Twenty-Fifth of December
This date is not simpLy a date with Santa CLaus and his seven reindeers, but another magicaL ceLebration of one vitaL aspect of Life - L.O.V.E.
UnknowningLy, I have been together with this speciaL girL for seven months aLready. As we aLways put it, the amount of time does not necessary depict the deepness of how two person feeL for each other. SadLy not aLL reLationships end in a fairytaLe .. an oLd friend just ended one of seven years due to infLuence from the externaL environment.
For me though, for as far as we both can, I'm sure we can keep it going strong and sweet.
For the rest of you out there though, have a merry Xmas and may the presents come Loading up and get your Boxing Day busy!
Seasons greetings, one and aLL.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Here We Go .. Into The Month of the Year
FinaLLy a breather from aLL the studies for a whiLe, I wouLd think that going into the best month of the year wiLL definiteLy bring about more joy than ever!
Its been Long since I can reaLLy take time to sit down and organise thoughts. It used be so damn easy, but then, Life cannot aLways be at the same stage and we aLways move on.
I wish I couLd share the many good things that have happened now, however, time does not permit as its time to hit the sack and say good night.
Stay tuned for more updates!
FinaLLy a breather from aLL the studies for a whiLe, I wouLd think that going into the best month of the year wiLL definiteLy bring about more joy than ever!
Its been Long since I can reaLLy take time to sit down and organise thoughts. It used be so damn easy, but then, Life cannot aLways be at the same stage and we aLways move on.
I wish I couLd share the many good things that have happened now, however, time does not permit as its time to hit the sack and say good night.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Sunday, November 07, 2010
The WaLk
Today. It was drizzLing, a LittLe heavy, but Less than a shower. I had just enjoyed my haircut at the neighbourhood saLoon and went home to take a short bath before I head to find my Love who had to work through the Saturday aLone.
In Life, every singLe day is a Learning process. It has been ages since I Last wrote, and write I must, I toLd myseLf as sharing is itseLf a reference for others. But where do I begin, and how do I end? Sometimes, the writing just didnt happen, and that, in the Last few years, has seen the posts in this bLog dwindLe.
I took a smaLL broLLy, enough to cover two heads and Left home. Home, with three occupants Dad, Mum and sis, has pretty much been the same, except for the eLdest son being away for most of the time due to commitments to work, and studies, and buiLding a speciaL reLationship with a speciaL girL. No doubt the fondness of the famiLiarity is very much no different, at this phrase in Life, I can onLy spend that much time at home.
As I waLked through the rain weLL covered by the broLLy, each step I took against the rippLes that hit the ground, I Looked back through the many, many events that have occured over the past few months. I am gLad to be Living Life to my fuLLest, however, I cannot say the same for achievements .. which are but few.
Of course, I am happy with Life, but there are somewhat stiLL Lots of things to do, to see, and to to heLp make the worLd much better than just improving my own Life. I do not need to hide, or create a positive image here for anyone to see, its just whats from the heart.
When opportunities arise, anybody can make someone eLse's Life much better just by doing a LittLe bit more. For exampLe, giving a doLLar to a hunchback eLderLy seLLing tissue packs, and this couLd mean haLf a meaL to her .. but its just another cup of coffee for you and I.
Let us do what we can, if we want, to heLp peopLe who are not as Lucky. For every bit of good you do, you have definiteLy Left a great impact to the person you have heLped.
For myseLf, in time to come when my "chores" are done, or when the chance comes, I wouLd, give back to the worLd what the worLd has given me.
Cheers, and enjoy the finaL months of 2010.
Today. It was drizzLing, a LittLe heavy, but Less than a shower. I had just enjoyed my haircut at the neighbourhood saLoon and went home to take a short bath before I head to find my Love who had to work through the Saturday aLone.
In Life, every singLe day is a Learning process. It has been ages since I Last wrote, and write I must, I toLd myseLf as sharing is itseLf a reference for others. But where do I begin, and how do I end? Sometimes, the writing just didnt happen, and that, in the Last few years, has seen the posts in this bLog dwindLe.
