Saturday, December 31, 2005

So tired .. yet having insomnia. Happy burfday Jaz. Im sorry cant make it to your party, but u are on my mind ..

NYE, to work. Dawn of 2006, to work ..

.. and I Love adidas even though aLmost got fucked everytime, aLL the time by a stupid fooL, Mr. ALfian.

CLassic of the day

A Lady customer approaches Me and asked.
"Do you have shoes for gigs?"

Gigs? WTF ..


She repeated the same shit.

I gave her a Look with a BIG bLoody question mark over my head.

Annoyed, she said ..


"Yes we have, Ma'am."

SaLute to the good short-tongued customers in Singapore. You make my worLd round ..

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Work, Booze and SLeepLess Nights - ALL for Christmas

What a week!

Been going out. Been working. Been at gatherings, cLubbing and chaLet. Damn was it eventfuL and I'm Lovin' every moment of the week, the Last days of the year. HeartfeLt thanks to aLL who made my week, especiaLLy Mummy Khing who sponsored the whoLe adidas gathering (hoteL suite, food and Lucky draw prizes), making me feeL so Loved with the morning caLL and breakfast frm DeLifrance. Time did no aLLow sLeep too much, but aLL is cooL ..

Met so many new peopLe. Visited Adidas Novena on Tuesday, and got to know Trendy who happened to have a few Links with me. Wednesday was a speciaL day coz it was on for the Adidas PP annuaL Xmas party. Din expect to be caLLed up to work but it happened that I had to, so unfortunateLy had worked tiL Taka cLoses at haLf past ten with Joanna, who happened to be Jessica's sister (FYI, Jessica is my current PoLy course mate). The worLd is freaking smaLL. I turned up at HoteL Phoenix onLy at some time past 11 and entering the function room was somehow "paiseh" coz there were 40-odd peeps and I din know which tabLe I shouLd join. Ended up on the aLL-gaLs tabLe .. shy know? AngeLa, ShirLene and Metta were there but stiLL shy so moved over to Ting's side coz the tabLe was occupied onLy by her and Nizam, who promoted me as his favourite aLL time PP months back. Saw a new few of whom I heard of Like Shuyu whoz frm NYP too, ShirLey, the twin sisters, some guys from other outLets. Went cLub and then got back to the hoteL at 6a.m for a few hours rest before Mummy Khing woke me up to head for work at Bugis.

WeLL the bottom Line is .. Promo Powers Pte Ltd is a famiLy-oriented company taken care of by Mummy Khing and Im juz proud and happy to be part of it.

Thursday was damn shagged! The irony is that I am working with Jessica (Joanne's sister). Both days with sisters from the same famiLy. OMG! My concLusion, they were both pretty nice gaLs juz Like everyone eLse.

Friday worked at SaLomn Lab with ShirLene. Another shag day with so many freaking customers due to the 60% storewide saLe. No time for dinner, but took some time after work to have a usuaL cheesecake session at CarteL with ShirLene as weLL as Metta and Jansen who are at CityLink adidas that day. Headed to meet the peeps at Downtown East at midnight for a Christmas affair.

Photos to be up soon. For now, enjoy the moment peeps. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Life is aLways a struggLe between the Head and the Heart .. a choice between what you wanna do and what you shouLd do.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

HandLe With Care

Our human body .. is a fragiLe piece.

WeLL, personaLLy I've suffered from a broken wrist, LittLe wounds and juz yesterday, an internaL injury to the chest. I'd take the doctor's words that he decLared me fine, but at the same time, I fear to sLeep and never wake up again.

The beautifuL game of footbaLL has seen thousands of pLayers pLying their trade in the sport aLL over the worLd, and it is not unusuaL that a dozen each year break their Legs, some eventuaLLy unabLe to even waLk. I remembered Marc Vivien Foe, a pLayer who coLLapsed and died for no reason.

Yesterday evening whiLe pLaying footbaLL, I received a kick at fuLL impact on my chest. Ain angry coz itz part of them game and it was my foLLy that I chose to head the mid air baLL away and thus came the kick. It made me feeL weak, pain, but I thought I shouLd be fine. However bLood came wif my saLiva and a sudden streak of fear came onto me. I dun wanna coLLapse ..

Cong drove me to Tan Tock Seng HospitaL, aLong with his cousin Qunjie, both of whom have been Long time frenz of mine. After registering and paying the seventy bucks, they sent me to do x-rays and some heart test. Everything took us say two hours, and I was decLared to be fine.

Right now, I stiLL feeL the pain and it made me breathe difficuLt. BLood is stiLL present when I pLayed footbaLL again in schooL today, thus I stopped pLaying after feeLing weak.

I am afraid .. I am.

A month back, Kandi asked me if I wouLd invite him to my wedding in the future. He is a drifter, a wanderer. And he may weLL be off to some LaLaLand after compLetion of his degree in a year or two. We had been best of frenz since secondary schooL days, nearing a decade.

WeLL, I wiLL dude. I promised.

And I toLd him I want him to be one of the peopLe to carry my coffin shouLd I one day Leave this worLd. He was sure I won't be the first.

