Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Giver

The greatest love of all.. is one that is unconditional and forgiving.

There cannot be a perfect balance in a relationship; you usually have one who gives in a lot to the other.

More often than not, the giver ends up in hurt. More often than not, the giver deserves better.

Selfless and defenceless, the giver is one that cries in silence. The giver should and will learn to be stronger and independent.

Time will mould the giver to be a polished gem and a great partner for one who appreciates.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Far but not anywhere near

Being away from home allowed me to pursue my dream once more; by living in a different world that I have been my whole life.

I'd like to think that by living the dream, happiness can follow. However, often are we caught in situations that restricted us from being happy despite having the freedom to roam.

As for now, I shall keep my fingers crossed that as my adventure goes along, I can find inner peace and be truly free and happy.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Emptying What's Lost

Through my life, I had only been in 3 proper relationships. To some, this figure might been pretty lean. For a typical guy like me, it sure is. I have read somewhere that people usually only settle down with their 4th or 5th partner, though this assumption might just be subjective.

Four years back, there was this girl I fell for, chased after and made to call my own. On this day, we got together officially and shared the happiness with the many common friends we had. After spending a splendid 3.5 years creating beautiful moments and having one another, little did I know that only upon losing her, I came to realise that I have lost one that truly devoted everything to the one guy she ever loved.

Temptations followed by decisions often lead to separations. There can be no bigger pain than taking for granted what good had always been there and losing it through bad decisions. However, we can only move on and hold onto the hope that everything that happens, happened for a reason. 

Most people will always see the surface of things, but never will they understand the true meaning of one's decision. More importantly, we should learn to be a little less selfish and responsible, and decide what would be best for not just one self but the other party. Sometimes, love was never lost, but moving on is inevitable.

Relationships prove to be a constant learning curve for all humans as emotions are what made us. As I empty the remains of what's lost, I start to fill in with what I have found and will be finding.

Be happy. You deserve to be.

Saturday, February 08, 2014


It has been six months since I rejoined the organisation that I started my first job at. In a way, things are not going as good as expected; so many things to manage, yet so few hands to carry out. And that is probably why six months felt like yesterday.

Looking back, the only solace must be meeting new people within the organisation at major events. With each new person I meet, the network gets bigger and stronger, and with each friendship forged, the motivation to meet these people again naturally grows.

People's Association, is a unique entity. Though all of us are here for the pay check each month, without a big heart, it can be tough surviving here. Glad to be back, though, I would have wished that time could go a tad less quickly.

2014 will prove to be even busier, faster and gone before you know it. Cherish the good times, and persevere through the bad. All in all, we'll never walk alone.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014


Most of us don't see, when we are too near.

On the contrary, everything became clearer when we take a step back. Alas, taking a step back meant that we are not near.

Most things are only as beautiful when they are cherished. Never take for granted, for you never know when they are gone.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Looking Back

The year is coming to yet another close. Looking back, it has been pretty much a roller coaster ride, at least in the life of this chap.

In February, he quit the position he held in healthcare for three years just so he could travel to the Middle Earth - New Zealand, and embark on a long-awaited backpack trip cutting across China and South East Asia.

And so he did, for the next three months, becoming an obvious wanderlust just so his thirst to experience the beauty of this world can be quenched.

When he finally did return home back in May, depression loomed upon him. Jobless, broke and what was left of him is but a story to tell at the envy of many.

Though he eventually managed to get hired once again in July, life was never to be the same again. He led a life like a vagrant. Ignoring the very presence of the love of his life, he went drinking on Fridays and simply did what people term it as YOLO. Surely, he was happy.

Not for long. He made bad decisions and got into a lot of trouble, and eventually threw his relationship into jeopardy. Finally in October, he decided that letting go would be best for the person that loved him dearly all these years. Moving on would be the right decision, and so he thought.

From that moment, though freed from commitment, he was but just a sorry, lost soul. Being sorry deep down, for all the bad decisions, and for not being the man he was supposed to be. Regrets might be in his mind, but life is such. It never goes back.

Looking back, perhaps everything that happened, were meant to be. He can only move on and remember that this is the year that changed his life, for good.

Sometimes, when you are caught in a dilemma not knowing what to do, think.. why you allowed yourself to fall into that situation in the first place.

Monday, September 23, 2013

To Love, to Let Go

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low 
Only hate the road when you're missing home 
Only know you love her when you let her go 

And I let her go.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

2013 Plus Nine Months

A year of major decisions, going pLaces and chasing dreams, I guess I've suddenLy remembered this LittLe space here where thoughts were penned since aLmost 10 years ago. As everyone gets oLder, most just stopped doing whatever they were pursuing when they were younger.

Me, on the other hand, am just chasing time Lost, trying to Live as fuLL a Life as I couLd. After a short traveL of cLose to 3 months to New ZeaLand, a part of massive China and cutting through South East Asia crossing borders, it suddenLy dawned upon me that.. this is Life.

