Friday, December 31, 2004

Da Day

He had a Lecture @ 4pm .. His soccer paLs hooked Him up for soccer from 5pm .. which He went ahead and pLayed for da 1st time in weeks becoz He had been working. He did not reLi enjoy HimseLf, for it was drizzLing and He was tinking of Her, and He finaLLy Left for Her house at haLf past seven, running Late yet again having given His word dat He'd arrive at eight, and so He did, reaching onLy at haLf past eight.

Her Lesson ended at 3pm. Having spent de hour accompanying Him, She went off at 4pm after He had gone for His Lecture, and knew He was gonna be pLaying footbaLL. So She decided to take de opportunity to find a shop to make Him a caLendar with their photos taken in da past few months as an anniversary gift to Him. Off She went to Toa Payoh .. they'd need five days to process, then She went to RaffLes City .. and then to Suntec .. aLL which wud take five days too Long (their third month anniversary is in two days' time). FinaLLy She was toLd somewhere in OUB buiLding there is an express service and dat was when She gave de idea up coz She was afraid His Mom might labeL her a spendthrift. Thus, She went round City Link Looking for a card, and shop by shop She went, cards were making a fooL out of Her, and finaLLy She went home at seven, an utterLy disappointed gaL. For three hours .. She haven taken a rest bit ..

He saw Her at haLf past eight, and She cried, for not being abLe to foLLow wat She had originaLLy pLanned. Disappointment .. sadness .. was wat He saw in Her eyes. But He knew .. for aLL dat She'd done .. for aLL da effort She'd put in .. He knew, dat itz aLL for Him.

Everything is fine now. He does not want anything eLse but Her to be by His side for da New Year. For dat, He'd be contented. WeLL, She, is simpLy da best He ever had ..

Monday, December 27, 2004

Life's Going Whooshie ..

Yeap Life's sure a whooshie .. juz found about about da tsunami tidaL waves da swept across Asia, days after it happened. Everything around is going in such high veLocity dat it seemed Like yesterday dat I started working and now dat Im back to skooL aLready. However, on top of work, me and my other haLf have been managing things so weLL dat nothing has changed except for da better! Yes, arguments, there were. But itz aLways resoLved within da day itseLf .. as She said, at de end of each one, we tend to understand each other better and it proved to be so true ..

A month passed wif me working and Her skooLing .. in which everyday without faiL she turned up to accompany me for dinner and for me off work. Im deepLy thankfuL .. and I am such a Lucky dude having found da best gaL anyone cud have found!

Wednesday was supposedLy my finaL working day .. and we had it pLanned to go on a shopping spree on Xmas eve's eve, which faLLs on Thursday. However my boss requested dat I work for one more day in Thursday .. and so I did. She was reLuctant at first, but I aLways knew She wud give me Her support. Sometimes I do wonder if I did make da right decisions, for money ain everything, yet we needed da cash for da next few months. NevertheLess, we postponed shopping to Friday. And it sure feeLs good to be finaLLy free! Haven had such a good time wif my baby, juz me and Her. She was in such high spirits tru out as weLL =D .. we went for an earLy steamboat dinner @ Marina with her brothers before setting off for da East side. Second round of shopping at Parkway Parade as it was earLy, I had intended to get a smaLL Log cake but to no avaiL .. never mind dat. We arrived at East Coast park, waLking tru rows and rows of tents! Geez, seemed to me Like a refugee camp .. by da time we found a spot, She was aLready dropping dead Le. Anyway doesnt matter, itz Xmas!

WeLL, Let me teLL u how I got da sweetest and best Xmas gift I'd got tru out my 20 years .. firstLy I was shoo-ed away to get some Light sticks and sparkLes .. then when I got back, She had my eyes cLosed and got me to sit right into our tent. I cud smeLL da aroma of appLe and it was when I opened my eyes I saw my Xmas gift, prepared wif pure sweetness and sincerity from my dear. Dat moment shaLL aLways Live in me .. for sure.

