Asian Cup 2007
(Iraq wins Asian Cup 2007)
This is no mean feat for the war-torn country who had more than juz simpLy footbaLL to handLe.
That is extraOrdinary.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
One year, 365 Days
Juz passed the haLfway mark of my miLitary Life. Like everyone says, itz gonna be juz a bLink of the eye before the end comes. However, things are so much better than I have expected, and so much more unique for the path that I have chosen. I met great friends, I saw new things and I experienced stuff Like never before.
Okie I'm not one to bitch about shopping but hours earLier I purchased a singLet which I onLy tried after coming home. The materiaL is reaLLy comfortabLe, stretchabLe yet the whoLe garment is so tight fitting, peopLe wiLL definiteLy mistake me for being gayish.
I stiLL Like it though .. but pLease, I am reaLLy straight.
LastLy I wouLd wish the many beLoved friends out there who are currentLy on the down to turn the tide right about soon ..
Juz passed the haLfway mark of my miLitary Life. Like everyone says, itz gonna be juz a bLink of the eye before the end comes. However, things are so much better than I have expected, and so much more unique for the path that I have chosen. I met great friends, I saw new things and I experienced stuff Like never before.
Okie I'm not one to bitch about shopping but hours earLier I purchased a singLet which I onLy tried after coming home. The materiaL is reaLLy comfortabLe, stretchabLe yet the whoLe garment is so tight fitting, peopLe wiLL definiteLy mistake me for being gayish.
I stiLL Like it though .. but pLease, I am reaLLy straight.
LastLy I wouLd wish the many beLoved friends out there who are currentLy on the down to turn the tide right about soon ..
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Gone Going but Legacy Lives
Yet another batch of training troops have Left the camp, Leaving behind a bLend of mixed feeLings. Itz good, for now I can fuLLy reLax untiL the next ones come by in three months. But at the same time, there wiLL be nobody who speaks the same Language as me tiL then.
The Language .. is what is known as the BeautifuL game, footbaLL.
Everytime peopLe come over to Taiwan, the Language is bound to be spoken between me and them, and through it, a friendship is forged. However, it Lasts onLy for three weeks each and everytime. And as we bade goodbye, we know we wouLd not be seeing one another probabLy for eternity.
I Love the attention and LimeLight on evenings when we pLay the game, when peopLe are aLL watching. I Love peopLe who speak the same common Language as me and who say I am pretty good. Itz my pride to make other peopLe remember that in Taiwan, there is a storeman who can pLay good footbaLL, and that makes me reaLLy motivated and keeps my passion for the game going.
There was an Indian Major who came months back. We had a few games throughout the period of time he was here and I was pretty impressed with his energy LeveL for his age, at forties. Before he Left, he found me, Looked at me in the eyes and shook my hand. He said, 'you are a wonderfuL pLayer .. may god bLess you.' I smiLed and thanked him. This is one moment in my Life I cud never forget, for in his eyes I saw pure sincerity, humiLity and warmth. I was touched.
A simpLe gesture Like that has given me tremendous confidence in this game and no matter how far I go in footbaLL, this man wiLL definiteLy pLay a big roLe in it.
Often, we forgot how easy it is to bring out the best in other peopLe. Everyone has potentiaL in something, and if we ever were to see it, Let those peopLe know, for maybe, they dun reaLise it themseLves.
To one who reads this, remember, you are the best .. and you know it.
Yet another batch of training troops have Left the camp, Leaving behind a bLend of mixed feeLings. Itz good, for now I can fuLLy reLax untiL the next ones come by in three months. But at the same time, there wiLL be nobody who speaks the same Language as me tiL then.
The Language .. is what is known as the BeautifuL game, footbaLL.
Everytime peopLe come over to Taiwan, the Language is bound to be spoken between me and them, and through it, a friendship is forged. However, it Lasts onLy for three weeks each and everytime. And as we bade goodbye, we know we wouLd not be seeing one another probabLy for eternity.
