Wednesday, March 29, 2006
A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.
- Albert Einstein, 1954
- Albert Einstein, 1954
Come to think of it .. a human Lifespan sure is short.
The timeLine of humanity has come a Long way, and aLL we get is Less than a century.
Life begins at 2000. Ends at 2050.
And then?
.. sadLy we are to sLeep for eternity. Darkness .. forever.
Im sorry .. ain a pessimist but juz too deep a thinker. May ur reLigion bring u peace.
Friday, March 24, 2006
The Starfish Story
Jumped upon a postcard with the Starfish Story. Here goes ..
As the oLd man waLked the beach at dawn, he noticed a boy ahead of him picking up starfish and fLinging into the sea.
FinaLLy catching up with the boy, he asked why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish wouLd die if Left untiL the morning sun.
"But the beach goes for miLes and there are miLLions of starfish," said the oLd man. "How can your effort make any difference?"
The boy Looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it safeLy into the waves. "It makes a difference to this one," he said.
.. man, when did I become such a Learnt one?
Days back, was at CMPB a.k.a Army caLL-up centre. Saw the good oLd faces that I've seen a few times throughout my visits there. Met the doctor, he said my case was rare - peopLe go to him to downgrade whiLe I appeaL to be upgraded for combat units.
No, I'm not crazy .. I cant Live on $350 per month working in an army office for two fucked up years.
WeLL, aLL thanks to my fucked up hand.
Tomorrow to visit another doctor in the hospitaL. Hope a miracLe happens ..
Jumped upon a postcard with the Starfish Story. Here goes ..
As the oLd man waLked the beach at dawn, he noticed a boy ahead of him picking up starfish and fLinging into the sea.
FinaLLy catching up with the boy, he asked why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish wouLd die if Left untiL the morning sun.
"But the beach goes for miLes and there are miLLions of starfish," said the oLd man. "How can your effort make any difference?"
The boy Looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it safeLy into the waves. "It makes a difference to this one," he said.
.. man, when did I become such a Learnt one?
Days back, was at CMPB a.k.a Army caLL-up centre. Saw the good oLd faces that I've seen a few times throughout my visits there. Met the doctor, he said my case was rare - peopLe go to him to downgrade whiLe I appeaL to be upgraded for combat units.
No, I'm not crazy .. I cant Live on $350 per month working in an army office for two fucked up years.
WeLL, aLL thanks to my fucked up hand.
Tomorrow to visit another doctor in the hospitaL. Hope a miracLe happens ..
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Days back I wrote about this kind gaL from "Sunshine Home" ..
Ok, I saw her again.
Sunday was an extremeLy Low day for me due to some reasons. Maybe dat was why I did not put in effort for the team. I apoLogise for the defeat. WiLL make it up this weekend.
Straight after footbaLL, I went to work @ Suntec adidas. As night came, the crowd was beginning to die down at around nine. It was this time I saw her right outside the store near the escaLator. Juz Like the first time, she was ever enthusiastic ..
So I stood cLoser to the entrance and there was this urge to caLL her out. But it'd be siLLy coz she wun even recognise me.
And so, I got into the storeroom, grabbed my M&M's coin can and went out of the store. I approached her. She smiLed and went tru the same introduction and stuff .. It was then I toLd her I had met her at Orchard and donated through her before. ImmediateLy after spotting the M&M's can, she remembered me. Anyway gave her aLL my coins yet again, this time itz around three bucks.
I asked for her name and enquired about the donation thingy. WeLL, it wasnt "Sunshine Home" .. The box was mereLy sponsored by Gardenia bread and I mistook it for Sunshine with the bread Logo on the box. And the donation drive was for one-room eLderLy peopLe who Lived aLong Red HiLL that faced financiaL difficuLties.
Her name is Sarah ..
Days back I wrote about this kind gaL from "Sunshine Home" ..
Ok, I saw her again.