But I reLi am afraid ..

Do take good care of urseLves, and do enjoy Life to itz fuLLest, coz nothing can be more important than Life itseLf.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Train III .. the end.

Train II

Train I

Burfday gaL having Sex on the Beach.

@ ALLey's .. where a photographer from spotted us and herez one of them .. wif CaroL Loue Deb and Mayie.

Me and Mayie.

The two LoveLy Ladies.

ChiLdren drink YakuLt for digestion .. aduLts turn to cigarettes.

itz HOT stuff down here ..

Mayie : *wonder if Vic tastes better than this ..*

WeLcome to Pin Xian BBQ Steamboat!

CaroL and Mr. BLog owner.

The cooL dudes .. Terence and Kenny. This Kenny doesnt die as many times as in South Park though.

The LadLers .. Vic and Mayie.

"HeLLo everyone .. my name is Mayie and ppL say I Look Like Hamtaro the hamster .. weLL Im turning 20 so dun judge me by my age coz I Look so much younger in person."

Saturday, December 10, 2005


This was an unusuaLLy unusuaL day five of the week.

Being freed from any Lesson for the day (onLy this week though), I heLped out my UncLe in his food staLL in my own skooL. Damn was it an irony, I have to serve my feLLow skooLmates, and on some ocassions, my feLLow frenz and Lecturers, giving them an earLy Christmas surprise! Was cooL though, but itz tough being a hawker .. itz a damn warzone inside the staLL though it Looks pretty from outside.

The evening was Left for a steamboat burfday ceLebration for our dear Mayie, one of the few remaining skooLmates of my batch.

Tentative meeting time : 7p.m.
ActuaL meeting time : 8p.m.

At ten minutes to seven, Mayie caLLed to inform me of the change coz both she and CaroL are stiLL at home. WeLL, Singaporeans are sure a good bunch of procrastinators. Being such a "patient and nice guy", I'm fine with the time changing. Having an hour or so, I decided to stroLL around Suntec.

On my way down the escaLator of CityLink, I overheard a Lady excLaimed," ehh, I bought u a present.. very expensive Leh!" A short pause came, and was foLLowed by, " because you aLso very expensive mah .. "

I thank God I neither faint nor feLL from the escaLator.

Got to Suntec and into my third home, adidas. It was nice to bump into Meishi, a secondary skooLmate. And spent some bucks buying a heritage shirt at 30% discount, thanks to Fidah, of whom has aLways been so nice.

Went down Marina and met up Mayie, Victor, Terence and CaroL and Kenny. It was the first officiaL time that I hung out wif these peeps and I reLi enjoyed their company. Headed for Orchard to BaLcony @ HMV, where our smaLL-buiLt Victor had to be checked for indentification and that Lifted our day with Laughs at the expense of his embarassment. However the pLace was freaking fuLL, thus we got down to ALLey Bar where Rouge is and met up with some other peeps Like Deborah and Loue. Was gLad to see Loue again, who has bLossomed from a Japanese doLL to a reaLLy feminine Lady. We chiLLed tiLL Late, with company of cigarettes and drinks. Though I was there as a ventiLator, drinking made me feeL much better.

We Left at three. Some of us waLked down to PLaza Sing. And drunk was HS as he had a LittLe too much, and it was not enough for him. He went 7-eLeven to get another two bottLes of e33 where the staff din wanna seLL him and a heated argument took pLace. A drama foLLowed before aLL of us headed home to avoid more troubLe. We spLit up soon.

A great Friday in a personaL perception. At Least not duLL anymore ..

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

15 Pieces of "Advice" for Women

1. Don't imagine you can change a man - unless he's in nappies.
2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door.
3. If they put a man on the moon - they should be able to put them all up there.
4. Never let your man's mind wander - it's too little to be out alone.
5. Go for the younger man. You might as well, they never mature anyway.
6. Men are all the same - they just have different faces, so that you can tell them apart.
7. Definition of a bachelor: a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.
8. Women don't make fools of men - most of them are the do-it-yourself types.
9. Best way to get a man to do something is to suggest he is too old for it.
10. Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.
11. If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.
12. The children of Israel wandered around the desert for 40 years. Even in Biblical times, men wouldn't ask for directions.
13. If he asks what sort of books you're interested in, tell him cheque books.
14. Remember a sense of humor does not mean that you tell him jokes, it means that you laugh at his.
15. Sadly, all men are created equal.

Im pretty sure the one who wrote aLL these, is probabLy right beside God now.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"If you're happy and you know it, cLap your hands."

If you're happy and I know it .. I wiLL cLap my hands. I wiLL ..

Are you?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Journey around the worLd .. ends at where it began for some peopLe.

The Man who made it aLL happen.

Fact 3 .. pLease peopLe. Be content.

City of Venice, ItaLy.

Norweigen gLaziers (if Im not wrong), are disappearing. In years to come, oceans wiLL rise .. and Lands wiLL be submerged.

Fact 2 and the shock ..

Fact one

and on ..

It goes on ..

there they are, the beauties of Yann.

From the tip of WheeLock pLace



Paragon, the shopping centre datz not in my cLass (right now), with a BIG Xmas tree.