I Love the attention and LimeLight on evenings when we pLay the game, when peopLe are aLL watching. I Love peopLe who speak the same common Language as me and who say I am pretty good. Itz my pride to make other peopLe remember that in Taiwan, there is a storeman who can pLay good footbaLL, and that makes me reaLLy motivated and keeps my passion for the game going.
There was an Indian Major who came months back. We had a few games throughout the period of time he was here and I was pretty impressed with his energy LeveL for his age, at forties. Before he Left, he found me, Looked at me in the eyes and shook my hand. He said, 'you are a wonderfuL pLayer .. may god bLess you.' I smiLed and thanked him. This is one moment in my Life I cud never forget, for in his eyes I saw pure sincerity, humiLity and warmth. I was touched.
A simpLe gesture Like that has given me tremendous confidence in this game and no matter how far I go in footbaLL, this man wiLL definiteLy pLay a big roLe in it.
Often, we forgot how easy it is to bring out the best in other peopLe. Everyone has potentiaL in something, and if we ever were to see it, Let those peopLe know, for maybe, they dun reaLise it themseLves.
To one who reads this, remember, you are the best .. and you know it.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Caught Transformers in Kaohsiung city and boy, itz worth every singLe penny you paid for your ticket. Other than bringing you back to your oLd skooL fantasy, the effects of the whoLe movie gets you right into the thick of action through and through.
4.5/5 popcorns for this great bLockbuster.
And we met up with the Simpsons and had a shot with the famiLy.
It was aLready 3a.m by the time we got back to camp, and then as my hair was drying before I turn in, I spent aLmost an hour reminiscing stuff ..
My Life has to re-organise again. This time, for the sake of a hope .. and for that someone who has never Left my heart.
Caught Transformers in Kaohsiung city and boy, itz worth every singLe penny you paid for your ticket. Other than bringing you back to your oLd skooL fantasy, the effects of the whoLe movie gets you right into the thick of action through and through.
4.5/5 popcorns for this great bLockbuster.
And we met up with the Simpsons and had a shot with the famiLy.
It was aLready 3a.m by the time we got back to camp, and then as my hair was drying before I turn in, I spent aLmost an hour reminiscing stuff ..
My Life has to re-organise again. This time, for the sake of a hope .. and for that someone who has never Left my heart.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Am practicaLLy stoning right now .. after days of unstoppabLe work and boring chores, aLL for the service to the nation. So darn gLad tomorrow is rare off day that I'm going to Kaohsiung for a stroLL.
But it sure ain the same anymore without the two cutie pies who have returned back to Singapore a few days back.
ALrite juz about time for a smooth night sLeep without the aLarm, for once. Enjoy the weekend peeps.
Am practicaLLy stoning right now .. after days of unstoppabLe work and boring chores, aLL for the service to the nation. So darn gLad tomorrow is rare off day that I'm going to Kaohsiung for a stroLL.
But it sure ain the same anymore without the two cutie pies who have returned back to Singapore a few days back.
ALrite juz about time for a smooth night sLeep without the aLarm, for once. Enjoy the weekend peeps.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
A simpLe word with a big meaning.
To most peopLe who broke it, there's aLmost a zero chance of reviving it. But to you .. trust is more than juz that.
BeLieve, faith, hope, Love and commitment are juz a few eLements I have accidentaLLy added in ...
Jaz knows, peopLe know, that you are stiLL somewhere in my Life. I hate to admit but can do nothing to hide ..
I'm just another Loser to Love.
A simpLe word with a big meaning.
To most peopLe who broke it, there's aLmost a zero chance of reviving it. But to you .. trust is more than juz that.
BeLieve, faith, hope, Love and commitment are juz a few eLements I have accidentaLLy added in ...
Jaz knows, peopLe know, that you are stiLL somewhere in my Life. I hate to admit but can do nothing to hide ..
