Friday, August 22, 2008

There are times when you grow sick of your routine that you expLore a LittLe out of it. Some days, out of my usuaL browsing of sports and sociaL webbies, I wiLL cLick on the LittLe icon of BLogger on the top of the page. It brings one to others' bLogs, and their very originaL Lives and interests.

It is a reaLLy wonderfuL experience, as I found some amazing ones which I think wiLL further enhance the coLours of one's Life.

Visit Gina Lee and her husband, Christopher.

Monday, August 18, 2008


When something means everything, everything eLse becomes nothing.

So Let nothing be something that takes away everything eLse, coz there are far too many wonderfuL things to appreciate.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

August's ceLebrations and beginnings

The Beijing OLympics (08.08.2008) is here. Impressive opening ceremony I must say .. and impressive 5000-year oLd history of China. It is something that money cant buy. The OLympics aLso bring about a good chance of appreciating Ladies do sports. Can I say that the Canadian women soccer team has hotties .. hah.

So has Singapore ceLebrated itz 43rd birthday (09.08.2008). With the OLympics opening ceremony teLevised a day earLier, the NationaL Day Parade seems to faLL a LittLe short of "awesomeness". TaLking about which, have anyone hung their nationaL fLag outside their windows in recent years?

When I was a boy in the 80s, I remembered having much fun trying to spot those rare househoLds that have their fLag hung on the wrong side. Now, it is aLmost impossibLe to. Not coz Im aLL grown up, but peopLe simpLy do not put it out.

The passion is dying in the nation, aLL thanks to an extremeLy urban LifestyLe we are Leading.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Late night @ Mustafa, after a Late night supper.

The reunion of Taiwan peeps. Itz a pretty good dinner @ BiLLy Bombers, Marina Square. After which, we parted our ways for home, with one another asking where they stay. Those days, we did not even have to ask back in Taiwan, for we Lived together under one roof.

Friday, August 01, 2008

"Why So Serious.."

With Joker steaLing the LimeLight of Late, his favourite quote has become of hot househoLd usage.

"Why so serious.."

Indeed. We shouLd Lighten ourseLves sometimes.

And so at the end of the enduring 12-day work, I decided to join CLement at Zouk. Wat I din expect was to be in a cLique of exchange students from Austria, as Kenny brought aLong his friends from faraway.

Itz a LittLe awkward to converse fLuentLy coz I have been using LittLe EngLish since graduation from schooL. But as the night went on, things got better, and Steven, the onLy Austrian guy, began to understand my words much more easiLy.

Fact one, in terms of beer, the Austrians are toppers as one of the Largest consumpting countries in the worLd. The first being Czech RepubLic.

Fact two, Mambo night is fuLL of fun, especiaLLy when u see many peopLe doing the same hand signs .. I mean hand dancing.

Fact three, I'm starting to reaLise that cLubbers are mostLy very happy peopLe. Even for those who are attached, they are there to meet peopLe and reLease themseLves.

I think I have started to change my perception about cLubbing. Itz a reaLLy good sociaL venue.