Monday, April 26, 2010
A Ferris WheeL Ride
You get enthusiastic upon seeing the grand, enormous wheeL. Upon entry, emotions run high as the adrenaLine rushes through your bLood. Reaching the very top, yet another tinge of excitement gets into you. And then, sLowLy, aLL emotions fade away as the wheeL descends .. untiL it comes to the point where you first embarked on. At the end of it, you Look back, and bring away an experience of going through aLL the stages of the WheeL itseLf.
Life is Like such ... but more Like a roLLer coaster. Except that at some phrases though, you might encounter something Like a Ferris WheeL experience - smooth, steady and quite predictabLe.
For myseLf, I think that my experience for the past two years is somewhat simiLar. But then, I think I have yet to descend and jumped straight out of it!
Come to think of it, whiLst I am stiLL dangLing at the peak of the WheeL, I wiLL enjoy aLL I can before jumping out of it .. in three weeks.
Meeting new peopLe in the organisation via participating in footbaLL and dragon boat rowing championships and attending courses, I guess aLL these came a LittLe Late to change my mind about departing PeopLe's Association.
But one thing is certain .. I wiLL consider PA once my degree is attained.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Back to the Beginning
These days, I have never stopped taLking to myseLf. So much so, I think I have become best friend with him.
I guess we have been working on cruciaL decisions and how we can obtain goaLs together once again.
As a matter of fact, I think we are working towards achieving a common objective .. simpLy to be happy.
The secret to that .. Lies in a Life of simpLicity that no amount of money can measure. I am graduaLLy feeLing it once again!
These days, I have never stopped taLking to myseLf. So much so, I think I have become best friend with him.
I guess we have been working on cruciaL decisions and how we can obtain goaLs together once again.
As a matter of fact, I think we are working towards achieving a common objective .. simpLy to be happy.
The secret to that .. Lies in a Life of simpLicity that no amount of money can measure. I am graduaLLy feeLing it once again!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
As days go by, things evoLve. Some for the better, some not exactLy the same story.
With the imminent departure of my buddy-coLLeague Sean, I can onLy foresee that my time in the current office wiLL not become any better.
It couLd be time for a new chaLLenge, to run away and not risk the chance of being bombarded with more work which wiLL increase the chances of being Less efficient.
I do not want to Look bad, because I beLieve in quaLity. With more workLoad, and taking quaLity into consideration, many things are bound to be sLower than usuaL. With the expectation LeveL of myseLf being pretty high aLready, peopLe wiLL onLy feeL that I am not giving the same, which wiLL definiteLy end up being unjustified to me.
WeLL, fingers crossed, if a better offer is in pLace, I shaLL bid goodbye to a job I Love and hate dear.
That aside, I just created a phrase of my own ...
A Rocher a Day keeps the Spirits at Bay! (enjoy chocoLate, it sure Lifts one up)
As days go by, things evoLve. Some for the better, some not exactLy the same story.
With the imminent departure of my buddy-coLLeague Sean, I can onLy foresee that my time in the current office wiLL not become any better.
It couLd be time for a new chaLLenge, to run away and not risk the chance of being bombarded with more work which wiLL increase the chances of being Less efficient.
I do not want to Look bad, because I beLieve in quaLity. With more workLoad, and taking quaLity into consideration, many things are bound to be sLower than usuaL. With the expectation LeveL of myseLf being pretty high aLready, peopLe wiLL onLy feeL that I am not giving the same, which wiLL definiteLy end up being unjustified to me.
WeLL, fingers crossed, if a better offer is in pLace, I shaLL bid goodbye to a job I Love and hate dear.
That aside, I just created a phrase of my own ...
A Rocher a Day keeps the Spirits at Bay! (enjoy chocoLate, it sure Lifts one up)
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