I'm just another Loser to Love.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Up and Coming
Like the stockmarket, the amount of positivity feLt in me is on the rise again. Excitment and the abiLity to Laugh naturaLLy are signs of that.
Watched American Pie 5 some hours ago and man, this show reLi stretched my tummy! I am aLso reaLLy, reaLLy Looking forward to the new EngLish Premier League season with LiverpooL making remarkabLe signings of outstanding pLayers Like Torres of whom wiLL definiteLy turn the tide around for the Reds, who has yet to won the titLe for aLmost two decades now. Browsing tru Debby's bLog aLso made me fuLL of envy for her current one month vacation in Paris and I feeL that I am so much more excited for her than when I was there Last May!
ALL in aLL, I think, I feeL so much aLive. I concLude that I am pure human once again.
Like the stockmarket, the amount of positivity feLt in me is on the rise again. Excitment and the abiLity to Laugh naturaLLy are signs of that.
Watched American Pie 5 some hours ago and man, this show reLi stretched my tummy! I am aLso reaLLy, reaLLy Looking forward to the new EngLish Premier League season with LiverpooL making remarkabLe signings of outstanding pLayers Like Torres of whom wiLL definiteLy turn the tide around for the Reds, who has yet to won the titLe for aLmost two decades now. Browsing tru Debby's bLog aLso made me fuLL of envy for her current one month vacation in Paris and I feeL that I am so much more excited for her than when I was there Last May!
ALL in aLL, I think, I feeL so much aLive. I concLude that I am pure human once again.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
When Things Seem To Go Wrong .. Make It Right . When Things Seem To Be Perfect .. Make It Wrong then ...
WeLL .. at Least You Do Something DifferentLy .. and that makes Life Interesting.
Like cheating for exampLe. Who wouLd swear by the name of watever they have not done that .. be it in schooL during tests and exams where you wiLL score higher grades, reLationship with LittLe white Lies where you wiLL Leave the most beautifuL impression to the other party, breaking ruLes and Laws by skipping Lectures and asking others to scan the matrix card where you get a good attendance record, faking MedicaL Certificates to escape the horribLe pace of work and etc etc ...
So you see how wonderfuL Life is when things are done differentLy?
WeLL .. at Least You Do Something DifferentLy .. and that makes Life Interesting.
Like cheating for exampLe. Who wouLd swear by the name of watever they have not done that .. be it in schooL during tests and exams where you wiLL score higher grades, reLationship with LittLe white Lies where you wiLL Leave the most beautifuL impression to the other party, breaking ruLes and Laws by skipping Lectures and asking others to scan the matrix card where you get a good attendance record, faking MedicaL Certificates to escape the horribLe pace of work and etc etc ...
So you see how wonderfuL Life is when things are done differentLy?
The Tour That Twist II - In The CLub
About 1.5 hours, that is how Long it took the Kaohsiung girLs to get ready for a cLubbing affair. We headed for Dreams, the MOS of Kaohsiung city. Itz the first time for them, whiLe itz the first time on a backpack for me ..
In anyways, this event sureLy was a memorabLe one. We arrived at 11-ish and chiLLed by the couches. The dancefLoor was stiLL empty, except for one. This girL was pretty outstanding, donned in simpLe tee and jeans with a strapped bag over her shouLder and a figure that nobody wiLL wanna have - fat that is. But itz reaLLy admirabLe. At past midnight, things Looked to be pretty normaL, with the crowd growing, peopLe getting "higher" and the possibiLity of them head for the dancefLoor seemed bigger with the DJ pLaying songs that rock.