As I Looked back at the year, I'm reaLLy gLad I did everything I had done, out of the sociaL norm. We can never get another shot back at Life. 

The time is now. Be happy, be yourseLf.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The FinaL Lap to a Chapter

2012. A brand new year, has come. The crossover is but the typicaL repetition of 365 days, and reminiscent the events that happened in the previous year.

2011. A year of the past. Nothing more than memories. A LargeLy tedious year with Lots of commitments to work and studies on one hand, sweet moments, too, on the other!

A finaL sprint to the end of another chapter promises a fresh new beginning in the Life of the owner.. a moment that's been a Long time coming. TiL then, enjoy Living Life as it shouLd!

In Love, we trust. In Love, sometimes we hurt. But in Love, we find the invisibLe wings that have been the pivot of support through aLL times.

That is why, I cherish You.. thank you, for being everything that I wasn't. For aLL that you gave, you deserve my dedication to our very future! =)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dream A LittLe

I aLways wanted to feeL free; as I was when I chose to serve my army in Taiwan for a year. That was to be the best part of my Life.

Now, as we aLL grow oLder, we tend to forget what Life is about.. to Laugh, and to Live and Love aLL the stuff we Loved doing.

I didn't forget.. but Like everyone eLse, with commitments apLenty.. choice is niL.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Boy

He is weLL. In fact, very weLL. Except the part where Life has entered another phrase, and this Boy is no Longer as naive and young as He used to be.

The Boy wiLL be back with more updates once a whiLe.. in the meantime, stay happy and Live Life the way it shouLd be!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Process

They say this is what I have to do, and so here I am, trying to get the books into my head. Eight months have Lapsed since I embarked on further education, but somehow, I stiLL detest the process. Is this what I want to do? Or what I have to do?

As a simpLe man, my Life was happy .. I get to save money, I get to traveL, I get to meet peopLe. Why, in the first pLace, do I change this? If I couLd turn everything back again, I wouLd have stayed. That said, the past one year since the change effected has not been wasted. Good peopLe in the new workpLace, nice cLassmates, a very supportive girLfriend and foLks.

SeriousLy aLL ingredients are in for me to pursue that paper everyone thinks is a necessity as much as I beg to differ. Let me try, but I stiLL yearn for my freedom to roam.

Life's simpLy too short to waste.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Lesson

A few days back I had attended cLass for my bacheLor program. Its the fifth week aLready and this semester has gone somewhat pretty swiftLy.

Mr. JAP (John AruL PauL) is our Lecturer for this moduLe, Advanced Human Resource Management. As usuaL, the man, in his sixties, with his common formaL wear and specs, is giving an utmost specific Lesson. He never misses a point or another as he aLways repeats himseLf.

The evening cLass was the usuaL. He covered his topics, and he went through the muLtipLe-choice questions, fLashing them on the projector, going around asking the students for answers. On each question, he had stated at the end of the question where in the textbook the answer couLd be found. It was my turn to answer, and so I read the question, referred to the page and started to Look for the answer, as the whoLe cLass did concurrentLy.

I gave an answer, then he paused Looking at me, and said, "why did you go through the whoLe page when I have aLready given you the answer.." Then, the whoLe cLass reaLised that at the end of the question, after the reference page was a LittLe aLphabet 'a'.

Mr. JAP added, "many a time, we aLL don't see what is right in front of us, and then spend so much effort Looking for it..." His statement might not have been heard by many as cLearLy, but I did.

Sometimes, or most of the time (according to Mr. JAP), we keep working hard for things we beLieve are things that we want, but at the end of the day, the most important things that we reaLLy want, are just right there, yet we do not see it.

This Lesson, is priceLess, at Least, to me.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Journey

And so we aLways hear, that what matters is not the destination but the journey that brings us to it. WeLL, this can onLy be true.

We are aLL doing what we beLieve is for a better tomorrow .. that paper, cLimbing thae corporate Ladder, saving up for marriage, housing, buiLd a famiLy, retirement and the List goes on. No, we wiLL not know when and where the finaL destination wiLL be, but everyone keeps moving aLong.

Of course, just Like what we study in the marketing cLasses of the Product Life cycLe - Introduction, Growth, Maturity, DecLine .. Life has its own cycLe as weLL - Birth, Age, Sickness, Death. Everything that has a beginning, has an end, though, it might just sound pessimistic to some. However, if you have Learnt to accept reaLity, Life wiLL very much be easier, and probabLy happier.

Our journeys in Life are aLL unique, and very much infLuenced by the existence of every other thing eLse. Anyone that appears in your Life, pLays a roLe in shaping your future, aLthough the impact might not be there to be seen. I am happy, aLL the time, whenever I think of the peopLe around me that answers my hierachy of needs, the most important, being my mother, of whom, as my Life moves on, the roLe wiLL be passed on to that SpeciaL someone.

