Thursday is here again to greet us again.
The seven sibLings of Mother Week takes turn to say "hi" to us, and do we greet them back? Most of us dun, which incLudes me. But very automaticaLLy, Saturday and Sunday are very weLcomed by each and one of us, maybe not for me though. Every day in our hectic Life, we often take things we have for granted, or juz too busy to reaLLy care about anything eLse. Sometimes I wonder, issit reaLLy worth it working so hard and end up Losing precious things? No.
Of coz, we aLL have to grow up somehow. Changes are constant and peopLe are moving on so as to keep up with the worLd. As I get pushed aLong, I wonder if itz zombies that Im waLking with or am I one of them. Never mind my whining, juz wanted to ring a beLL or two to everyone out there ya? Coz wat if tomorrow reaLLy never comes? We can have miLLions of wonderfuL quotes but when do they ever come usefuL if they onLy inspire us for one moment and we get dragged back to the same shit different day routine?
I feeL sad about being one of the cuLprits in the murder of beautifuL Life. But come to tink of it, we may not have a choice given the kind of systematicaL LifestyLe of Singapore. Yes, indeed a system keeps a nation stabLe and in order, but a system takes away the humanity in us, gives us a microchip in our brain which says, "eat, work and sLeep .."
WeLL, I may not be a rich man in reaLity, but I do Live rich. I have a wonderfuL girlfren, a wonderfuL famiLy and a cosy bed which I Love so much. I yearn to be richer .. I wanna pLay footbaLL every weekend, I wanna go on hoLidays every three months and I wanna create beautifuL moments with my Love ones which when I grow oLd, I wiLL juz say, "ohh my, I was that rich when I was young.."
So do Live Life fuLL, not dog it away. Coz wat if tomorrow never comes?
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
1st Anniversary
Average Joe was juz another sLacker in the skooL. He has neither the inteLLigence to scrap out exceLLent resuLts without having to fLip through those bibLe, nor does he has the diLigence to reLi be hoLy about those bibLe and stuff in a bid to score coLours, fLying. As each semester passed, resuLts with C's and D's and a coupLe of F's are but a common sight. He was juz a Lost boy.
Come the new semester in summertime of 2004, he'd be doing the internaL attachment. First stopover was a breeze .. of sLacking dat is. He got a straight C for his contributions. Not surprising though. Second stopover he was attached to the Inventory Management department. There, he worked a bit harder. Itz stiLL a wonder why he Looked forward to going to schooL during this stopover. He made friends in this office Located inside the shop tended by three gaLs, aLL but one that reLi caught his attention. Why? ExternaL beauty maybe. But as time passed and this taLL, dark and sLim gaL and the Average Joe spent more time knowing each other, it ain the externaL beauty anymore. WonderfuL moments of fun and Laughter came about and then on this day, October 1st 2004, ChiLdren's Day, they went on a date for Late night supper, and datz when their story began ..
Average Joe and Her spent their time creating and buiLding on a speciaL reLationship that is different from the rest. They worked, pLayed and waLked Life through together with a mixture of so many situations of ups and downs but neither of them gave up on each other. She pushed Him hard and there were B's finaLLy appearing in the resuLts. He showered Her with LittLe stuff that gave Her the support She needed.
WeLL, datz me and Baby .. we had so much Left aLong memory Lane and so much so much Im gratefuL of. For without Her, I wun have been wat I am today and itz been a wonderfuL journey Ive waLked aLong with u ..
Thankew and happy anniversary ..
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