Guesz wat I got for Her .. I drew her a card .. yes I am quite Lousy in making gaLs happy .. and it was da Least I cud do, taking into account da I had no time to shop (excuse it is) .. but I bought Her a nice ring and a top during our pre-Xmas shopping, and She had said it was good enuff.

Dat nite, I messaged those bastards. They were spending da present xchanging program at Concorde .. and I got a pretty good response from them as weLL .. with each of them sending me an aLphabet .. forming da word " F U C K .. Y O U" .. weLL thanks guys, datz an awesome Xmas greeting =D .. but I know u guys wud be happy for me as Long as I am too ..

So Xmas came .. and I stiLL beLieve Santa CLaus is out there .. somewhere, though it din happen again tis year. For years now I have been Looking around da moon hoping to see Santa's shadows .. weLL mayB I shud juz stop waiting and juz pay him a visit at da North poLe one day. Merry beLated Xmas everyone .. and a happy new year ..

Friday, December 17, 2004

Expo HaLL 4

Im starting to pick up the joy of my Life .. fuLL of ups and downs but for now itz going up and beautifuLLy. They say u gotta go tru shit first to enjoy Later, and boy am I gLad it was true.

Having been working day in and out @ the Expo Like a zombie, mayB itz unfair dat I came to reaLise to take things more positiveLy a bit Late. Guesz working is aLL about attitude and mentaLity. U can hate everything for aLL u wan, but at da end of da day, u stiLL gotta go tru it. Therefore itz better to take da best out of the worst. SadLy I have onLy a few days Left on tis job .. coz da Robinsons Xmas Fair is ending ..

For da past few days, I spent time Looking at aLL da amazing toys dat I haven reLi been paying attention to at da store. Two weeks, and itz onLy now dat I tink they are fabuLous! I met a coupLe of my schooL peeps working there too .. and we chat a bit about their Lives and mine. WeLL, I sure open up and Learnt quite a bit .. to take things more easy and Look at stuff frm a different dimension. Tru aLL da conversations, there are some vaLuabLe Lessons in which I reLi thank them for sharing, and it sure made me a much happier and better man .. Dear, be proud, coz I am starting to appreciate u more .. =D

Thursday, December 16, 2004

FeeLing ...

Gosh it feLt Like a roLLer coaster .. down one time and up another .. Guesz itz been a traumatising 2 days for me .. many things haven been going smooth, but fortunateLy da storm has gone, I hope, though debris is watz Left and itz aLways hard to forget watz been said and done. My Dear, She, was deepLy hurt by words my parents said .. and many things can never be changed, though, and I wish and hope for da perfect soLution, in which I beLieve can never be attained. NevertheLess, I wiLL strive for da baLance and bring true happiness to Her. And I wiLL do my best .. but I stiLL hate my parents, for now.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

FeeLing bad .. miserabLy

I have aLways been wrong .. aLways .. juz hope to pick up from my mistakes .. and work towards where I wud Like to be in 2 years ..

Monday, December 13, 2004

I wish I cud juz show u guys, but She bought me a pair of pants from Giordano and got herseLf a tee which She handed to me .. to give Her .. She is cute, being da director and cast of da gift exchange show =D .. Luv Her ..

But anyway we made ourseLves much easier to recognise by getting ourseLves a pair of siLver rings .. simpLe and cLass .. though not as stunning Like diamonds, I wud forgo a 100-carat diamond ring for my ring ..

Another thing .. The GarfieLd Show @ Expo has ended! Fuk .. I stiLL got a week pLus working there .. dunnoe how time is gonna pass without dat show ..

Friday, December 10, 2004


Sometimes u juz gotta get a bLoody tight sLap to wake up. Datz wat my gf did to me. WeLL, not exactLy da reaL one, but waking me up from Living in 20 years of dreamy state. ReaLised I haven got a cLue about my future or wat Im gonna do untiL She appeared in my Life ..

