Sunday, September 20, 2009


A random French movie that caught my attention on teLevision, AngeL-A contains pure simpLicity and cLass added with Light humour.

This fantasy fiLm was projected in bLack and white, giving a totaLLy indifferent feeL of a modern movie. With its scenes set in the beautifuL city of Paris, the Love story of a faLLen angeL and a hopeLess man couLnt have been any more romantic than this.

After this, I guess I got pretty interested in foreign Language internationaL fiLms.

Friday, September 18, 2009

IngLourious Basterds

Note that the above movie is indeed as titLed.

And I wonder if refined peopLe wouLd reaLLy pronounce the Latter when buying tickets, which I did today at the state-of-the-art shopping maLL - ILLuma.

For $8.50 on a Thursday afternoon, it wouLd have been deemed pretty steep as normaLLy other cinemas offer discounts for certain credit cards, but not after I reaLised that the movie is actuaLLy more than two hours Long! Besides the bLoody scenes of brutaLity kiLLings and gun battLes, this movie has added a unique fLavour with its comicaL concept. To top it off, there were scenes where it got draggy, but those scenes provided the viewers with Lots of emotions in their heads, getting them to think what is gonna happen next. NeedLess to say, the fiLm comes with great props and visuaL effects. OveraLL this is good to watch, but not for the faint-hearted.

Took a short dinner at my former favourite HaLaL Thai-Chinese restaurant, Magic Wok aLong City HaLL area and then I embarked on my journey home after a waLk to see the bright Lights of the upcoming racing event to be heLd here in Singapore.

A typicaL Thursday, my off day, gone past Like usuaL. Not bad though when you know you dun have to entertain anyone.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Frustration

For this match, I had made necessary adjustments to my work, and weekend as weLL as preparing the necessary equipment to ensure that I do not miss much of it.

I took haLf day off in Lieu, and practicaLLy ended work at 1pm, time when the match kicked off. FortunateLy this time round, the venue is Bowen Secondary, my sister's schooL, which is just in the Hougang vicinity.

With much eagerness and excitment, I even brought the bicycLe to my workpLace so that I wiLL take no more than 10 minutes to reach the pitch. As expected, I arrived at the pLace and the match has just kicked off.

In the end, I had onLy fifteen minutes of pLay. So much so for aLL the efforts and expectations of an enjoyabLe footbaLLing affair.

Sometimes, potentiaL can onLy be reaLised with the necessary tooLs to harness, and unLeash it. I am not a star pLayer, but I dun think fifteen minutes is enough for me to change anything from a match, though won by our team.

NevertheLess, respect has to be given to the one who pLans the team, and aLL I can do is but either try harder, or just expect Less.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Being Free

Lawrence msn-ed me earLier. He said he is now jobLess and asked me to introduce him some job.

I toLd him ... he shouLd be thankfuL. At Least, he is a free man.

And he said he is, and thanked God every singLe day.

There were no further conversation.

I dunnoe .. dun think its supposed to begin and end Like that, but it sure happened this way. StrangeLy, communication with friends nowadays are so short, sweet, a LittLe humour but not funny and straight to the point. Not good, not bad either. At Least we dun beat around the bush, not anymore.

Monday, September 07, 2009

The Same Shit, The Different Day

When I arrived in the office today, sweating as usuaL, I sat at my workpLace and took a deep breath, Looking at the heaps of paper piLed neatLy the other day to compLete it this week.

CompLete? I gotta be kidding myseLf. If work can be compLeted, you and I ain required in the company. And so, I dug into my work and started my same shit, different day routine.

.. that must be the Monday bLues I suppose. Tomorrow shouLd be better ... SHOULD be. Whats new?

NevertheLess, chiLdren and oLd foLks in the neighbourhood does make my day once a whiLe. I dun hate my job, but Life couLd be better.

So, wats the pLan?

The pLan is, send in a resignation Letter, grab aLL the savings, buy an air ticket to nowhere and dun ever come back. Easy said, what about done Leh? We see how La huh ..