Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A LittLe Dreamy, A LittLe Bumpy

Workwise has not been anywhere as satisfactory. No doubt it is a good change, but somehow, the job scope is by far a LittLe unsuitabLe for a big man Like me.

On the other hand, my reLationship with DeL has been great and its astonishing just how fast one month has gone. We spent Loads of time getting to know about one another, having heLL Lots of fun, Laughing and being happy, and so far, aLL I can say is I am stiLL pretty much amazed.

.. to be continued.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Daddy's Day

Twenty-six years back when I was born, I have neither cLue nor idea how a good father shouLd be Like, for it had aLways been Mom who was there. Not untiL she remarried 12 years Later that I reaLised .. the key to being a great father is one BIG word to bear - responsibiLity.

It takes more than a great man to accept a woman aLong with three kids, but he was that. And up untiL this day, despite few words between us throughout the years, my respect for him has never dwindLed.

A good dinner with the whoLe famiLy and partners on Father's Day, nothing wouLd have been more perfect than a simpLe reunion with the company of our Love.

I do not know the Love of a father to a son, but having spent most of my chiLdhood without, I know exactLy what a chiLd needs of a father. And for that, in time to come, I beLieve my chiLdren shouLd be Lucky enough to find a super dad in me. SmiLes!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kicking the Habit

Biting finger naiLs is as addictive as smoking. You do not crave for it, but somehow, if you do not bite them, you feeL uneasy. This has been a chiLdhood habit and for years now.

Therefore, the best effective way to prevent human beings from doing the unwanted, is via ... FINES.

Since about a week ago, my Lady has roLLed out the system and so far, the resuLts have been pretty positive - she is Looking at a net income of $16 from fines as of yesterday. And the onLy way I can stop seeing my bucks go down, is to kick the habit out of my Life.

It was a success on 18 June 2010. Not a doLLar was added to the totaL fines.

.. and then when I reach home, I bit aLL I couLd.

When You came aLong
And stood by me
I am Everything that I wasnt
Cause You, CompLete my Life. - Long, 19 June 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I/You Found You/Me

The worLd aside .. from the day you found me, time has come to a standstiLL.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Chain Effect

Every decision that one makes, wiLL affect another's Life in one way or another.

In my Life, I have made severaL choices that have mouLded some to where they are now, and aLso caused some to be what they are. On the other hand, there are peopLe who made a big difference to my Life as weLL, be it good or bad.

I wouLd not say that for the bad that happened, bLame shouLd be Laid on those who effected them, but somehow Life is a Learning process and I can onLy thank them for heLping me deveLop into a man as I am today.

ALL in aLL, as I Look back and see the present, even though I am nobody, I stiLL wake up every day being thankfuL for aLL that I have - peopLe that cares and that I care about.

That, to me, is more than enough to make me contented and happy.

.. weLL, of course, I am just a simpLe man.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Merry May

Every year as May comes, it never faiLs to fiLL a fuLL month of unexpected happenings, often for the good!

Two weeks into the new job, somehow, if without the daiLy morning prescription of vitamins from Somebody, the bLues are bound to haunt me throughout the days. So I do appreciate the LittLe things that Somebody has done for myseLf for the past few weeks.

June is here. Come what may .. Let us aLL embrace it with open arms!