Thursday, May 29, 2008

Two WorLds

$3600. That is the amount that changes my Life so compLeteLy for now. As of yesterday I am not so stabLe anymore untiL a job is found.

But on the bright side, I met a very interesting person on the net (I reaLLy mean, met), and made up with a good friend in Jerms.

And so probabLy thatz what they say, in Life, you Lose some and you win some.

Friday, May 23, 2008

100 Yuan vs. 1,000,000 Yuan

U wun know how amazing the Chinese can be in difficuLt times.

WeLL of course, we do not want to mention some Chinese superstar basketbaLLer in the U.S who earns SGD 75 miLLion in 2007 yet initiaLLy contributed peanuts to the quake reLief fund, sparking an outrage from his comrades back at home.

The focus shouLd be put on peopLe Like a handicapped begger who is bearLy a metre taLL, having received a 100-yuan note from a tourist, struggLes his way to the donation box to make his contribution of the note he has just received. And aLso a homeLess oLd man who makes a donation of 5 yuan in the morning, onLy to return in the afternoon to make more contributions coz he feLt that his shiLLings were a shame to be contributed and he went to the bank to change for a 100-yuan biLL, and that is everything he has.

The vaLue of 100 yuan and 1,000,000 yuan, now can you see the gap other than pureLy numbers?

Do take some time to browse through the site as foLLows:

Trust me, itz worth every second of ur time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

WorLd PopuLation

There are certain facts which depicts how big the worLd is .. and how smaLL our country, or rather, one person, can be.

With reference from DHL commerciaL, there are 88 miLLion peopLe with the surname, Zhang, in China. And it is just Zhang aLone ..

There are 350 miLLion peopLe in India who are cLassified as middLe-cLass. This is bigger than America. And the funny thing is George Bush bLames this for the rise in demand for food, thus causing the prices to hike.

The recent cycLone in Myanmar kiLLed more than 20,000, so much more than the number in my bank account.

The earthquake in China buries 12,000 under rubbLe .. and counting.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

@ vivocity with chefs de taiwan dream

me absent. *

edmund absent.

immanuel absent.

.. trio met up after almost half a year leading own lives.

*shakey image due to injured hand, i believe in my photography skills. no it ain any excuse, i swear.

it ain easy.

Friday, May 09, 2008


1. It’s important to have a woman, who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
2. It’s important to have a woman, who can make you laugh.
3. It’s important to have a woman, who you can trust and who doesn’t lie to you.
4. It’s important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.
5. It’s very, very important that these four women do not know each other.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

tender care

juz a day after i turned 24, i went under the knife of the surgeon to fix my right hand.

the past twenty-four hours went like a dream .. i laid on the bed, the nurses wheeled it into the operating theatre .. more than once the staff asked to confirm my name, identity card number and the type of surgery i'm due for .. then the youthful, pretty anaesthatist gave a jab on my neck, followed by asking me to breathe in some "oxygen" and i'm gone.

the next thing i knew when i awoke, i felt an acute pain in my right wrist, a terrible sore throat and an urge to throw up .. two nurses then wheeled me away while i'm still in a sub-conscious mode, though i can see that the two nurses are younger than i am .. i suppose im really getting older now at 24.

i reached my ward, they transferred me to the bed and changed my clothing .. i was stripped but only to the disposable underwear they provided earlier before the surgery. as i began to throw up, one of the nurses was patting on my back while i vomit into a little bag they gave me .. then, i went to sleep. in the meantime i was given more jabs and one nurse cut her finger from broken glass. she said she was used to it ...

throwing up was just like a hangover, the taste, the feeling is totally the same .. itz terrible. i skipped dinner and the only time i had something was breakfast the next morning.

the uncle next to me was a jovial man. he has been talking to me since i came but i did not have much energy to reply him. i spoke to him more only the next morning, this morning that is, but it was only a few hours to my discharge. and he keep insisting on me to stay for lunch coz itz juz an hour away ..

nursing is an extraordinary career, itz more than providing good service but of giving care from the heart.

i dun think any of the "missy" will get to read this post, but to them of sgh blk 7 ward 75, i really thank them for making my short stay so worth remembering.

from my bed ..

Monday, May 05, 2008


Thank you to those who gave me ur weLL wishes. You know who you are, so very much appreciated ..

Yes, I know, my frenz, itz been Like eons of years since we caught up with one another. I cannot promise it'd be soon, but we shaLL meet up one fine day.

Fifth May, my speciaL day. But there wun be fancy ceLebrations this year. Juz a good Lazy day to hibernate.

Enjoy the bLues of a new week.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

@ Dempsey

A rare Friday evening out with the primary schooL peeps ended on a reaL "high"!

HighLight of the day is a first-time visit @ Dempsey's (a good chiLL-out pLace onLy for drivers) .. and of course the K-session at Party WorLd (the guys go crazy whiLe I feLL asLeep).