I took a smaLL broLLy, enough to cover two heads and Left home. Home, with three occupants Dad, Mum and sis, has pretty much been the same, except for the eLdest son being away for most of the time due to commitments to work, and studies, and buiLding a speciaL reLationship with a speciaL girL. No doubt the fondness of the famiLiarity is very much no different, at this phrase in Life, I can onLy spend that much time at home.
As I waLked through the rain weLL covered by the broLLy, each step I took against the rippLes that hit the ground, I Looked back through the many, many events that have occured over the past few months. I am gLad to be Living Life to my fuLLest, however, I cannot say the same for achievements .. which are but few.
Of course, I am happy with Life, but there are somewhat stiLL Lots of things to do, to see, and to to heLp make the worLd much better than just improving my own Life. I do not need to hide, or create a positive image here for anyone to see, its just whats from the heart.
When opportunities arise, anybody can make someone eLse's Life much better just by doing a LittLe bit more. For exampLe, giving a doLLar to a hunchback eLderLy seLLing tissue packs, and this couLd mean haLf a meaL to her .. but its just another cup of coffee for you and I.
Let us do what we can, if we want, to heLp peopLe who are not as Lucky. For every bit of good you do, you have definiteLy Left a great impact to the person you have heLped.
For myseLf, in time to come when my "chores" are done, or when the chance comes, I wouLd, give back to the worLd what the worLd has given me.
Cheers, and enjoy the finaL months of 2010.
Monday, October 25, 2010
On this day, five months ago, I'm gLad I found Her. For the Love, Laughter and Life She brought unto me, as I beLieved its aLL been deepLy feLt within, beyond words.
.. as for the question about the smeLL Like the first day and the Light that never goes out .. it cannot be anyone eLse but You.
Not Long, but its a good start nonetheLess, and this is one thing that cannot be measured by quantity but quaLity. Happy 5th, my dearest.
On this day, five months ago, I'm gLad I found Her. For the Love, Laughter and Life She brought unto me, as I beLieved its aLL been deepLy feLt within, beyond words.
.. as for the question about the smeLL Like the first day and the Light that never goes out .. it cannot be anyone eLse but You.
Not Long, but its a good start nonetheLess, and this is one thing that cannot be measured by quantity but quaLity. Happy 5th, my dearest.
There is a Light that never goes out ..
.. and there is a constant that doesn't change.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Breathing Hard
Work and studies, the two activities that take up pretty much of my time apart from spending a good weekend with Love, in and out, Less those that I have to rush projects and assignments.
As time goes by, sometimes I get jaded, other times, I find confidence through good cLassmates and of course, Her.
I'm not sure if I can see studies through, for it sure is starting to take a toLL on my heaLth as I get unweLL easiLy these days, signs of a Low naturaL body resistence against bugs. However, I'm just appreciating the fact that despite the changes that took pLace, many things in my Life are stiLL somewhat intact.
If She decides to stand by me through, I wiLL not Let Her down, and fuLfiL the job a responsibLe man has to do.
I Love Her, its true.
Work and studies, the two activities that take up pretty much of my time apart from spending a good weekend with Love, in and out, Less those that I have to rush projects and assignments.
As time goes by, sometimes I get jaded, other times, I find confidence through good cLassmates and of course, Her.
I'm not sure if I can see studies through, for it sure is starting to take a toLL on my heaLth as I get unweLL easiLy these days, signs of a Low naturaL body resistence against bugs. However, I'm just appreciating the fact that despite the changes that took pLace, many things in my Life are stiLL somewhat intact.
If She decides to stand by me through, I wiLL not Let Her down, and fuLfiL the job a responsibLe man has to do.
I Love Her, its true.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Going Easy & Not
ALbeit aLL the good things that are happening and have happened, the writer is somewhat stiLL not convinced that whatever he is doing now, might have a major impact on the future of his. They caLL this the mid-20s crisis where changes seem to come constantLy where you never know what happens next.
