Tuesday, May 30, 2006


At aLL times in our Singaporean minds, Paris is a beautifuL city .. The EiffeL Tower .. Notre Damm Church .. The Arc .. Champs-ELysee .. Luis Vuitton .. romantic evenings ..

Yes. everything that you have imagined, are true for they are what I have seen, but not wat I have experienced.

When I came back, I toLd Mummy Khing, that Paris ain as beautifuL as we aLL can imagine, so dirty, fuLL of shit (its true). PeopLe pee on streets in broad dayLight, dogs can poo at any corner except on grass patches and damn dry, dusty air. On any freezing Late night, standing by a corner on the street whiLe waiting for ur frenz to come back from pubbing, you are deemed as a suspected drug addict. You get fuLL bodychecked by the patroLLing LocaL poLice who confidentLy thought they are gonna find something, ended up finding no drugs but some EiffeL Tower keychains, and Last but not Least getting accused of being the seLLer of the keychains. Man, I may be yeLLow-skinned, but I am not any desperate for money or drugs.

They have got it aLL wrong, compLeteLy and totaLLy.

That night, my worst night in Life I swear. I have never been as humiLiated as before. If they think the coLd wasnt enough, I thank them for giving me so much to make history in a chapter of my Life.

Fucking French cops.

Maybe I am not in the right pLace at aLL. Paris ain the pLace for Lone rangers.

Mummy Khing said, "The beauty of Paris can onLy been seen through the eyes of the Love one .."

Nuff said.

But my week in Paris ain spoiLed by juz one night. I enjoyed pLaying footbaLL with the French men; they are good, passionate peopLe. I joined a group of boys near EiffeL Tower that day and it was interesting to see more peopLe joining as evening arrives, kids of five or six years, peopLe who kuz knocked off from work, juz finished Lessons and they came to pLay, juz to pLay.

FootbaLL, became the common Language.

One asked if I am BraziLian. I said no, Im from Singapore and I cud see a question mark as high as EiffeL Tower Looming above his head. WeLL, no French wiLL know where Singapore is unLess it was by accident they had to use magnifying gLass for Geography Lesson. Either that, or they have very good generaL knowLedge.

Paris evenings ain that speciaL, juz normaL. You see coupLes spending quaLity time together .. you see big groups of frenz coming together catching up with one another .. you see a very beautifuL sky which you cannot see anywhere eLse in Singapore .. but, you feeL juz Like a video recorder. Itz aLL but recorded inside my head.

to be continued ..

Sunday, May 28, 2006

FinaL moments to the end of an experience, and fareweLL to Frankfurt.

A day in Frankfurt, thanks to two Hong Kong Ladies, my face is in the background.

On the train to Frankfurt. a thousand compLeteLy different pictures can be taken tru out the journey at the same position. Here's 9 of them.

FareweLL to DaryL Marc, embarkment to Frankfurt on train.

FinaL evening in Stuttgart.

Dawn in Stuttgart.

Stuttgart city.

Tour to Mercedes Museum and WorLd Cup stadium of Stuttgart.

Day 2 in Stuttgart sees the arrivaL of DaryL Marc.

WeLcome to Stuttgart, Germany. Time : 11p.m. PLace : train station. Status : a Lost man, who then found a way to a youth hosteL in an hour.

MouLin Rouge, daiLy kebab meaLs and the mini Smart car.

A waLk tru the finaL evening in Paris, a memoriaL FLame torch in memory of Princess Diana's tragic death, behind the torch is the tunneL where she died.

Nazi, magazine, condom machine and others.

Paris 17.05.2006 .. Champions League finaL in Paris : BarceLona vs ArsenaL.

Paris 17.05.2006 ..


NapoLean's (1769-1821) RIP pLace.

Champs-eLysee of Paris = Orchard Road of Singapore

Museum of bLah bLah ..

Arc de Triompant (Arc of Triumph)

HistoricaL monuments Less centre picture.

Mona Lisa originaL.

Louvre museum featuring arts from Leonardo Da Vinci.

Notre Dame church.

The city subway, River Seine and congress.

Paris from Above.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Leaving on a JetpLane

As I'm writing these, aLso am waiting for my fLight at Changi Airport TerminaL. FLight wouLd be in an hour's time and for the first time, I feeL totaL independance.

Throught the past few days, time wasnt reLi sufficient on my side. Not even now as I am using the internet service with 3 minutes out of the 15 minutes I am entitLed to use. Anyway, be away for about two weeks so guys, pLease take good care of urseLves.

To Renee and Co., I enjoyed the chaLet even though I have to rush.

To Guo Ann, dude, stay strong. We wiLL stand by you through Life and this I promise you.

To evry other one, cya soon.

TiL then, au revoir.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Happy burfday Mr Cunt (you know who you are)

Serangoon Stadium as at 11p.m, 6th May 2006.

Virgin voting ticket, dated 6th May, 2006.

Serangoon Stadium, fuLL of whites and white fLags.

The Members of ParLiament of ALjunied GRC arriving at the "PAP Camp" ..

BG George Yeo of ALjunied GRC, my constituency's member of ParLiament.

Interviews , and interviews ..

Cameras, microphones and Lots of media attention.

Standing right behind the Live camera with the winning party of JaLan Besar GRC.

MediaCorp's reporters at the scene. FamiLiar arent they?

The JaLan Besar PAP contingent.

For those who know, yes, this is the gorgeous Ms LiLy Neo, member of ParLiament for JaLan Besar GRC.

"ALjunied .. PAP .. ALjunied .. PAP .."

Chaotic situation after PAP won ALjunied GRC.

The Last announcement of resuLt of the GeneraL ELections beLonged to ALjunied, where PAP won by juz a mere 53%.

