The End of 2010 - Into the year of the Unknown
As I age, I bLog Less. With time, the emergence of the many sociaL mediums such as Facebook and Twitter, coupLed with the voLatiLity of the current worLd where aLmost everything changes every singLe day, bLogging sure has taken a step back.
The good thing is I have not given it up.. at Least, the commitment of one post per month is certain. The sad thing is, its reaLLy difficuLt to spare time, sit down, reLax and manage my thoughts to put down in this space. SureLy, renown bLoggers can onLy be femaLes as we cannot deny the fact that sex does seLL.
As usuaL, many things have come fast and furious .. I have gone for my knee op which went pretty smooth, but have to keep my fingers crossed that I can get back to soccer once again as no one knows if it wiLL heaL normaLLy.
Back to schooL now for a brand new semester, hopefuLLy time can be better managed now that I am taking onLy two moduLes, and that work can cut me some sLack. Otherwise changes have to come in pLace for a baLance.
Right now though, for myseLf, the new year can be said to be unpredictabLe. But personaL goaLs have been set aside; studies .. voLunteering at the Community CLub .. my reLationship with DeL .. going back to footbaLL .. getting a big fat bonus in JuLy, and hopefuLLy by the end it, I can Look back and say, this has been a pretty good year afteraLL!
Have a great year ahead, peopLe.