No doubt he has a pLan, but this pLan seems to be just what everyone eLse around is doing .. to get the paper and grab a higher pay job, which sounds Like what Tom, Dick and Harry are aLL working on. But no, Jon does not want to foLLow the norm, even though it sounds stupid. One Life is aLL you have got, and you just have to do something you reaLLy Love doing, or that shouLd not be caLLed Life.
If the current environment is going to change the way he Lives Life, probabLy, he wiLL just forgo everything and chase something he aLways thought was fuLfiLing .. one, to answer the needs of the needy and two, seek to understand the true meaning of seLf-actuaLisation.
On the other hand, he has been reaLLy gratefuL that somehow, in this Life, he found true Love. And for that Love of his, he wiLL decide his Life properLy and do his best to not Let her down.
The future can be said to be uncertain even as we pLan for it, there is LittLe doubt about that. But that doesnt mean we shouLd stop here, or simpLy foLLow the norm. Think it through, and decide how best your Life shouLd be Lived and Leave no regrets.
P.S You are, just the way You are .. and thats why I Love You.
ALbeit aLL the good things that are happening and have happened, the writer is somewhat stiLL not convinced that whatever he is doing now, might have a major impact on the future of his. They caLL this the mid-20s crisis where changes seem to come constantLy where you never know what happens next.
No doubt he has a pLan, but this pLan seems to be just what everyone eLse around is doing .. to get the paper and grab a higher pay job, which sounds Like what Tom, Dick and Harry are aLL working on. But no, Jon does not want to foLLow the norm, even though it sounds stupid. One Life is aLL you have got, and you just have to do something you reaLLy Love doing, or that shouLd not be caLLed Life.
If the current environment is going to change the way he Lives Life, probabLy, he wiLL just forgo everything and chase something he aLways thought was fuLfiLing .. one, to answer the needs of the needy and two, seek to understand the true meaning of seLf-actuaLisation.
On the other hand, he has been reaLLy gratefuL that somehow, in this Life, he found true Love. And for that Love of his, he wiLL decide his Life properLy and do his best to not Let her down.
The future can be said to be uncertain even as we pLan for it, there is LittLe doubt about that. But that doesnt mean we shouLd stop here, or simpLy foLLow the norm. Think it through, and decide how best your Life shouLd be Lived and Leave no regrets.
P.S You are, just the way You are .. and thats why I Love You.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Minute
Its been a whiLe since I sat down and pen down my thoughts for the past few weeks, or months rather.
With about four hours to go before I pLay brother to Kenneth's Big Day, I suppose I wouLd just spend a minute on a bLog that is pretty much forgotten.
Embarking on part time studies since September came into the frame is something that has changed the way I Live my Life, and in turn affected the peopLe around me as a resuLt. I am stiLL very thankfuL that I have an understanding partner who choose to aLways stand by me, despite myseLf occassionaLLy being negative about how the way some things have gone.
PeopLe say that we onLy know what we have got untiL its gone, but I beg to differ. I do treasure and appreciate every LittLe thing that my Love has done every singLe day, despite Her being LabeLLed by me as a "hopeLess un-romantic", She is aLL I ever wanted.
I wish, and hope that everything can go as good as they are, smooth and head for the much better.
Peace out.
Its been a whiLe since I sat down and pen down my thoughts for the past few weeks, or months rather.
With about four hours to go before I pLay brother to Kenneth's Big Day, I suppose I wouLd just spend a minute on a bLog that is pretty much forgotten.
Embarking on part time studies since September came into the frame is something that has changed the way I Live my Life, and in turn affected the peopLe around me as a resuLt. I am stiLL very thankfuL that I have an understanding partner who choose to aLways stand by me, despite myseLf occassionaLLy being negative about how the way some things have gone.
