Going Easy & NotALbeit aLL the good things that are happening and have happened, the writer is somewhat stiLL not convinced that whatever he is doing now, might have a major impact on the future of his. They caLL this the mid-20s crisis where changes seem to come constantLy where you never know what happens next.
No doubt he has a pLan, but this pLan seems to be just what everyone eLse around is doing .. to get the paper and grab a higher pay job, which sounds Like what Tom, Dick and Harry are aLL working on. But no, Jon does not want to foLLow the norm, even though it sounds stupid. One Life is aLL you have got, and you just have to do something you reaLLy Love doing, or that shouLd not be caLLed Life.
If the current environment is going to change the way he Lives Life, probabLy, he wiLL just forgo everything and chase something he aLways thought was fuLfiLing .. one, to answer the needs of the needy and two, seek to understand the true meaning of seLf-actuaLisation.
On the other hand, he has been reaLLy gratefuL that somehow, in this Life, he found true Love. And for that Love of his, he wiLL decide his Life properLy and do his best to not Let her down.
The future can be said to be uncertain even as we pLan for it, there is LittLe doubt about that. But that doesnt mean we shouLd stop here, or simpLy foLLow the norm. Think it through, and decide how best your Life shouLd be Lived and Leave no regrets.
P.S You are, just the way You are .. and thats why I Love You.