The empty stage at the end of the evening ..

The entrance, and exit.

1a.m .. at the end of the eLection resuLts.
GeneraL ELections 2006

Woke up earLy and went down to the nearby schooL to cast my vote for the much taLkabout constituency of ALjunied. First time voting and of course there is quite a bit of hoo-ha over everything man.

The process took me haLf an hour. Queue, take poLL card and LastLy cast my vote for either the ruLing PAP or the opposition Workers' Party. As I opened the poLL card, I became indecisive. Yes, mayB one vote cannot infLuence anything, but it sure add up into the taLLy. Thus, I chose watz best for my neighbourhood peeps ..

Headed straight to work and it wasnt as good a day as I expect it wouLd be. First day being twenty-two, and I had to bear getting fucked by the store supervisor, Mr. Zaabah. If onLy EiLeen was working instead ..

Work is so simiLar to being in the poLitics. You say the wrong thing and datz it. But I dun see what I have said wrong, if that particuLar store-in-charge dun Like to Listen then I shaLL not say to him anymore. But the adidas system has not been any good, not anymore. No more eating in store .. no nothing. WeLfare is not a word found in the adidas management, but the big word, SALES.

A new program coming up, and I have to say it wiLL never be a good motivation for adidas in cuLtivating good teamwork. But weLL, wat can I do? After aLL, I am juz a part-timer.

At the end of the day, on my way home on the bus, I was aLL anticipating the resuLts of the ELections. It was tense, or just me, that when the bus reached Serangoon Stadium I juz aLighted and headed there.

On entering, the sea of whites that surrounded the stadium, aLL eyes were on me, the onLy one in yeLLow and then I reaLised .. god damn shit, this is the PAP's camp!

And so I took out my digitaL camera and with my backpack, I thought I did weLL to pose Like a camera man for some media company. At Least, it made me feeL safer.

So I waLked around the stadium, foLLowed the media made up of reporters and juz snap and snap as the resuLts were announced. It must have been deLiberate to Leave the resuLts of the hot spots Like Potong Pasir, Hougang, Ang Mo Kio and ALjunied right at the back so that it wiLL Look Like a movie with a spectacuLar ending at cLimax.

With due respect to the opposition parties, it is a good thing that PAP has won the majority ParLiament seats and constituencies. NevertheLess the wins of opposition sides in Hougang and Potong Pasir have aLso sent out a signaL to the PAP that they are never perfect, bring them down-to-earth. It was aLso something to see that aLmost 50,000 residents voted for the opposition in Ang Mo Kio, the Prime Minister's constituency! That, foLLowing his remarks that the opposition have a zero chance of winning. WeLL, that shouLd make him sweat a LittLe, or pee-poo in his pants. Be gLad, he did not have to Lose the eLections pants down.

I saLute the Hougang and Potong Pasir peopLe for defying the intense pressure to carry on supporting the opposition. They forsake opportunities such as upgradings and faciLities to come as one in their persistence against the PAP .. and to the two opposition Leaders, Mr. Low Kia Hiang and Mr. Chiam See Tong, kudos ..

At the end of the day, the poser reporter, got back home with a priceLess experience on his first day of his twenty-two years in Life.

.. come to think of it, there were so many votes unaccounted for, mostLy void or cLassified nuLL. And then I remembered .. I ticked in the box ......

A speciaL surprise of the three pictures sent from my Long-time Primary schooLmate, Mic Neo. Thanks so much, babe.

Primary 4 CLass GirLs .. I'm stiLL wondering what I was doing at the background ..

12 Years Ago Part II .. spot me if you can.

Friday, May 05, 2006


I thank the foLLowing peopLe for your kind gestures ..

Jean for trying to caLL me at midnight sharp but the caLL was never picked up.

Veron, Jeffery, Lee Ling jie, Gwen, Zhanrong for ur smm-es.

Audrey, Sam and May, who sent greetings via MSN.

SheiLey for ur sincere effort two weeks back when I cried woLf about the fake burfday.

Auntie Doris for your emaiL from Brunei.

I appreciate ..

Turning 22 ain any big deaL, it is juz a number. Looking back in Life I think I have Lived my Life fuLL the past year especiaLLy.

To you,

I dunnoe why out of four miLLion peopLe I have to bump into you on my birthday eve. Even though it was that few seconds moment, I am gLad to see you weLL and fine. Be happy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Progress Package, PAP and the PeopLe

I wouLd Like to say a big thank you to the Government for giving us such a big "angbao" even though the Chinese New Year had passed Like eons ago.

But, why at such a good timing just before GeneraL eLection? Hmm ..

PAP, the PeopLe's Action Party a.k.a the Government stated its goaL to win a cLean sweep of aLL the constituencies and it is of course a possibiLity. So, does the Progress Package pLay a part in determining the PeopLe's decision in voting? WeLL, it may .. for most peopLe are born foLLowers. They foLLow, where good stuff are reaped upon them. They foLLow, for aLL their Lives they have been foLLowing. They foLLow, just because they cannot do anything eLse but foLLow. That makes up aLmost 80% of the peopLe.

The remaining minority, are made up of deep thinkers, disgruntLed peopLe Like nine of of ten cab drivers and heavy vehicLe drivers, and peopLe who do not Like to foLLow the system. I, respect them, for they are the few who have a mind of their own.

Maybe I shouLd not be writing that much, having Learnt a Lesson or two from history, where some individuaLs who speak a LittLe too much, get sued and went bankrupt. But where is the maturity and freedom of speech? If every singLe word said are to be brought up to court, who wiLL want to stand up and form a constructive opposition?

And so Singapore is opening up? I wonder ..