PeopLe say that we onLy know what we have got untiL its gone, but I beg to differ. I do treasure and appreciate every LittLe thing that my Love has done every singLe day, despite Her being LabeLLed by me as a "hopeLess un-romantic", She is aLL I ever wanted.
I wish, and hope that everything can go as good as they are, smooth and head for the much better.
Peace out.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
These months, Life has been wonderfuL thus far; I have found a stabLe job, am in a happy reLationship, my famiLy are supportive of whatever choices I made and I get to catch up with the peeps once a whiLe at their matches now that I am not abLe to pLay.
But come September, there wiLL be a sLight addition to my LifestyLe - studies.
It wouLd LiteraLLy change the way I manage my time now and deep down, I do hope that despite that being priority, the more important things in my Life are here to stay.
As a Laid back simpLeton, I seriousLy hate changes, but for the better, we need to adjust and adapt.
Things can onLy be good, and better.
P.S to the gf,
Even as the roads do not aLways seem smooth,
You chose to traveL it with Me.
Thanks for your consistent support, Love, and confidence.
These months, Life has been wonderfuL thus far; I have found a stabLe job, am in a happy reLationship, my famiLy are supportive of whatever choices I made and I get to catch up with the peeps once a whiLe at their matches now that I am not abLe to pLay.
But come September, there wiLL be a sLight addition to my LifestyLe - studies.
It wouLd LiteraLLy change the way I manage my time now and deep down, I do hope that despite that being priority, the more important things in my Life are here to stay.
As a Laid back simpLeton, I seriousLy hate changes, but for the better, we need to adjust and adapt.
Things can onLy be good, and better.
P.S to the gf,
Even as the roads do not aLways seem smooth,
You chose to traveL it with Me.
Thanks for your consistent support, Love, and confidence.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
When Times Change
I remembered myseLf as one who Loved reading fiction so much that every book I read, I got fascinated and start to write a Lot as weLL. No doubt, reading had given me a creative fLair that I somewhat seem to have Lost, with time.
As the enthusiastic reader ages and get busier, with Less time, he has since stopped reading books. Writing is now reduced Like an endangered specie on the brink of extinction.
That shouLd not happen, for reading is a joy, and gives one much pLeasure and at times, bring him to a worLd of fantasy, away from the crueLty of reaLity.
Maybe, he shouLd just start hoLding a book once again.
I remembered myseLf as one who Loved reading fiction so much that every book I read, I got fascinated and start to write a Lot as weLL. No doubt, reading had given me a creative fLair that I somewhat seem to have Lost, with time.
As the enthusiastic reader ages and get busier, with Less time, he has since stopped reading books. Writing is now reduced Like an endangered specie on the brink of extinction.
That shouLd not happen, for reading is a joy, and gives one much pLeasure and at times, bring him to a worLd of fantasy, away from the crueLty of reaLity.
Maybe, he shouLd just start hoLding a book once again.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I want to scribbLe something today ... and so I did.
After a much eventfuL two weeks, I am just darn gLad Life is coming back to simpLicity after this week .. I hope.
Without footbaLL, Life has aLready been pretty duLL. But its ironic how you Lost, and found even better - a Love worth giving for.
Let's just hope Her event goes weLL on Sunday morning.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Touch of Humanity
As I entered the train on a typicaL Monday morning, aLL set to go to work, I stood amongst aLL others who were Like me, boarding the same train, traveLing to the same office every singLe week day.
On this day though, there was something different that I observed. I saw a seated man communicating with a standing Lady .. in hand signs.
As I observed Longer, it seemed that seated beside the man is his wife, and their chiLd of about five years. And this man, is communicating with a stranger who was deaf, Like him. I got more interested and kept observing. If my very own transLation was nothing short of accurate, the man is describing about how his wife has been abLe to communicate with him, via some LittLe hand signs, and to read his faciaL expressions. The man then aLighted with the chiLd, as the two Ladies bade them goodbye.
My attention was then turned to the other woman, the man's spouse. I took onLy five seconds, and aLL I couLd give her for a first impression, was that she must have been a great woman. It cannot be easy to understand without words, to communicate without speech and to give support just being by the side of the other haLf she chose, but she did aLL these.
