A few days back I had attended cLass for my bacheLor program. Its the fifth week aLready and this semester has gone somewhat pretty swiftLy.
Mr. JAP (John AruL PauL) is our Lecturer for this moduLe, Advanced Human Resource Management. As usuaL, the man, in his sixties, with his common formaL wear and specs, is giving an utmost specific Lesson. He never misses a point or another as he aLways repeats himseLf.
The evening cLass was the usuaL. He covered his topics, and he went through the muLtipLe-choice questions, fLashing them on the projector, going around asking the students for answers. On each question, he had stated at the end of the question where in the textbook the answer couLd be found. It was my turn to answer, and so I read the question, referred to the page and started to Look for the answer, as the whoLe cLass did concurrentLy.
I gave an answer, then he paused Looking at me, and said, "why did you go through the whoLe page when I have aLready given you the answer.." Then, the whoLe cLass reaLised that at the end of the question, after the reference page was a LittLe aLphabet 'a'.
Mr. JAP added, "many a time, we aLL don't see what is right in front of us, and then spend so much effort Looking for it..." His statement might not have been heard by many as cLearLy, but I did.
Sometimes, or most of the time (according to Mr. JAP), we keep working hard for things we beLieve are things that we want, but at the end of the day, the most important things that we reaLLy want, are just right there, yet we do not see it.
This Lesson, is priceLess, at Least, to me.