Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Ronan Keating - She BeLieves In Me
While she lays sleeping
I stay out late at night and play my songs
And sometimes all the nights can be so long
And it’s good when I finally make it home
All alone
While she lays dreamin’
I touch her face across the silver light
I see her dreams that drift up to the sky
And she wakes up to my kiss, and I say it’s alright
And I hold her tight
And she believes in me
I’ll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday, if she was my girl
I could change the world
With my songs, I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on tryin’ faithfully
Forever in my heart she will remain
And I’ll hope and pray
I will find a way, find a way
While she lays waiting
I ask myself why do I hurt her so
What calls me on along this lonely road
Why don’t I turn around and head back home
Where I belong
While she lays cryin’
‘Cause she knows how my heart is ripped in two
I’m torn between the things that I should do
She deserves it all, and I’d give it if I could
God her love is true
‘Cause she believes in me
I’ll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday, if she was my girl
I could change the world
With my songs, but I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on tryin’ faithfully
Forever in my heart she will remain
And I’ll hope and pray
I will find a way, find a way
Was on MSN with Audrey earLier on .. and this was one rare phrase :
WorLd's Greatest WeakLing @ Laviva.bLogspot says:
wahh scoLd vuLgar
drey says:
yeah.. i do
WorLd's Greatest WeakLing @ Laviva.bLogspot says:
do wat?
drey says:
WorLd's Greatest WeakLing @ Laviva.bLogspot says:
try again
drey says:
WorLd's Greatest WeakLing @ Laviva.bLogspot says:
datz reaL cooL
WorLd's Greatest WeakLing @ Laviva.bLogspot says:
knn from Audrey
WeLL .. there are so much to Learn in this worLd .. and so LittLe time to do so.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Having read so many bLogs of Late, I have juz some thoughts two cents worth.
Why do humans have to get so emotionaLLy drained by death of cLose ones, reLationship breakups, financiaL instabiLity and being deprive of Love, sex and money when Life stiLL has to go on? Why does each and one of us have to Let this "thing" known as emotions controL our Lives?
You can choose to be master or sLave of your Life, and of course in the course of your short Lifespan of a hundred years (definiteLy not any Longer) it is best to Live it fuLLest, thus wise is the one who choose to forgo the emotionaL factor and attain ownage of their Lives. Cummon peeps, be a LittLe more coLd-bLooded wiLL ya? Itz not worth crying over spiLt miLk. Stop whining and get a hoLd of urseLves, weak earthLings ..
Saturday, April 02, 2005
ApriL FooL's Day 2005
It was a day to remember for the main character .. me. First of aLL, me and my better haLf had gone past the haLf year mark, and I wun go into detaiL wat we did and stuff, wiLL post the photos when time comes .. but we sure took Lotsa photos this time round, aLL thanks to HER. It cudnt have come a worser time than this for us to run cash-dry, and so we went on a budget ceLebration. But I stiLL got Her a card, a book, a bouquet of roses (supposedLy LiLies but then .. $$$) and a cheesecake.
Having spent the afternoon with m' Dear, I took off to East Coast park for the BBQ gathering of my aLL-time favourite cLasz - FD. I din reLi expect to see the change in some of these peeps but as far as time and reaLity is concerned, things have certainLy changed. A year has passed since I first met these wonderfuL bunch, a year has passed since I enjoyed Lessons so much. A year is juz Like yesterday, aLL right in ur head. Now dat I saw them again, things haven been the same as before. And this gathering for the cLasz, wat is to be the Last, took emotions in itz stride and Let them ran wiLd. I can see in Razmy's eyes, sadness. I can hear in Kim Meng's voice, reLuctant good-bye. I can feeL in my heart, dat everyone there might be feeLing, dat time, crueL as it is, sure have gone past without giving the sLightest signaLs, without even Leaving any traiLs. And aLL datz Left, is but memories. These peeps have aLL graduated, and PoLy Life ended juz Like dat. Im gonna miss aLL da Year three peeps, for without them, I am a nobody in skooL. For once, I feLt the LoneLiness dat wiLL be taking me in when skooL reopens, I wiLL be without most of my peeps .. and itz reLi miserabLe.
WeLL, did some catching up during the BBQ, and when time came for fareweLLs, everyone were simpLy without words. Jenna, a bus-taker then, a driver now, drove the Hougang-ians back one by one, and me being the one Living nearest to her, had the priviLege of taking the front sit of the MPV, a 7-sitter. In driving, aLL I can say is, she's good! WeLL, said a few good-byes aLong the way, and then to the driver herseLf .. it was midnight when I arrived home, with a heavy heart.
I do missed aLL the Year three peeps. But nevertheLess, thank you aLL for making Life so beautifuL during ur time here for me. I appreciate, and to aLL the FD cLaszmates, I saLute u from the bottom of my heart.
To my better haLf : I Luv ya ..
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