Somehow, mereLy in a matter of seconds, this woman has aLready gathered the very respect that I have for a unique Love as such.
This Love is utmost extraordinary worth envying.
NevertheLess, I myseLf have experienced the good feeLing of Love too. Not as remarkabLe, yet simpLe and sweet in the good company of onLy Her.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A LittLe Dreamy, A LittLe Bumpy
Workwise has not been anywhere as satisfactory. No doubt it is a good change, but somehow, the job scope is by far a LittLe unsuitabLe for a big man Like me.
On the other hand, my reLationship with DeL has been great and its astonishing just how fast one month has gone. We spent Loads of time getting to know about one another, having heLL Lots of fun, Laughing and being happy, and so far, aLL I can say is I am stiLL pretty much amazed.
.. to be continued.
Workwise has not been anywhere as satisfactory. No doubt it is a good change, but somehow, the job scope is by far a LittLe unsuitabLe for a big man Like me.
On the other hand, my reLationship with DeL has been great and its astonishing just how fast one month has gone. We spent Loads of time getting to know about one another, having heLL Lots of fun, Laughing and being happy, and so far, aLL I can say is I am stiLL pretty much amazed.
.. to be continued.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Daddy's Day
Twenty-six years back when I was born, I have neither cLue nor idea how a good father shouLd be Like, for it had aLways been Mom who was there. Not untiL she remarried 12 years Later that I reaLised .. the key to being a great father is one BIG word to bear - responsibiLity.
It takes more than a great man to accept a woman aLong with three kids, but he was that. And up untiL this day, despite few words between us throughout the years, my respect for him has never dwindLed.
A good dinner with the whoLe famiLy and partners on Father's Day, nothing wouLd have been more perfect than a simpLe reunion with the company of our Love.
I do not know the Love of a father to a son, but having spent most of my chiLdhood without, I know exactLy what a chiLd needs of a father. And for that, in time to come, I beLieve my chiLdren shouLd be Lucky enough to find a super dad in me. SmiLes!
Twenty-six years back when I was born, I have neither cLue nor idea how a good father shouLd be Like, for it had aLways been Mom who was there. Not untiL she remarried 12 years Later that I reaLised .. the key to being a great father is one BIG word to bear - responsibiLity.
It takes more than a great man to accept a woman aLong with three kids, but he was that. And up untiL this day, despite few words between us throughout the years, my respect for him has never dwindLed.
A good dinner with the whoLe famiLy and partners on Father's Day, nothing wouLd have been more perfect than a simpLe reunion with the company of our Love.
I do not know the Love of a father to a son, but having spent most of my chiLdhood without, I know exactLy what a chiLd needs of a father. And for that, in time to come, I beLieve my chiLdren shouLd be Lucky enough to find a super dad in me. SmiLes!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Kicking the Habit
Biting finger naiLs is as addictive as smoking. You do not crave for it, but somehow, if you do not bite them, you feeL uneasy. This has been a chiLdhood habit and for years now.
Therefore, the best effective way to prevent human beings from doing the unwanted, is via ... FINES.
Since about a week ago, my Lady has roLLed out the system and so far, the resuLts have been pretty positive - she is Looking at a net income of $16 from fines as of yesterday. And the onLy way I can stop seeing my bucks go down, is to kick the habit out of my Life.
It was a success on 18 June 2010. Not a doLLar was added to the totaL fines.
.. and then when I reach home, I bit aLL I couLd.
When You came aLong
And stood by me
I am Everything that I wasnt
Cause You, CompLete my Life. - Long, 19 June 2010
Biting finger naiLs is as addictive as smoking. You do not crave for it, but somehow, if you do not bite them, you feeL uneasy. This has been a chiLdhood habit and for years now.
Therefore, the best effective way to prevent human beings from doing the unwanted, is via ... FINES.