Sunday was an extremeLy Low day for me due to some reasons. Maybe dat was why I did not put in effort for the team. I apoLogise for the defeat. WiLL make it up this weekend.
Straight after footbaLL, I went to work @ Suntec adidas. As night came, the crowd was beginning to die down at around nine. It was this time I saw her right outside the store near the escaLator. Juz Like the first time, she was ever enthusiastic ..
So I stood cLoser to the entrance and there was this urge to caLL her out. But it'd be siLLy coz she wun even recognise me.
And so, I got into the storeroom, grabbed my M&M's coin can and went out of the store. I approached her. She smiLed and went tru the same introduction and stuff .. It was then I toLd her I had met her at Orchard and donated through her before. ImmediateLy after spotting the M&M's can, she remembered me. Anyway gave her aLL my coins yet again, this time itz around three bucks.
I asked for her name and enquired about the donation thingy. WeLL, it wasnt "Sunshine Home" .. The box was mereLy sponsored by Gardenia bread and I mistook it for Sunshine with the bread Logo on the box. And the donation drive was for one-room eLderLy peopLe who Lived aLong Red HiLL that faced financiaL difficuLties.
Her name is Sarah ..
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Standing at the Crossroad
At dawn, I had to go down for NationaL Service medicaL checkup. It is not the first time .. but this time round, I had a terribLe diLemma ..
For Laymen, the medicaL checkup is required to gauge your LeveL of medicaL fitness for NationaL Service. PeopLe with medicaL history wiLL not be Liable for "honourabLe" units Like Commando or Diver or Guards or Air Force.
Sitting by the registration counter, I had to decide whether to decLare my wrist fractured before. I had an easier decision six months back, for I knew the path on the crossroad that I wouLd take. Itz different now .. I have a different route, a different choice and a different Life to Lead. For once furthering of studies is on my mind.
Do I decLare and spend the next two years sitting in an office? Then I can study part time. Or do I not decLare and I head to the battLefieLds with a choice of signing on in the poLice .. providing me with more financiaL stabiLity?
Never have things been as tough to decide as now ..
WeLL, things were so much simpLier for me .. in the past.
At dawn, I had to go down for NationaL Service medicaL checkup. It is not the first time .. but this time round, I had a terribLe diLemma ..
For Laymen, the medicaL checkup is required to gauge your LeveL of medicaL fitness for NationaL Service. PeopLe with medicaL history wiLL not be Liable for "honourabLe" units Like Commando or Diver or Guards or Air Force.
Sitting by the registration counter, I had to decide whether to decLare my wrist fractured before. I had an easier decision six months back, for I knew the path on the crossroad that I wouLd take. Itz different now .. I have a different route, a different choice and a different Life to Lead. For once furthering of studies is on my mind.
Do I decLare and spend the next two years sitting in an office? Then I can study part time. Or do I not decLare and I head to the battLefieLds with a choice of signing on in the poLice .. providing me with more financiaL stabiLity?
Never have things been as tough to decide as now ..
WeLL, things were so much simpLier for me .. in the past.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Bumping into an AngeL
Decided to take a good waLk downtown right after work .. thus hitched a bus head Orchard. WaLk and waLk I did .. nothing seemed to be interesting coz my feet were damn heavy with the cLumpsy bLack Leather shoes and Im fucking shagged.
Thought Guowei was working today @ Paragon but was not to be. So waLked down Scotts. Then tru the crowd from a distance I saw a gaL trying to convince an Indian coupLe for donation. The Indian man dropped some cash into the box that was strapped across the gaL's abdomen. As I drew cLoser, the Indian coupLe Left and she turned whiLe I Looked at her for a moment and tried to shun away.
The next instance she approached me ..
"Hi Sir .. I'm ******* heLping out at the Sunshine Home ..."
