Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Tour That Twist

On Tuesday evening once my work had finished, I set off to Kaohsiung on my backpack. InitiaLLy the Kaohsiung gaLs had pLanned on a trip to ALishan from Wednesday morning, so I decided I wouLd go stay in their hosteL overnight to avoid having to wake up before the cocks cry out Loud.

Then on the way, they messaged me with regards to canceLLing the trip. I was a bit sian 1/2 but thought it was embarassing to go back camp again and be the Laughing stock of the night. So the tour of ALishan was changed to the tour of Kaohsiung (with PL & WY). The bad news was juz the beginning of a nightmare. Upon reaching the city, I boarded the right bus that heads the wrong direction. Instead of arriving at the University, I was brought out to the suburbs and had to haiL a cab then, paying unecessary money, since the Last bus had gone. And so at about midnight, I made it to the Zhong Shan University pLus a ten minute "traiL waLking" through a Long tunneL, up thousands of steps and finaLLy I arrived at where I was supposed to.

PL picked me and Led me up to their hosteL Living room where they were hoLding a ceLebration for some reasons Like frens Leaving and end of exams and stuff. At the doorstep the first person I saw was Sunny, the Korean girL I have been hearing of, and as I stuck out my hand to shake hers, she juz puLLed me straight into the middLe of the Living room, urging me to sing .. ok, I waved to everyone, and then waLked to one side. It was by far, one of the rare shy moments in my Life, I swear! It din end there, Sunny puLLed me in again. So, I went around shaking everyone's hands. There are about cLose to two dozen peeps with different nationaLities. They pLayed guitar, sang songs and shared Laughs and tears and games and stuff, and that moment was cooL.

Singapore, MaLaysia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Canada .. united.

Had a LittLe chat with one the Japanese girLs and I was reaLLy surprised at her knowLedge for the Chinese Language. The Canadian, Gareth if Im not wrong, is one LoveLy guy who speaks a LittLe Chinese as weLL and he's reaLLy good, as a caucasian. Itz a pity not knowing these peopLe earLier coz itz reaLLy interesting to hear about them speak of their experiences and wat they tink about certain things, peopLe and pLaces.

So Wednesday morning we sent Max, from Hong Kong and a two-day oLd fren of mine, off from the airport. FYI, their exchange program ends right about now and a few days time. Tears, emotions and warmth was wat went tru for them. The rest of the day, juz waLking around the city with six girLs. Man, I shud have known better, they are .. women .. and women shop and shop and shop .. but it was cooL, too. So here I am in the hosteL using WY's Lappie.

In juz a coupLe of days, these two oLd frenz wiLL be back home again. For now though, the girLs are doLLing up, after which we'LL cLub the night away ..

This is Long, reporting LIVE from Zhong Shan University, Kaohsiung.

PS : ok the Panamanian girL staying in the hosteL next door is reaLLy, reaLLy hot!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday BLues

Itz amazing wat u can see and do underwater.

A dip after a dive is perfect, but it wun have happened if not for the grace of our dear instructor. FYI, swimming pooLs are an absoLute rarity in Taiwan and to use one Like this costs NT100 = SGD5 ..

This photo is beautifuL, no I ain part of it watsoever.

Ok thats Fabian on my back.

And so officiaLLy, I got my License to dive in Open waters on this day after cLocking four dives. Though a LittLe Later than the other three due to work commitment, Des Tan, Heng and Jerms are constantLy reminding me that they are my "seniors".

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Read, Reading, Read, Read

After years of procrastination, I have finaLLy finished one book.

The titLe is "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch ALbom.

A second book is on the way, titLed " The ALchemist" by PauLo CoeLho.

Not that I wanna prove I'm studious, but that itz been a whiLe since the Last one. Reading is an enjoyment, or rather it was, to me, during secondary schooL. WeLL this couLd be a good addiction if it does happen, again!

MicheLLe Tan is definiteLy crazy about Africa so much so she wanna honeymoon in Egypt and the Savanna PLains. We'd been up the whoLe night taLking about pLaces and she is trueLy one up-and-coming adventurer in the making.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Breathe ..

As free as I aLways am here in Taiwan, I took time to Look back at softcopy photos of the past. These photos were Left in the desktop at home and it was onLy when I came back for hoLidays that I copied them over to my personaL notebook.

Going through them one by one, they bring about nostaLgia. There were photos when I don in Long thick hair during PoLy days and when I spent most of the time with PrisciLLa and Qianyi. There were those great fun moments in Sentosa with the "Hai Sing" gaLs. There were amusing photos from the team, more noticeabLy is Kenneth when he was at Least 90kg heavy and there were the photos from my first (and Last) reLationship aLmost coming two years back.

I come to reaLise, there are so many emotions I've not feLt for a Long, Long time. Maybe you can say I am ageing .. or maybe .. I have simpLy forgotten how to be very, very happy. No dun get me wrong, I am pretty happy now. However something juz seems to be Lacking ..

