CaLabrian BLue Eyes
Yet another so-caLLed big scaLe event my office has coordinated that went pretty smoothLy with a healthy crowd. At Least, there were no sudden hiccups, without which is normaLLy considered good.
Tracking back to Friday when I attended a course on New Media Awareness where the speaker taLked about the impact of Facebook, Twitter and BLogger on the worLd, it sure is true how much one can tap onto these tooLs to express what they want and what they need, at the same time widen the horizon of not just what we normaLLy see physicaLLy.
Yet another so-caLLed big scaLe event my office has coordinated that went pretty smoothLy with a healthy crowd. At Least, there were no sudden hiccups, without which is normaLLy considered good.
But waking up at 5-ish on a Sunday morning is pretty unusuaL for me .. yup, I enjoy sLeeping through the mornings, seriousLy. On this day, I had to ensure that the goodie bags are in pLace, the LoveLy emcees from the Youth Executive Committee foLLows the programme accordingLy and the LogisticaL side of the Brisk Walk. There was not as much pressure as the Last one at Hougang Stadium, which was sureLy of different scaLe.
So, you see, working in a community cLub is not just pure sitting at the counter. There are stuff behind the scenes which the generaL pubLic dun get to see. And so far, I am stiLL doing fine on the job, at Least for now.Tracking back to Friday when I attended a course on New Media Awareness where the speaker taLked about the impact of Facebook, Twitter and BLogger on the worLd, it sure is true how much one can tap onto these tooLs to express what they want and what they need, at the same time widen the horizon of not just what we normaLLy see physicaLLy.
Here on Facebook, I happened to meet one new friend from CaLabria, ItaLy. EmanueLa is her name and she has reaLLy beautifuL bLue eyes. Not that I know this pLace beforehand, but now that I do, I am excited by the prospect that this pLace couLd be yet another traveL destination for myseLf.