Friday, January 30, 2009

SimpLy OrientaL

Drums, Lion dancing, firecrackers, brand new cLothes, ang-baos, gambLing, reunion gatherings.

The LittLe things associated with the Chinese every new year, are no different in 2009. That, is the Chinese tradition.

I was at Chinatown on Lunar New Year eve and saw curious ang-mohs snapping at the Lion dance performance with their cameras. It makes a typicaL chinese Like me proud, that westerners are appreciating our cuLture.

新年快乐, 大家 ..

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Office

BLessed are the ones who do not work in an office environment.

An office, so furnished with tons of documents, fiLes and computers are but just a pLace for us to warm the chair for eight hours as weLL as achieving the most important factor - $ati$faction ...

It is a compLexed pLace of simpLicity.

Add "communication" and "seLf-perception".
The office wiLL be a simpLe pLace of compLexity.

And that soaks the energy out of any good worker who just wanna work.

So freaking shacked, unfortunateLy not because of workLoad.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New Year Crossover

Spent the Eve @ Sizhe's ..

The fun was exceptionaL that night ...

The Guessing Game with tak-gLam Language, Hokkien. And just FYI, I suck at it.

Counting out 08 and for 09.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Thursday, January 01, 2009

30 Dec 08 - Khing's adidas PP Gathering

Meet Mummy Khing, the onLy boss with the most weLfare. I Like her Lots, reaLLy.

Meet the adidas peeps. From Left: Zaabah, EtheL, Serene, ELeanor, Jane, Arthur, ME and JuLian.

The Past, Present and Future of adidas PP.

84's with HeLen & Khing.

Creation by Me.

Ms Santa Khing CLaus (extreme right) with her annuaL give-aways.

Vain Babes at work... =D

A new year has, yet again begun.

2008 was a bore. I have not stepped out of this isLand the entire year.

SuddenLy, I think of Taiwan. Its been one fuLL year since my return from my Love. Part of my heart has been Left behind there and there can never be any pLace with such certain degree of fondness I have. There wiLL never be an opportunity to be so reLaxed and free as I was when I was there. It is a heaLing haven for loneliness, hurt and jadedness.

I miss Taiwan and its warmth and simpLicity.