A Minute
Its been a whiLe since I sat down and pen down my thoughts for the past few weeks, or months rather.
With about four hours to go before I pLay brother to Kenneth's Big Day, I suppose I wouLd just spend a minute on a bLog that is pretty much forgotten.
Embarking on part time studies since September came into the frame is something that has changed the way I Live my Life, and in turn affected the peopLe around me as a resuLt. I am stiLL very thankfuL that I have an understanding partner who choose to aLways stand by me, despite myseLf occassionaLLy being negative about how the way some things have gone.
PeopLe say that we onLy know what we have got untiL its gone, but I beg to differ. I do treasure and appreciate every LittLe thing that my Love has done every singLe day, despite Her being LabeLLed by me as a "hopeLess un-romantic", She is aLL I ever wanted.
I wish, and hope that everything can go as good as they are, smooth and head for the much better.
Peace out.