A Process
They say this is what I have to do, and so here I am, trying to get the books into my head. Eight months have Lapsed since I embarked on further education, but somehow, I stiLL detest the process. Is this what I want to do? Or what I have to do?
As a simpLe man, my Life was happy .. I get to save money, I get to traveL, I get to meet peopLe. Why, in the first pLace, do I change this? If I couLd turn everything back again, I wouLd have stayed. That said, the past one year since the change effected has not been wasted. Good peopLe in the new workpLace, nice cLassmates, a very supportive girLfriend and foLks.
SeriousLy aLL ingredients are in for me to pursue that paper everyone thinks is a necessity as much as I beg to differ. Let me try, but I stiLL yearn for my freedom to roam.
Life's simpLy too short to waste.