WeLL, keep breathing .. datz aLL I can do for now.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Up the Lorry ..

Kao .. caught by the instructor cheating in theory .. but stiLL managed to pass.

Life underwater ..

Fantastic 4 ..

WeLL my phobia for deep water can be said to have been conquered .. now for heights .. bungy? Where thee I find it?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

De Dudes' Day

The man's got to have what the man's got to .. a happy Father's Day to aLL who owns chiLdren.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 13, 14

No it ain important .. the bottomLine is I have arrived in Taiwan yet again for the next haLf a year.

How wouLd it be Like .. and adventure? A disaster? A bore? A fairytaLe? Or a mishap?

Anything can happen to anyone anytime anywhere .. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

Up next .. diving!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day 11, 12

Shopping spree with the three dudes of whom I wouLd cLassify under "primary schooL friends". For pretty much of the afternoon and evening we hunted for great buys from Wisma to Cathay, ransacking every singLe corner we can find in each of the shopping maLL. Ended up, onLy to buy the best buy of the year @ GAP. Seventy-percent off retaiL price is more than juz a bargain. It gotta be considered a booty!

At ten, the magicaL shopping moments ended. I headed to Boat Quay and met up with the same booze gang in Renee, MicheLLe and Gwen. This night, they got me. This night, you wouLd have seen two MerLions by the Singapore River ..

.. one of which, was me. ThankfuLLy I din do any siLLy stuff other than caLLing out at babes at the pub and yeLLing at pedestrians whiLe on I-forgot-his-name 's car ..

It was absoLuteLy terribLe .. and to think I even wanna spend the next morning with my number one Love. ALright to those who I aLways preach to abstain from aLcohoL, I think, you can do a pot caLLing the kettLe bLack now.

Hours Later however this morning, I forced myseLf up for my Love. The spinning was wearing off but the aLcohoL's stiLL stirring right inside of me. Freaking sucky ..

Then it was footbaLL, Lunch, footbaLL, dinner and back to this rectanguLar screen right in front of me.

So what's a hangover? FootbaLL simpLy overwheLms it!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Did I forget to mention aLL the punching and pinching and waLLet grabbing from a girL who Looks refine ..

Note : LOOKS ..
Day 10

Make it 10 out of 10 for Day 10 ..

Had an enjoyabLe outing with MicheL @ DFS. FYI, we had onLy met onLy once before at a chaLet and today being the second, Like she said, we were Like oLd frenz.

I am aLways Lousy with dates. Today's no exception. Was a LittLe Late and din know where to go and stuff. End up watching a movie and having a LittLe waLk around town .. but guesz the gist of it aLL was catching up with each other in person.

Ok evening was reserved for the one and onLy .. footbaLL. I Love it. Thought was the Last before I Leave, but the guys were reaLLy great in organising one more session on Monday evening, just for me!

Appreciated man ..

Tuesday afternoon wouLd be juz Like six months ago. A disappearance of six fuLL months untiL the end of the year. Letz juz pray that everything goes fine and Let me be back for good to enjoy what I caLL precious moments .. that is to breathe, to see, to hear, to feeL and to Live with each and everyone that revoLves around me.

I ain emo .. but weLL I Love my Life.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Day 8, 9

An afternoon meaL with Yuan (Peiyun's bro) was foLLowed by a short nap at the NationaL Library. I was dead beat, and I mean dead. So much so, I headed to the corner, grabbed one book and sat by one side dozing off.

The evening was with the guys yet again. Had wanna meet up with my cousin and EtheLing but they seem to take forever making me wait. It was untiL hours Later that my cousin handed me a box from Donut Factory that I reaLised why .. it was LoveLy ..

I never knew of the Donut Factory's existence and how it does business. But peopLe said the queue takes proLLy about 3-ish hours and each person is onLy entitLed two dozen or two boxes rather. Thankew soo much to my sweet cousin!

Thursday was much a famiLy affair. Visited my brother at Changi prison. My Mom reckoned he'd been Looking forward to this day as they onLy get to see famiLy members face-to-face through gLass paneL once a month. For twenty minutes we chat.

Next destination was a visit to the bishan tempLe (shit I forgot the name of that tempLe). Paid respects to my grandma. Then got down to Chinatown before heading down to AMK Hub meetup with the J's .. Jaz and Jo and speciaL appearance by Mu Niu. Had New York New York and it was pretty cooL. Decided to skip Fidah's bash @ DBO's .. Leaving EtheL in the Lurch. Sorry owe you one ..

Datz aLL .. coming up Day 10 ..

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Day 6, 7

Nothing much but taking fuLL day naps and evening footbaLLs. Went to Sengkang that evening and surprised the MaLays were on seeing me. As usuaL, everyone said I grew bigger.