She took out some photos from the side of the rectanguLar box with her and some eLderLy. This gaL was in a typicaL Junior CoLLege sporty Look with a poLo tee and pair of Nike shoes. As she spoke, aLL I can do was to Listen right? And so I did .. no dun get me wrong, I wasnt mesmerised by beauty, but in her I saw one of the most sincere faces ever in my Life. I have met countLess peopLe doing such charity stuff but it was juz a different situation in that particuLar moment. I had to donate, I thought.
For $10 donation I can get to keep a compLimentary pen .. but I toLd her I wiLL give her my shiLLings. I guesz she was probabLy expecting a cent or two but she stiLL smiLed gratefuLLy. As I took out my M&M's mini can where I kept my coins, probabLy she wanted to say it was cute but she kept it in a formaL way. I smiLed and dropped aLL of my coins, totaLLy $2.20.
"Thank you so much, Sir .. good day!"
She continued to approach the passing peopLe .. as I waLked away I turned back and Looked once more.
It was a beautifuL moment to reminiscent.
WhiLe i carried on waLking in front of me was an oLd Lady seLLing tissue. I din hesitate to take out another doLLar for one packet. Funny isnt it? I've never bought any tissue from peopLe on the street before and today .. I juz did.
Having bought a bottLe of drink from 7-eLeven .. I took the same path. She was stiLL there, but of coz, I dun expect her to recognise me, neither did I try to attract any attention. She caLLed out to two MaLay uncLes and waved goodbye. They were cLeaners of that stretch of road. And then she disappeared down the escaLator.
I cant heLp but keep thinking of the photos .. she is happy .. the eLderLy peopLe are too!
This day .. I was touched, deep down.
Decided to take a good waLk downtown right after work .. thus hitched a bus head Orchard. WaLk and waLk I did .. nothing seemed to be interesting coz my feet were damn heavy with the cLumpsy bLack Leather shoes and Im fucking shagged.
Thought Guowei was working today @ Paragon but was not to be. So waLked down Scotts. Then tru the crowd from a distance I saw a gaL trying to convince an Indian coupLe for donation. The Indian man dropped some cash into the box that was strapped across the gaL's abdomen. As I drew cLoser, the Indian coupLe Left and she turned whiLe I Looked at her for a moment and tried to shun away.
The next instance she approached me ..
"Hi Sir .. I'm ******* heLping out at the Sunshine Home ..."
She took out some photos from the side of the rectanguLar box with her and some eLderLy. This gaL was in a typicaL Junior CoLLege sporty Look with a poLo tee and pair of Nike shoes. As she spoke, aLL I can do was to Listen right? And so I did .. no dun get me wrong, I wasnt mesmerised by beauty, but in her I saw one of the most sincere faces ever in my Life. I have met countLess peopLe doing such charity stuff but it was juz a different situation in that particuLar moment. I had to donate, I thought.
For $10 donation I can get to keep a compLimentary pen .. but I toLd her I wiLL give her my shiLLings. I guesz she was probabLy expecting a cent or two but she stiLL smiLed gratefuLLy. As I took out my M&M's mini can where I kept my coins, probabLy she wanted to say it was cute but she kept it in a formaL way. I smiLed and dropped aLL of my coins, totaLLy $2.20.
"Thank you so much, Sir .. good day!"
She continued to approach the passing peopLe .. as I waLked away I turned back and Looked once more.
It was a beautifuL moment to reminiscent.
WhiLe i carried on waLking in front of me was an oLd Lady seLLing tissue. I din hesitate to take out another doLLar for one packet. Funny isnt it? I've never bought any tissue from peopLe on the street before and today .. I juz did.
Having bought a bottLe of drink from 7-eLeven .. I took the same path. She was stiLL there, but of coz, I dun expect her to recognise me, neither did I try to attract any attention. She caLLed out to two MaLay uncLes and waved goodbye. They were cLeaners of that stretch of road. And then she disappeared down the escaLator.
I cant heLp but keep thinking of the photos .. she is happy .. the eLderLy peopLe are too!
This day .. I was touched, deep down.
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