Yanna, Vaneda, Zirong and of coz Cindy. Been a pLeasure ..
Saturday, September 25, 2004
20 Years, For A Moment
Had a game of footbaLL in skooL after a day of "work". Great game it was, and so da beatifuL game Lives itz name. We, da footbaLLers had conquered da basketbaLL court and merged da 2 courts as one to pLay. Was reLi something which I wud caLL is innovative, new and revoLutionary, aLL thanks to 1 good man caLLed JL. My team consisting of da Likes of Yongren, Leon and some of my NYP mates Like Nickie, Is and Joe were dominating "The Cage" for some games and I beLieve we impressed not juz da waiting next-teamers but probabLy da insects around wud have been singing to our superiority. Sure is one of those days I thoroughLy enjoyed my footbaLL.
MayB age is catching up after aLL. Got so shacked out dat I dozed off watching White Chicks at midnite after meeting da peeps up. HiLarious, yes it is, but as much as I wanna, I cudnt keep my eyes open except for a few moments when da theatre burst into Laughter but itz juz a matter of seconds before I shutdown yet again. No wonder Zhanrong described my 8 bucks as a 2-hour therapy session. I cant deny age is catching up .. many stuff I had wanna get done but had neither da time nor da energy to either begin with or actuaLLy compLete it. Things Like getting into a reLationship .. it sure is a wardrobe out there. So many cLothes u wud Like to wear but aLL u need is juz one set. Though it seemed easy to choose da best Looking outfits, many a time u got stuck choosing wat to wear and end up deciding to stay home and sLeep instead.
20 years .. a quarter of ur Life .. haLf ur youth. And there are so many things I have yet to experience, to Learn. And it can onLy be done out of ur hectic routine of Same Shit Different Day. MayB I shud juz wear something and go out after aLL ..
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Itz not easy being a peacemaker .. u risk getting aLL da bombs aimed at u from both sides and wonder when anything wiLL hit right in ur face. WeLL it happened.
My neighbourhood primary skooLmates of mine and i were pLaying footbaLL wif a group of Indians. Yes, there were at Least 7 other teams in waiting at da basketbaLL court as we were pLaying 5-a-side. Things were pretty fine untiL a cLash between one of my guys and an Indian. The Indian hit him, hard. I went over prevent more damage and in no Longer than 5 seconds, those bLackies outside ran over, and 1 big fucking teddy bear gave a punch right on my chin. Poof! I got knocked down, bLood kept gushing from da deep gash beLow my Lower Lip. I was stunned sitting there whiLe da rest were stiLL at "war". WeLL da meLee din take Long, those fucking bLackies then ran off. ALL, except for 2 beLonging to da same gang but were da better guys. They sent us to da nearest 24-Hour cLinic after much discussion. Damned suay my fren, had a chipped tooth. I was Lucky though, juz a deep gash caused by the interior teeth dat went tru da skin, and da doctor gLued da gash up, no sewing due to technoLogy. Zhangrong, da chipped toother had to pay a visit to da hospitaL though. Guesz da Indians knew they were wrong, they sent another 3 guys back for some negotiation regarding poLice reports and stuff as they dowanna bring da matter further than settLing it in private. I was fine wif it, anyway da $88 medicaL biLL was being offered to be paid for by da Indians. Wonder how much Zhanrong's biLL wiLL come up to, mayB a few hundred? It wiLL cost da Indians some monetary Loss, but at Least they dun get to sit in da ceLL IF we DO make a report. I rest my CASE ..
PS : When war comes, hide or run. Peacemaking ain a wise job.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Here I am, back in the same room of my first attachment stopover. Everything seemed different, though da stuff datz here are stiLL around. Yah, da peopLe have aLL gone, and I guesz datz wat creates such a strange ambience around. I miss da oLd guys, my team. But I Like my current department too, and itz another month before I have to bid goodbye again and start at a fresh new department yet again. Living da moment rite now, enjoying, fLirting, making frenz and Learning new stuff. I'd say I'm Luving it! Nothing eLse is more important than everyone dat revoLves around me rite now ..