On one particuLar day, I had taken train to Dhoby Ghaut for transfer to city haLL area. At Dhoby Ghaut whiLst reLaxing on the traveLator, I saw on those piLLars, the posters of current bLockbuster, Pirates of Carribean. And then I saw the foLLowing words in boLd on each and every one of them .. "WELCOME TO SINGAPORE" ...

That's one sentence Chow Yun Fatt had said in that movie, and amazingLy it seemed to be everything to whoever feeLs itz something. Ok .. itz good to be proud of Singapore but maybe not every LittLe thing ..

On the contrary, it couLd weLL be a tourism tooL used to teLL visitors our name is on the movie.

Itz a LittLe exaggerated though. I doubt the worLd wiLL even notice this one sentence so vividLy.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Cost of a LittLe Friendship

SGD$350 .. that's how much the vaLue of our friendship is, onLy you and I.

You can avoid us, but for how Long?

Took you as a friend, more than a friend. But no, it ain that anymore.

We're juz acquaintances in the journey of Life.

Thank you for that ..

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Chinese Tea - How It Is Drunk .. first Lift the Lid, then use it to stir gentLy the tea stock by carressing the tea. Next pLace the Lid back to hoLd the tea stock and vioLa! You hoLd the tea cup in one hand the other supporting the Lid and sLowLy enjoy the freshLy brewed Chinese tea!

View from the top.

Two cousins .. babe and babe-to-be.
Day 5

Hunger for footbaLL struck on this morning. WiLLiam Left me out from the starting team but threw me right in the thick of the action haLfway through. He made a wise decision. I scored for the team .. and this goaL is one I wiLL remember for Life ..

Itz been 5 months since I stepped foot on the green pitch. And scoring is the perfect way of iLLustrating how much I miss this game, the beautifuL game. However, I aLready knew who this goaL I wouLd dedicate to even before I scored. Once it came, I ran towards the onLy person I wouLd go to that day.

In honour of Leon's Dad, and his son of whom I hope (and beLieve) wiLL grow stronger by the day.

We Lost the match 3-2 .. but not our character and bond.

At evening, I was Late for the famiLy dinner @ UOB PLaza 60th storey restaurant. But food was great and it was somewhat a warm gathering. The biLL was on me as promised. Came up to 700+ but itz aLL cooL .. strangeLy I dun feeL the pinch coz I simpLy Love them (noo my money!!! LOL ..)

Ok with an average expenditure of $100 a day since my return, my savings has thus, gone back to square one yet again.

the ktv session on Sat evening @ Acoustic, Boat Quay.

the LoveLies who keep compLaining that it makes them hot on fire to read that I thought the average taiwanese farmer's daughter is prettier than girLs aLong Orchard Road .. okie, I'd Like to state that .. yes Taiwanese gaLs are reaLLy pretty, but not as pretty as u girLs here (my nose .. hope the Length stays as it is ..)
ReaLisation (Day 4/14)

After this night's booze with CGMR & Co. (CaroL, Gwen, Renee, Mich), for once I reaLised, that my tummy ain wat I thought it was. It was actuaLLy a resuLt of .. frequent booze.

Drink, drank, drunk we did. High .. but not out. I Love each and everyone of them aLL .. stay pretty!

FootbaLL in hours' time .. hmm, it shud be considered infideLity to my Love. But no worries I wiLL do juz weLL.

Watch this space ..

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Days 1-3 of 14

Pretty much of it spent on meeting up with two big groups, the guys and the guys. ALright never mind but it was two groups of guys. Met up with DaryL Marc for a chicken rice dinner. CoincidentaLLy that evening, Audrey sent a message which read " What are you doing? Having chicken rice .. bLah bLah .." Ok maybe I shouLd try my Luck on this weekend's Lottery. Had a second dinner with the guys pLus Audrey @ AMK Hub's Fish N Co. Now, you shouLd know how my spare-tyred tummy came about.

Second day was with the Hougang peeps, the primary schooL dudes. WaLk and waLk aLong Orchard tiL dusk and head home ..

Today's the third day .. had Lunch with ex-coLLeague in adidas, Fidah. Saw the onLy other famiLiar face in Eunice, the onLy surviving PP I know of in Suntec. We had few words, but the few words seemed to be heavy. I guess we both missed the good oLd days where work seemed Like a pLayground. Made a visit to the OriginaLs store in RaffLes, saw Stephie and Suzy.. for the first time Stephie caLLed out to me, and I thought she din recognised me coz we've never worked with each other before. Then headed to Cathay .. but the person I'd Love to see wasn't there. However, Jane was around so at Least the trip wasnt reLi wasted.

Through the three days, aLso saw some famiLiar faces on the streets .. but I've grown pretty used to peopLe commenting that I've put on weight ..

FootbaLL has shagged me out compLeteLy for the past two days or so. ALright, give me more!