Destiny @ Fingertip
Many a time, we are aLL caught in scenarios, or situations whereby we have to react. And how we often react, we are divided by two or more choices in making a finaL decision. Sometimes we react, and then Look back in regret. Otherwise, we move on and the whoLe shit is forgotten.
But most of us dun reaLise how powerfuL each and every action we take is. One smaLL LittLe move wiLL unknowningLy change the whoLe picture of the future, of not just one ownseLf, but everyone around.
Take for exampLe, on this day, I decide to take the bus. After I hop I take the front seat. At the next stop, some passengers board. They move to the back as the front is aLready occupied. If I have made another decision to take a cab, then the events that happen wiLL totaLLy be different not just for myseLf, but many, many peopLe thereafter. Now can you see how powerfuL your actions can be? As a matter of fact, every singLe person in me and you, can change the course of Life of another. Do make the best out of it, for destiny is right at your fingertip.
Years ago when he was a LittLe boy and I was a secondary schooL kid with the "watever" attitude and fun was the onLy thing I knew, I did not even make any effort to communicate with him. I remembered, he used to ask me about footbaLL and I found him pretty annoying. He was a bright boy but I was never bothered about his Life. For the foLLowing years he got into bad company and that's it, too Late to be even bothered coz he couLd change for the better anymore.
As of yesterday, he is sentenced to jaiL for gLue sniffing.
As his brother, I am aLL to bLame, reaLLy.
FaiLure is a norm in my Life for dunnoe since when, seriousLy.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Imagine ..
On a good day, you and your friends decided to pLay snooker. As there were five peopLe, you guys then had to rotate to pLay. ALright you were the Last in queue, and then you watch your four other mates pLay whiLe waiting ..
FinaLLy your turn came! You arranged the baLLs gLeefuLLy, your opponent friend kick-started the game. "Bang!"
The baLLs spread .. and then baLL number 8, went right into the corner pocket.
How wouLd u feeL to be waiting for ur turn, and the game ended, without you even striking a singLe shot?
Their Laughter fiLLed the pLace. I stood there dumbfounded for seconds before returning to my seat.
I am sooooo fucking suay!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
My Bad
Taiwan is a reaLLy beautifuL country.
But since it is a free country, there ain strict Laws to ban Littering and sorts ..
PeopLe practicaLLy Litter, everywhere. One factor being the Lack of Litter bins around. Thus, once foreigners got adapted to the Life here, they Litter too, very naturaLLy. Today, I Littered. I do not mean it though. Sorry Mother Nature .. I apoLogise.
In Paris, peopLe are so open, they pee on any corner on the street. Last year during my trip on a certain evening, I was unabLe to find a toiLet and thus found myseLf one aLLey and answered the caLL of nature. I know it is ungLam but I juz happen to get reminded ..
.. coz I did it again today on a Taiwanese street ..
My .. bad.
Taiwan is a reaLLy beautifuL country.
But since it is a free country, there ain strict Laws to ban Littering and sorts ..
PeopLe practicaLLy Litter, everywhere. One factor being the Lack of Litter bins around. Thus, once foreigners got adapted to the Life here, they Litter too, very naturaLLy. Today, I Littered. I do not mean it though. Sorry Mother Nature .. I apoLogise.
In Paris, peopLe are so open, they pee on any corner on the street. Last year during my trip on a certain evening, I was unabLe to find a toiLet and thus found myseLf one aLLey and answered the caLL of nature. I know it is ungLam but I juz happen to get reminded ..
.. coz I did it again today on a Taiwanese street ..
My .. bad.
Whenever home comes to my mind, I find it absoLuteLy consoLing to have around me great, fun guys that, in the present, are Like a famiLy to me. Brothers, buddies, datz whay they caLL in the army.
But here in Taiwan, what we have is a unique reLationship.
ALmost 24/7, we stay together under one roof. We eat together. We work together. We fuck each other (no, not brokeback-styLe). ALthough we dun say or show it in the face as Men, I know, for once, that each one of us wiLL definiteLy miss the company on the day we return back to Singapore.
I'd Like to extend my appreciation to the LoveLy chefs who has been feeding me weLL, so much better than others.
You guys rock, seriousLy.
"Li ma bang bang mang La!"
Whenever home comes to my mind, I find it absoLuteLy consoLing to have around me great, fun guys that, in the present, are Like a famiLy to me. Brothers, buddies, datz whay they caLL in the army.
But here in Taiwan, what we have is a unique reLationship.
ALmost 24/7, we stay together under one roof. We eat together. We work together. We fuck each other (no, not brokeback-styLe). ALthough we dun say or show it in the face as Men, I know, for once, that each one of us wiLL definiteLy miss the company on the day we return back to Singapore.
I'd Like to extend my appreciation to the LoveLy chefs who has been feeding me weLL, so much better than others.
You guys rock, seriousLy.
"Li ma bang bang mang La!"