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Saturday, September 11, 2004
That Day
That day, I couLd hardLy hide my emotions. UnbearabLe as it was, da depressed Look on my pitch bLack face toLd it aLL. I cud aLmost feeL da heartwrench deep within me. Yes, I was feeLing Lost and down. Down, to da bottom of an endLess pit. Da exotic coLours of my eventfuL worLd suddenLy ceased to bLack and white. I knew itz gonna happen one day, and it did. Everything was Like .. predestined, and nothing couLd have been done to stop this from happening ..
.. i dropped my new handphone for da first time!!! (".)
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Look Wat U've Done
Went for a movie today with some current department mates .. we caught HaroLd and Kumar - The Road To White CastLe. Had Laughs tru out.
She muz have been hurt. I can aLmost hear her siLent tears in the breaks between our MSN chat. But I'd rather do it now than make it much unbearabLe Later on. Yes, I have finaLLy seen wat an ass I am .. giving peopLe hope and taking it away from them. But mayB I was doing it right .. being such a Lusty fLirtatuous bastard on da go, it wud end up hurting her anyway if things do work out. Gotta admit I suck ..
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Why do we not be abLe to foLLow wat our heart teLLs us at times? MayB our mind has been eviL .. tinking of too much uneccessary happenings .. mayB a simpLe mind wud have done da trick .. yet .. we're born to be compLicated .. which is why things dat cud have happened .. faiLed to.
I have met Lots of new peopLe. And out of so many of them, Shiao Hui has been one dat caught my eye. SimpLe, innocent and pure nice gaL. Anything dat cud happen .. we shaLL see ..
Friday, September 03, 2004
Itz ALL Good
Cast : My famiLy, 6 in totaL. My parents, 2 younger brothers and 1 LittLe sis.
It was 10pm.
Act 1 (in my room) :
I had juz woken from an hour of nap and was up for dinner. My younger brother had juz gone for a takeaway from da neighbouring MacDonaLd's and he took to his bed when he returned .. weLL I reaLised he had bought onLy 2 set meaLs for 10 bucks is aLL my mother gave him.
Act 2 (in the kitchen) :
There were onLy 2 burgers and da eLder brother took one and my sis the other. It din take Long before da house's overaLL coordinator, Mom, tried to rectify da situation by asking An whoz in bed to have da fries. As da "wise" eLdest brother, I asked my 2nd brother to spLit haLf da burger to An. Of coz, there was siLence from him and I aLways tot he was a seLfish freak. This brother of mine is an individuaL dude who does things but for his own benefits onLy aLL his Life. We were aLL in da kitchen and it took a coupLe of minutes before he caLLed out my Mom to get An out herseLf. I was suprised, and extremeLy pLeased with his gesture, datz him, aLways so hard to express directLy. At Least my brother ain dat bad after aLL, though eventuaLLy An stiLL refused to eat. Anyway my sis and I were da Last in da kitchen, and itz been some time since i Last caught up wif her .. she's pLaying netbaLL now .. datz good news, being an active sportsperson myseLf, I'd hope she exceL in something .. itz a good warm famiLy I have with me .. and Im Luving it ..
Act 3 (the house) :
Lights are off .. Im onLine writing ..
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
He wakes up at 7 .. bathes, had breakfast and gets dressed. He does some grooming and heads for skooL. To the same room, meeting the same peopLe. 9.30am .. time for tea break. Back to work and itz not Long before Lunchtime arrives and he heads for da North canteen. On a good day, there'd be frenz for company. Otherwise itz a quick bite and he heads back to the same room. Every afternoon without faiL, he wiLL be visiting the Shopping Arcade either to sLack, or itz serious business of deLivering goods to the outLets. At 5.30pm, he packs up and heads home. There goes another day for average Joe, me ..
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