Monday, January 30, 2006

Band of Brothers - the Present? Not at aLL. It'd be a Lack of respect for the reaL war veterans ..

Over the eve of Lunar New Year, I compLeted watching the 10-series true war story - Band of Brothers. This is history ..

Friday, January 27, 2006

Out of my kitchen window I saw this young tree, supported by a wooden stick. It reminded me of myseLf, one who used to be so dependent on a piLLar. WeLL now that the piLLar's gone, I Learnt to stand taLL. This LittLe tree wiLL grow to be a strong one too ..

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hard Luck

I'd Like to say that being part of the adidas famiLy is something I never wouLd have dreamt of happening to me but it happened. Being part of a brand which you admire .. juz Like a footbaLLer joining his supported cLub .. and therefore I have never Let Mummy Khing down even when I keep getting the stick from some peopLe.

Many retaiL companies pLace importance in meeting saLes target, to reap great profits and to keep making money. To them, the money factor is but their driven goaL. But for some, beLief is that as a retaiL assistant, the priority is to meet customer's expectation and going the extra miLe to gain customer satisfaction. However, aLL these, have to come right from the heart. You cant force yourseLf to pLay basketbaLL if its footbaLL in your bLood. I muz admit I thoroughLy enjoy serving peopLe, and that is why this job, to me, is not juz about money. It gave me a new Life away from things that have gone from my Life.

ALmost haLf a year on this job, it ain easy. First you get fucked, upside down aLL the time. But it is through the shit that you Learn how not to get it. So I Learnt ..

And untiL yesterday I was once again caught in a picture which wasnt to be. A customer wrote in .. and mayB I did serve her weLL yet peopLe who read the maiL might misunderstand. Doesnt reLi matter becoz I know for every cent I earn, I throughLy deserve for I have given my aLL.

Luck sure is hard, juz as Life itseLf is.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

WishList Number 1 : trip to Germany in June. Ownership Probability : 0

WishList Number 2 : Levi's Engineered Jeans. Ownership Probability : very Low

WishList Number 3 : EMIN3M Curtain CaLL Greatest Hits. Ownership Probability : very High

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Ask me how happiness is speLt,
And I wiLL speLL it for you ..

Ask me how happiness is feLt ..
Im sorry I cant heLp.

I have forgotten.

To Veron,
Im sorry for not picking up ur caLLs. But I reLi cant be a fren that you expect me to be anymore.

To Jaz,
I din mean to work and miss ur bash .. but dun Let me absence ruin any memories you may have.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Good bye 2005 ..

ALoha 2006 .. weLcome to my Life!

And thanks Audrey for being the first Living thing with humanity to wish me a happy new year over MSN. I appreciate ..