HMV crossroads ..

Orchard Point

Centrepoint's Xmas deco .. sure is the best among aLL of Orchard's

Saturday, November 19, 2005

ToiLet BowL

Working has been reLi difficuLt these days. U can mess with supervisors, but over the Line and you are dead. I dunnoe where the Line is and it went too far. Now, even the store that I dun work at, discriminates me as the attitude problem worker. Sad.

In Life, we're aLL juz Like toiLet bowL. You get the shit, and be pissed at. Datz reaLity. You juz gotta cLimb higher than everyone.

Was stroLLing aLong Orchard Road days back to visit this stretch of photography by a Frenchmanm, Yann Arthus-Bertrand . They are beautifuL. U guys have to check it out for once ya? Itz juz right outside WheeLock PLace and the whoLe exhibit wiLL end juz before Cuscaden Road.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005


These days, I'm pretty contented ..

I reaLise in my Life, aLL I need is juz my handphone, fuLLy charged, my waLLet, with some cash and EZ-Link card. I Love Listening to songs on the radio, wherever I am, whenever I am. Anyway I wud highLy recommend this song Photograph by NickeLback coz itz one very nice song. Heard it first time over Caixia's (from adidas) bLog. Why issit nice? Listen and you wiLL aLL know ..

I aLso reaLise Life is so fuLL of cycLes, coz Life itseLf is a cycLe. And watever that goes around does come around. A roLLercoaster ride wiLL end after some whirLwind turns .. then it wiLL start a new ride again. The sun wiLL rise in the east, set in the west .. then it wiLL rise again from the east. An empty stomach wiLL be fiLLed with food .. and in no time it wiLL become empty again. See it?

WouLdnt it be wonderfuL if Life cud come to a standstiLL when it is most beautifuL? I know itz impossibLe, for Life is but juz a cycLe.

I stiLL yearn to take the same cycLe again, though.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

To You

Today wouLd have been the first month of our second year together ..

I stiLL remember .. those days when we first knew each other and had so much fun. You were someone speciaL .. and I was someone speciaL to you too. And we had so much joy and Laughter inside that shop of ours.

Do u remember .. when we were juz frenz and you aLmost hugged me at the MRT without reaLising what you were doing and I stood there stoned heh ..

Everyone thought we were together when we spent every minute sending goods, tending store, having Lunches and writing vapour on the gLass panes. You wrote "siLLy goat" and I wrote "stupid sheep" ..

Do u know .. that being with u was an impossibLe dream that happened .. that I stood by LeveL 2 watching you Leave the campus in a car thinking that you were attached .. that I feLt uneasy whenever someone stops by the store to visit you those days .. that you are simpLy beautifuL ..

We were juz frenz ..

1st October 2004 .. it aLL began ..
the fairytaLe, the magicaL moments and every smiLe on ur face, every hug and every second I heLd ur hand .. I wiLL never forget.

You are God sent, to show me the way.
You are God sent, to teach me how to fLy.
You are God sent, to show me wat Love trueLy is.

Be happy coz You trueLy are the best, reaLLy ..

The journey back to Eden sure is Long, but You wiLL aLways be in my heart.

"To Love is to Let go .. watz meant to be is meant to be .."

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Thursday is here again to greet us again.

The seven sibLings of Mother Week takes turn to say "hi" to us, and do we greet them back? Most of us dun, which incLudes me. But very automaticaLLy, Saturday and Sunday are very weLcomed by each and one of us, maybe not for me though. Every day in our hectic Life, we often take things we have for granted, or juz too busy to reaLLy care about anything eLse. Sometimes I wonder, issit reaLLy worth it working so hard and end up Losing precious things? No.

Of coz, we aLL have to grow up somehow. Changes are constant and peopLe are moving on so as to keep up with the worLd. As I get pushed aLong, I wonder if itz zombies that Im waLking with or am I one of them. Never mind my whining, juz wanted to ring a beLL or two to everyone out there ya? Coz wat if tomorrow reaLLy never comes? We can have miLLions of wonderfuL quotes but when do they ever come usefuL if they onLy inspire us for one moment and we get dragged back to the same shit different day routine?

I feeL sad about being one of the cuLprits in the murder of beautifuL Life. But come to tink of it, we may not have a choice given the kind of systematicaL LifestyLe of Singapore. Yes, indeed a system keeps a nation stabLe and in order, but a system takes away the humanity in us, gives us a microchip in our brain which says, "eat, work and sLeep .."

WeLL, I may not be a rich man in reaLity, but I do Live rich. I have a wonderfuL girlfren, a wonderfuL famiLy and a cosy bed which I Love so much. I yearn to be richer .. I wanna pLay footbaLL every weekend, I wanna go on hoLidays every three months and I wanna create beautifuL moments with my Love ones which when I grow oLd, I wiLL juz say, "ohh my, I was that rich when I was young.."

So do Live Life fuLL, not dog it away. Coz wat if tomorrow never comes?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Caught the movie "GOAL" two days back with my better haLf who knew I wanted to watch bad and booked the tickets before I was off from work @ adidas. I Luv Her ..