On Tuesday evening once my work had finished, I set off to Kaohsiung on my backpack. InitiaLLy the Kaohsiung gaLs had pLanned on a trip to ALishan from Wednesday morning, so I decided I wouLd go stay in their hosteL overnight to avoid having to wake up before the cocks cry out Loud.
Then on the way, they messaged me with regards to canceLLing the trip. I was a bit sian 1/2 but thought it was embarassing to go back camp again and be the Laughing stock of the night. So the tour of ALishan was changed to the tour of Kaohsiung (with PL & WY). The bad news was juz the beginning of a nightmare. Upon reaching the city, I boarded the right bus that heads the wrong direction. Instead of arriving at the University, I was brought out to the suburbs and had to haiL a cab then, paying unecessary money, since the Last bus had gone. And so at about midnight, I made it to the Zhong Shan University pLus a ten minute "traiL waLking" through a Long tunneL, up thousands of steps and finaLLy I arrived at where I was supposed to.
PL picked me and Led me up to their hosteL Living room where they were hoLding a ceLebration for some reasons Like frens Leaving and end of exams and stuff. At the doorstep the first person I saw was Sunny, the Korean girL I have been hearing of, and as I stuck out my hand to shake hers, she juz puLLed me straight into the middLe of the Living room, urging me to sing .. ok, I waved to everyone, and then waLked to one side. It was by far, one of the rare shy moments in my Life, I swear! It din end there, Sunny puLLed me in again. So, I went around shaking everyone's hands. There are about cLose to two dozen peeps with different nationaLities. They pLayed guitar, sang songs and shared Laughs and tears and games and stuff, and that moment was cooL.
Singapore, MaLaysia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Canada .. united.
Had a LittLe chat with one the Japanese girLs and I was reaLLy surprised at her knowLedge for the Chinese Language. The Canadian, Gareth if Im not wrong, is one LoveLy guy who speaks a LittLe Chinese as weLL and he's reaLLy good, as a caucasian. Itz a pity not knowing these peopLe earLier coz itz reaLLy interesting to hear about them speak of their experiences and wat they tink about certain things, peopLe and pLaces.
So Wednesday morning we sent Max, from Hong Kong and a two-day oLd fren of mine, off from the airport. FYI, their exchange program ends right about now and a few days time. Tears, emotions and warmth was wat went tru for them. The rest of the day, juz waLking around the city with six girLs. Man, I shud have known better, they are .. women .. and women shop and shop and shop .. but it was cooL, too. So here I am in the hosteL using WY's Lappie.
In juz a coupLe of days, these two oLd frenz wiLL be back home again. For now though, the girLs are doLLing up, after which we'LL cLub the night away ..
This is Long, reporting LIVE from Zhong Shan University, Kaohsiung.
PS : ok the Panamanian girL staying in the hosteL next door is reaLLy, reaLLy hot!