Many times when things happen that doesnt go your way, you ask why. You ask how come? You ponder. You worry. You get disappointed.
But most of the time, the onLy effective soLution is to accept the fact that it has aLready happened and get on with Life.
PeopLe say things happen for a reason, but itz better the reason be spoken than hidden and Left unsaid. Respect shouLd be given to another human being's choice to do something eLse and support shouLd be Lent and datz what we caLL, care.
No itz not true that in this worLd we Live for ourseLves, coz peopLe who do that wiLL not be happy.
The above are words for a girL I have kept my faith in. We may not be destined to be together, and itz no Longer important for me to pursue anymore. But I stiLL beLieve in you to shine in simpLicity once more. PLease, waLk your Life weLL.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
After seeing the whoLe bunk of a dozen men change throughout one year, I have since become the most "oLd bird". As much as I wouLd Like to think that the new peopLe are considerate, homeLy and caring, itz sad that reaLity is otherwise.
I do not understand how difficuLt it can be to cooperate and keep the whoLe room cLean. The peopLe before them couLd do it, cant they? I can be very nice, but these seLfish peopLe have to Let me portray myseLf to be bad to them. WeLL, too bad, they juz gotta bear with me for another two months. Boys, wiLL aLways be boys if they do not get some kick in their ass.
So gLad, itz about soon I return home too. These peopLe juz heLp me decide not to extend my stay any further here. Money aside, I wouLd rather stay with peopLe who knows how to create a cosy and comfy environment.
Fuck the newbies.
After seeing the whoLe bunk of a dozen men change throughout one year, I have since become the most "oLd bird". As much as I wouLd Like to think that the new peopLe are considerate, homeLy and caring, itz sad that reaLity is otherwise.
I do not understand how difficuLt it can be to cooperate and keep the whoLe room cLean. The peopLe before them couLd do it, cant they? I can be very nice, but these seLfish peopLe have to Let me portray myseLf to be bad to them. WeLL, too bad, they juz gotta bear with me for another two months. Boys, wiLL aLways be boys if they do not get some kick in their ass.
So gLad, itz about soon I return home too. These peopLe juz heLp me decide not to extend my stay any further here. Money aside, I wouLd rather stay with peopLe who knows how to create a cosy and comfy environment.
Fuck the newbies.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
No Rewind, No Fast Forward
14th October 2007 's moments:
Understand that Life is a show of no rewind, and it cannot be fast forwarded either. I was not abLe to do that and Lived in seLf-deception. Now that I do, I guess I'm gonna start "pLaying" my Life again as I shouLd.
Enjoy the show, yours and mine, my frenz.
13th October 2007 's memories :
14th October 2007 's moments:
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