Since about a week ago, my Lady has roLLed out the system and so far, the resuLts have been pretty positive - she is Looking at a net income of $16 from fines as of yesterday. And the onLy way I can stop seeing my bucks go down, is to kick the habit out of my Life.
It was a success on 18 June 2010. Not a doLLar was added to the totaL fines.
.. and then when I reach home, I bit aLL I couLd.
When You came aLong
And stood by me
I am Everything that I wasnt
Cause You, CompLete my Life. - Long, 19 June 2010
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Chain Effect
Every decision that one makes, wiLL affect another's Life in one way or another.
In my Life, I have made severaL choices that have mouLded some to where they are now, and aLso caused some to be what they are. On the other hand, there are peopLe who made a big difference to my Life as weLL, be it good or bad.
I wouLd not say that for the bad that happened, bLame shouLd be Laid on those who effected them, but somehow Life is a Learning process and I can onLy thank them for heLping me deveLop into a man as I am today.
ALL in aLL, as I Look back and see the present, even though I am nobody, I stiLL wake up every day being thankfuL for aLL that I have - peopLe that cares and that I care about.
That, to me, is more than enough to make me contented and happy.
.. weLL, of course, I am just a simpLe man.
Every decision that one makes, wiLL affect another's Life in one way or another.
In my Life, I have made severaL choices that have mouLded some to where they are now, and aLso caused some to be what they are. On the other hand, there are peopLe who made a big difference to my Life as weLL, be it good or bad.
I wouLd not say that for the bad that happened, bLame shouLd be Laid on those who effected them, but somehow Life is a Learning process and I can onLy thank them for heLping me deveLop into a man as I am today.
ALL in aLL, as I Look back and see the present, even though I am nobody, I stiLL wake up every day being thankfuL for aLL that I have - peopLe that cares and that I care about.
That, to me, is more than enough to make me contented and happy.
.. weLL, of course, I am just a simpLe man.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Merry May
Every year as May comes, it never faiLs to fiLL a fuLL month of unexpected happenings, often for the good!
Two weeks into the new job, somehow, if without the daiLy morning prescription of vitamins from Somebody, the bLues are bound to haunt me throughout the days. So I do appreciate the LittLe things that Somebody has done for myseLf for the past few weeks.
June is here. Come what may .. Let us aLL embrace it with open arms!
Every year as May comes, it never faiLs to fiLL a fuLL month of unexpected happenings, often for the good!
Two weeks into the new job, somehow, if without the daiLy morning prescription of vitamins from Somebody, the bLues are bound to haunt me throughout the days. So I do appreciate the LittLe things that Somebody has done for myseLf for the past few weeks.
June is here. Come what may .. Let us aLL embrace it with open arms!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
A Weird Night
Having spent an evening out in town and reaching home at just past midnight, I simpLy cant get myseLf to sLeep, tossing and turning around my bed for and waking up every now and then untiL 3-ish in the morning.
Kinda weird .. since I drop dead aLmost immediateLy every singLe time I Landed on it. The brain must have been too hyper on this night.
Having spent an evening out in town and reaching home at just past midnight, I simpLy cant get myseLf to sLeep, tossing and turning around my bed for and waking up every now and then untiL 3-ish in the morning.
Kinda weird .. since I drop dead aLmost immediateLy every singLe time I Landed on it. The brain must have been too hyper on this night.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The month of May, Like aLL other months, is unique in its very own way. For me, this is a month where joyous occasions are ceLebrated - InternationaL Workers' Day, Mothers' Day, my birthday .. just to name a few.
This year in 2010 though, nothing couLd have been extra speciaL with a job switch to happen in the middLe of the month. With a soLo traveL in pLace from the 2nd tiL the 6th to Krabi, ThaiLand, I guess this must have been the best so far, despite having onLy 12 days passed.
On top of these, I happened to have more Luck in footbaLL too! Scored one goaL over the weekend for Premier FootbaLL cLub, scored another for my constituency team just today. With age, goaLs usuaLLy don't come often for me seriousLy .. sometimes it takes quite some months for one to come!
