Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Office Ladies, teh tarik and endLess workLoad

Ever seen a high cLasz LocaL "bangaLa"?

Datz me. Right now.

For $450 per month in an estabLished company Like Great Eastern, it is super pathetic can? No choice but to work on weekends at adidas as weLL ..

No more books, Lecture notes or dozing during tutoriaLs. No more Late nights struggLing to stuff aLL those concepts into ur head Last minute to pass papers. Itz finaLLy the end of an iLLustrious chapter in my Life.

Do I wish to turn back time? Yes, if I couLd. But they say never to Look back in Life, for it wiLL onLy hoLd you back and sLow your journey down. They say changes are aLways necessary to survive. And they say you have to keep up with the pace of Life or Lose out.

WeLL, I dun give a shit.

I am juz a simpLe guy ..

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I cherish a question Daphne asked me the other day ..

"She has moved on. Have you moved on?"

I pondered, and smiLed back at her ..

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

To aLL happy coupLes out there,

Happy VaLentine's ..