I have aLways disLiked foLLowing routines, orders or a system in which everyone around me are doing. For some reason, everyone goes tru da SAME oLd shit of going tru skooL, getting a job and working their Lives off to their graves. Dat .. I resent, datz why I din even bother to think, of a future, of everything. Wat I yearn for is juz Lead a simpLe Life of Living contentLy with da one u Luv ..

There are so many things beyond normaL controL. Most of da time, we dun have a choice, simpLy putting head over heart. She has made me see dat da society is not as simpLe as I aLways see, and I muz admit Im juz not prepared to face reaLity. StiLL, Life gotta go on, and I have to get out of my LittLe worLd and face it. ActuaLLy, I juz wish I cud Learn more stuff and be better prepared for da outside so as to buiLd a better tomorrow with her, though I stiLL beLieve in Living in simpLicity and contentment, which She says is attainabLe in da midst of everything, and I beLieve ..

Monday, December 06, 2004

Back From Mars

They say Men are from Mars .. Women .. Venus. Which expLains why I've been missing these days. However, I've been away for da good, for itz aLways been fantasy Im Living in. Now dat Im back, tot I wud get u guys a bit of some updates ..

Nov 22 :

A bbq burfday ceLebration for Her twin brothers @ East Coast Park. Fuck .. I took on da roLLer blades for da 1st time .. my beLoved heLd my hand .. and I made her faLL, hard. Bastard. Anyway itz so cooL dat a bbq had onLy 5 souLs and 2 guests .. usuaLLy there'd be 20 over @ any bbq u see ..

Nov 29 :

I got myseLf a job. Not bLown. Itz a reaL job. Im working for Robinson's as a saLes promoter @ Singapore Expo HaLL 4. The Robinson's Christmas viLLage wiLL Last tiL 22 Dec. So u guys visit me whiLe u are free aLritey? Itz so diLemmatic .. I'd Luv to spend more time wif my beLoved .. but for our sake I had to work .. and she's been coming down to fetch me from work at 9.30pm .. every singLe day. So u see how great Luv can be .. itz not about honeymoon =D

So damn hard to pass time at work. Starts out at 1030 .. ends at 9.30pm .. and tru out these few days I've been working, I have come up with da best strategy for speedy reduction of time .. firstLy, at 1030, Look forward to da next break which is 1230 Lunch break. Breaking for an hour is much faster than working for a draggy hour, datz normaL. Back at 1.30pm, Look forward to the next GarfieLd show at 4pm. Itz a great show, no kidding. Nice Christmas songs, nice dancing and cooL dancers. From 4.30pm of coz u juz have to Look forward for dinner at 6.30 and from 7.30pm itz much easier to pass time to 9.30pm whereby itz sayonara and aLoha darLing ~ ..

Dec 1 :

My 2nd month annverisary with my dearest .. we had a simpLe day fiLled with simpLicity and datz wat makes everything so beautifuL. Itz Like yesterday dat we were together, and I cant heLp but juz Let u guys know something .. I LUV HER .. Lots .. Lots .. Lots .. and Lots .. (pardon me).

Dec 4-5 :

Over da weekend, I had been handed an uphiLL task .. to dress in da mascot of LeapFrog, an American educationaL toy brand. Fuk .. I am to be in a buLky space suit and sweat Like a pig for 30min. But itz reLi fun, serious. Inside da suit, u are a super hero, a ceLebrity, a star! U see da kids, they Luv u .. they hug u .. they run to u and shake ur hand. But at the end of da 30min and after taking off da suit, u waLk out and nobody wiLL even recognise u .. u are but juz another saLes promoter out there ..

Datz about aLL . toodLes and take care peeps.

PS to my beLoved sheep : thanks dear, u are da best .. aLways .. and if onLy 1 out of 10 coupLes wiLL have a happy ending, Let us be it ..