In enjoying my Leave for the past two weeks, there are things in the office where I am stiLL pretty much attached to. WeLL, I can choose to not give a heck about everything, but then, it wiLL definiteLy be reaLLy disastrous for the newbies Like DeLphina and AppLe. I think DeLphina shouLd reaLLy be gratefuL I chose to be a Samaritan, but no, I do not seek returns. Just that these two, Like previous interns and temps, inspires me to guide them towards the right direction as I am a firm beLiever that fundamentaLs are cruciaL in deveLoping a good staff in any organisation.
Its just days before I embark on my new job. Having met my new coLLeagues when dropping by my new workpLace to famiLiarise with the job, I beLieve I wiLL be exposed to many new Learning points. No doubt I couLd have taken the easy way out by staying put at PeopLe's Association, but how wouLd I have seen the worLd without moving on?
Tomorrow is an unknown patch. Where we have the present which is now, we shouLd aLways savour the moment. And I am darn gLad for the unusuaL things I have chosen to do, for that brings me the unexpected happenings, mostLy for the good!
Live your Life weLL, for being aLive is aLready a gift.
sunset in Krabi, 4 May 2010, on eve of birthday.
The month of May, Like aLL other months, is unique in its very own way. For me, this is a month where joyous occasions are ceLebrated - InternationaL Workers' Day, Mothers' Day, my birthday .. just to name a few.
This year in 2010 though, nothing couLd have been extra speciaL with a job switch to happen in the middLe of the month. With a soLo traveL in pLace from the 2nd tiL the 6th to Krabi, ThaiLand, I guess this must have been the best so far, despite having onLy 12 days passed.
On top of these, I happened to have more Luck in footbaLL too! Scored one goaL over the weekend for Premier FootbaLL cLub, scored another for my constituency team just today. With age, goaLs usuaLLy don't come often for me seriousLy .. sometimes it takes quite some months for one to come!
In enjoying my Leave for the past two weeks, there are things in the office where I am stiLL pretty much attached to. WeLL, I can choose to not give a heck about everything, but then, it wiLL definiteLy be reaLLy disastrous for the newbies Like DeLphina and AppLe. I think DeLphina shouLd reaLLy be gratefuL I chose to be a Samaritan, but no, I do not seek returns. Just that these two, Like previous interns and temps, inspires me to guide them towards the right direction as I am a firm beLiever that fundamentaLs are cruciaL in deveLoping a good staff in any organisation.
Its just days before I embark on my new job. Having met my new coLLeagues when dropping by my new workpLace to famiLiarise with the job, I beLieve I wiLL be exposed to many new Learning points. No doubt I couLd have taken the easy way out by staying put at PeopLe's Association, but how wouLd I have seen the worLd without moving on?
Tomorrow is an unknown patch. Where we have the present which is now, we shouLd aLways savour the moment. And I am darn gLad for the unusuaL things I have chosen to do, for that brings me the unexpected happenings, mostLy for the good!
Live your Life weLL, for being aLive is aLready a gift.
Monday, April 26, 2010
A Ferris WheeL Ride
You get enthusiastic upon seeing the grand, enormous wheeL. Upon entry, emotions run high as the adrenaLine rushes through your bLood. Reaching the very top, yet another tinge of excitement gets into you. And then, sLowLy, aLL emotions fade away as the wheeL descends .. untiL it comes to the point where you first embarked on. At the end of it, you Look back, and bring away an experience of going through aLL the stages of the WheeL itseLf.
Life is Like such ... but more Like a roLLer coaster. Except that at some phrases though, you might encounter something Like a Ferris WheeL experience - smooth, steady and quite predictabLe.
For myseLf, I think that my experience for the past two years is somewhat simiLar. But then, I think I have yet to descend and jumped straight out of it!
Come to think of it, whiLst I am stiLL dangLing at the peak of the WheeL, I wiLL enjoy aLL I can before jumping out of it .. in three weeks.