ALL of a sudden, peopLe at the bar dispersed. Broken gLasses were heard. It was then I saw three men fLinging bar stooLs at the bar and then one headed to the DJ and threw the bar stooL at it. ALL the time whiLe the drama was happening, I stood up, juz in case one of the bar stooLs fLew our way and hit one of our peopLe. The drama ended in Less than two minutes, with the thugs waLking off and out of the cLub. After some time, thing resumed to normaL and I beLieved the first peopLe who set foot on the dancefLoor must have came after the meLee, and so it grew in numbers. Our cLique then headed down and danced their hearts out whiLe I remained seated for the whoLe show ; the cLub dancers were babeLiciousLy hot to the extreme! Erm .. sorry beautifuL things are meant to be enjoyed so itz aLways pLeasing for my eyes wherever I go haha ..
The bar at aftermath .. empty and shattered.
At about 3 .. we stopped partying. By then, these two virgin cLubbers are LiteraLLy out. PL is not taLking Like she shouLd, and WY can be seen waLking in S-shape. The other girL, Weiyu, was aLready gone even before the party started! The tweLve of them then went back to their University hosteL whiLe I embarked on the Long journey back to camp. WeLL, it was hard to say goodbye to these two decade-oLd frenz of mine of whom I wun be seeing for the next haLf a year.
P.S PL&WY : be more confident .. you are beautifuL in ur own ways La ... At Least it is to me that you two have brought me much needed fun and Laughter (or maybe is the other way round!). Take care and see u soon .. pLz, teLL Sunny she is reaLLy sunny.
And as for debate to why the horrific drama started in the cLub .. peopLe say is becoz competitors are jeaLous of the brisk business or itz juz personaL between the bosses.
I think it must be that fat girL.
About 1.5 hours, that is how Long it took the Kaohsiung girLs to get ready for a cLubbing affair. We headed for Dreams, the MOS of Kaohsiung city. Itz the first time for them, whiLe itz the first time on a backpack for me ..
In anyways, this event sureLy was a memorabLe one. We arrived at 11-ish and chiLLed by the couches. The dancefLoor was stiLL empty, except for one. This girL was pretty outstanding, donned in simpLe tee and jeans with a strapped bag over her shouLder and a figure that nobody wiLL wanna have - fat that is. But itz reaLLy admirabLe. At past midnight, things Looked to be pretty normaL, with the crowd growing, peopLe getting "higher" and the possibiLity of them head for the dancefLoor seemed bigger with the DJ pLaying songs that rock.
ALL of a sudden, peopLe at the bar dispersed. Broken gLasses were heard. It was then I saw three men fLinging bar stooLs at the bar and then one headed to the DJ and threw the bar stooL at it. ALL the time whiLe the drama was happening, I stood up, juz in case one of the bar stooLs fLew our way and hit one of our peopLe. The drama ended in Less than two minutes, with the thugs waLking off and out of the cLub. After some time, thing resumed to normaL and I beLieved the first peopLe who set foot on the dancefLoor must have came after the meLee, and so it grew in numbers. Our cLique then headed down and danced their hearts out whiLe I remained seated for the whoLe show ; the cLub dancers were babeLiciousLy hot to the extreme! Erm .. sorry beautifuL things are meant to be enjoyed so itz aLways pLeasing for my eyes wherever I go haha ..
The bar at aftermath .. empty and shattered.
At about 3 .. we stopped partying. By then, these two virgin cLubbers are LiteraLLy out. PL is not taLking Like she shouLd, and WY can be seen waLking in S-shape. The other girL, Weiyu, was aLready gone even before the party started! The tweLve of them then went back to their University hosteL whiLe I embarked on the Long journey back to camp. WeLL, it was hard to say goodbye to these two decade-oLd frenz of mine of whom I wun be seeing for the next haLf a year.
P.S PL&WY : be more confident .. you are beautifuL in ur own ways La ... At Least it is to me that you two have brought me much needed fun and Laughter (or maybe is the other way round!). Take care and see u soon .. pLz, teLL Sunny she is reaLLy sunny.
And as for debate to why the horrific drama started in the cLub .. peopLe say is becoz competitors are jeaLous of the brisk business or itz juz personaL between the bosses.
I think it must be that fat girL.
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