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Shit, finaLLy after Like a week without the internet, here I am again, bLogging. Since my beLoved companion, Lappie, reported sick and have since been sent for checkup, therefore it is back to basics ; inserting coins @ the mess for internet service ..
What have I done so far in the past week .. weLL most memorabLe wouLd be a reaLLy interesting 4-day tour to Taichung with the two insane chef friends of mine, nameLy Jerms and ImmanueL. The tour was made so much more budget as we "A"- ed (earned) free Lodging and transport from Jerm's LocaL friend, Wang Xin-yi, born of pure Taichung bLood. Legend has it that through Taiwan, the most beautifuL girLs are Located in Taichung, and an eye-opener it was for the three of us, "The BeteLs" (named after the renown fruit in Taiwan)
Very ironicaLLy, the itinerary for each tour I had incLuded a visit to the LocaL University, and to think I am not even University-quaLified. At the Tung Hai University, schooL of Xin-yi, I finaLLy met my passion of which I had soreLy missed - footbaLL. We pLayed a game with the students there, and we exceLLed onLy tiL the finaL game which I doubt Jerms wouLd wish to remember.
Other than the University visit, Xin-yi drove us to the famous shopping spots, and aLso the beautifuL night niew of Taichung up at a sort of cLiff area. It is aLso said that Taichung is the most romantic city in Taiwan, with the great night Life of nightcLubs and high-cLass moteLs, savorous food in restarants at midnight and many, many spots with spLendid night view of the city for coupLes to create the moments they want.
At the end of the fourth day, I had Left earLier than the other two "BeteLs" to head for Kaohsiung for my beLoved Lappie's repair, and, on the way, for a LittLe meet-up with the two gaLs, WY & PL. We spent the few hours having dinner and to the newLy opened shopping centre, Dream WorLd, where the top is buiLt with a gigantic ferris wheeL. In Taiwan, if you ask a girL up the ferris wheeL and she agrees, it means a reLationship has started. WeLL, no we ain on a 3-some and we did not join the Long queue to go up ya?
ALright it was back to same oLd shit in camp and work .. work and work tiL you drop. I am drained, but at Long Last the nightmare wouLd soon be over.
I miss home .. and I wiLL be back soon.
Shit, finaLLy after Like a week without the internet, here I am again, bLogging. Since my beLoved companion, Lappie, reported sick and have since been sent for checkup, therefore it is back to basics ; inserting coins @ the mess for internet service ..
What have I done so far in the past week .. weLL most memorabLe wouLd be a reaLLy interesting 4-day tour to Taichung with the two insane chef friends of mine, nameLy Jerms and ImmanueL. The tour was made so much more budget as we "A"- ed (earned) free Lodging and transport from Jerm's LocaL friend, Wang Xin-yi, born of pure Taichung bLood. Legend has it that through Taiwan, the most beautifuL girLs are Located in Taichung, and an eye-opener it was for the three of us, "The BeteLs" (named after the renown fruit in Taiwan)
Very ironicaLLy, the itinerary for each tour I had incLuded a visit to the LocaL University, and to think I am not even University-quaLified. At the Tung Hai University, schooL of Xin-yi, I finaLLy met my passion of which I had soreLy missed - footbaLL. We pLayed a game with the students there, and we exceLLed onLy tiL the finaL game which I doubt Jerms wouLd wish to remember.
Other than the University visit, Xin-yi drove us to the famous shopping spots, and aLso the beautifuL night niew of Taichung up at a sort of cLiff area. It is aLso said that Taichung is the most romantic city in Taiwan, with the great night Life of nightcLubs and high-cLass moteLs, savorous food in restarants at midnight and many, many spots with spLendid night view of the city for coupLes to create the moments they want.
At the end of the fourth day, I had Left earLier than the other two "BeteLs" to head for Kaohsiung for my beLoved Lappie's repair, and, on the way, for a LittLe meet-up with the two gaLs, WY & PL. We spent the few hours having dinner and to the newLy opened shopping centre, Dream WorLd, where the top is buiLt with a gigantic ferris wheeL. In Taiwan, if you ask a girL up the ferris wheeL and she agrees, it means a reLationship has started. WeLL, no we ain on a 3-some and we did not join the Long queue to go up ya?
ALright it was back to same oLd shit in camp and work .. work and work tiL you drop. I am drained, but at Long Last the nightmare wouLd soon be over.
I miss home .. and I wiLL be back soon.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Shot Right Through
Everytime I taLk .. I dun think twice. Things that come to my head, come to my mouth. That probabLy expLains why some peopLe find it hard to understand that some things I say do not contain the intention of stereotyping the individuaLs invoLved.
Now I reaLise I have to controL my speech at times .. and think, and be so much Less ignorant.
Life is a Learning curve.
Everytime I taLk .. I dun think twice. Things that come to my head, come to my mouth. That probabLy expLains why some peopLe find it hard to understand that some things I say do not contain the intention of stereotyping the individuaLs invoLved.
Now I reaLise I have to controL my speech at times .. and think, and be so much Less ignorant.
Life is a Learning curve.
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