Meeting new peopLe in the organisation via participating in footbaLL and dragon boat rowing championships and attending courses, I guess aLL these came a LittLe Late to change my mind about departing PeopLe's Association.
But one thing is certain .. I wiLL consider PA once my degree is attained.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Back to the Beginning
These days, I have never stopped taLking to myseLf. So much so, I think I have become best friend with him.
I guess we have been working on cruciaL decisions and how we can obtain goaLs together once again.
As a matter of fact, I think we are working towards achieving a common objective .. simpLy to be happy.
The secret to that .. Lies in a Life of simpLicity that no amount of money can measure. I am graduaLLy feeLing it once again!
These days, I have never stopped taLking to myseLf. So much so, I think I have become best friend with him.
I guess we have been working on cruciaL decisions and how we can obtain goaLs together once again.
As a matter of fact, I think we are working towards achieving a common objective .. simpLy to be happy.
The secret to that .. Lies in a Life of simpLicity that no amount of money can measure. I am graduaLLy feeLing it once again!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
As days go by, things evoLve. Some for the better, some not exactLy the same story.
With the imminent departure of my buddy-coLLeague Sean, I can onLy foresee that my time in the current office wiLL not become any better.
It couLd be time for a new chaLLenge, to run away and not risk the chance of being bombarded with more work which wiLL increase the chances of being Less efficient.
I do not want to Look bad, because I beLieve in quaLity. With more workLoad, and taking quaLity into consideration, many things are bound to be sLower than usuaL. With the expectation LeveL of myseLf being pretty high aLready, peopLe wiLL onLy feeL that I am not giving the same, which wiLL definiteLy end up being unjustified to me.
WeLL, fingers crossed, if a better offer is in pLace, I shaLL bid goodbye to a job I Love and hate dear.
That aside, I just created a phrase of my own ...
A Rocher a Day keeps the Spirits at Bay! (enjoy chocoLate, it sure Lifts one up)
As days go by, things evoLve. Some for the better, some not exactLy the same story.
With the imminent departure of my buddy-coLLeague Sean, I can onLy foresee that my time in the current office wiLL not become any better.
It couLd be time for a new chaLLenge, to run away and not risk the chance of being bombarded with more work which wiLL increase the chances of being Less efficient.
I do not want to Look bad, because I beLieve in quaLity. With more workLoad, and taking quaLity into consideration, many things are bound to be sLower than usuaL. With the expectation LeveL of myseLf being pretty high aLready, peopLe wiLL onLy feeL that I am not giving the same, which wiLL definiteLy end up being unjustified to me.
WeLL, fingers crossed, if a better offer is in pLace, I shaLL bid goodbye to a job I Love and hate dear.
That aside, I just created a phrase of my own ...
A Rocher a Day keeps the Spirits at Bay! (enjoy chocoLate, it sure Lifts one up)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
To be immersed straight back to work after touching down from a great hoLiday affair is one thing that shouLd not be happening.
ALthough there can be no jetLag from Hong Kong via Singapore, the sudden switch of a reLaxed mood to a fast-paced LifestyLe once again gives me pretty much a Lousy evening in the office.
Having said that, it wouLd have been a dream come true if there can be a job that gives me the ticket to set foot on more Lands. However, there is by far few, and for myseLf, aLmost cLose to none.
I wiLL await my next trip, as addiction for traveLing sLowLy buiLds up.
To be immersed straight back to work after touching down from a great hoLiday affair is one thing that shouLd not be happening.
ALthough there can be no jetLag from Hong Kong via Singapore, the sudden switch of a reLaxed mood to a fast-paced LifestyLe once again gives me pretty much a Lousy evening in the office.
Having said that, it wouLd have been a dream come true if there can be a job that gives me the ticket to set foot on more Lands. However, there is by far few, and for myseLf, aLmost cLose to none.
I wiLL await my next trip, as addiction for traveLing sLowLy buiLds up.
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