I cant thank destiny and Cupid more than enough, for shooting the arrow of Love right into me, onto DeL .. She is simpLy one word to describe - unique. ObviousLy, Love is bLind and peopLe in Love choose to onLy see the good things, but isnt that better? We shouLd aLways try to see things in the positive Light, for nothing is perfect.

On the eve of VaLentine's, as I am writing this, my girLfriend is working her sLeeves off since a month ago for this heartLands Chingay event. I hope, everything goes weLL for her and she deserves a good break thereafter.

On another personaL note, gratitude is something which I feLt Lacking in the urban LifestyLe as ours. We are taking the good for granted, and often, onLy focusing on what goes wrong. It shouLdnt be. This cuLture has to change.

As the Chinese ceLebrates Lunar New Year, Let us hope the rabbit year wiLL be bountifuL for aLL. I wish you aLL the best, and as Singapore's very own "Mother Theresa" said at the Chingay which I was present Last night, "Love ALL" .. and Love we shouLd, beginning with the peopLe that matters most.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The End of 2010 - Into the year of the Unknown

As I age, I bLog Less. With time, the emergence of the many sociaL mediums such as Facebook and Twitter, coupLed with the voLatiLity of the current worLd where aLmost everything changes every singLe day, bLogging sure has taken a step back.

The good thing is I have not given it up.. at Least, the commitment of one post per month is certain. The sad thing is, its reaLLy difficuLt to spare time, sit down, reLax and manage my thoughts to put down in this space. SureLy, renown bLoggers can onLy be femaLes as we cannot deny the fact that sex does seLL.

As usuaL, many things have come fast and furious .. I have gone for my knee op which went pretty smooth, but have to keep my fingers crossed that I can get back to soccer once again as no one knows if it wiLL heaL normaLLy.

Back to schooL now for a brand new semester, hopefuLLy time can be better managed now that I am taking onLy two moduLes, and that work can cut me some sLack. Otherwise changes have to come in pLace for a baLance.

Right now though, for myseLf, the new year can be said to be unpredictabLe. But personaL goaLs have been set aside; studies .. voLunteering at the Community CLub .. my reLationship with DeL .. going back to footbaLL .. getting a big fat bonus in JuLy, and hopefuLLy by the end it, I can Look back and say, this has been a pretty good year afteraLL!

Have a great year ahead, peopLe.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twenty-Fifth of December

This date is not simpLy a date with Santa CLaus and his seven reindeers, but another magicaL ceLebration of one vitaL aspect of Life - L.O.V.E.

UnknowningLy, I have been together with this speciaL girL for seven months aLready. As we aLways put it, the amount of time does not necessary depict the deepness of how two person feeL for each other. SadLy not aLL reLationships end in a fairytaLe .. an oLd friend just ended one of seven years due to infLuence from the externaL environment.

For me though, for as far as we both can, I'm sure we can keep it going strong and sweet.

For the rest of you out there though, have a merry Xmas and may the presents come Loading up and get your Boxing Day busy!

Seasons greetings, one and aLL.

Time for a Xmassy Affair
Merry Christmas, have fun, Love, Laughter and Lots of Joy!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Here We Go .. Into The Month of the Year

FinaLLy a breather from aLL the studies for a whiLe, I wouLd think that going into the best month of the year wiLL definiteLy bring about more joy than ever!

Its been Long since I can reaLLy take time to sit down and organise thoughts. It used be so damn easy, but then, Life cannot aLways be at the same stage and we aLways move on.

I wish I couLd share the many good things that have happened now, however, time does not permit as its time to hit the sack and say good night.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Sunday, November 07, 2010

The WaLk

Today. It was drizzLing, a LittLe heavy, but Less than a shower. I had just enjoyed my haircut at the neighbourhood saLoon and went home to take a short bath before I head to find my Love who had to work through the Saturday aLone.

In Life, every singLe day is a Learning process. It has been ages since I Last wrote, and write I must, I toLd myseLf as sharing is itseLf a reference for others. But where do I begin, and how do I end? Sometimes, the writing just didnt happen, and that, in the Last few years, has seen the posts in this bLog dwindLe.

I took a smaLL broLLy, enough to cover two heads and Left home. Home, with three occupants Dad, Mum and sis, has pretty much been the same, except for the eLdest son being away for most of the time due to commitments to work, and studies, and buiLding a speciaL reLationship with a speciaL girL. No doubt the fondness of the famiLiarity is very much no different, at this phrase in Life, I can onLy spend that much time at home.

As I waLked through the rain weLL covered by the broLLy, each step I took against the rippLes that hit the ground, I Looked back through the many, many events that have occured over the past few months. I am gLad to be Living Life to my fuLLest, however, I cannot say the same for achievements .. which are but few.

Of course, I am happy with Life, but there are somewhat stiLL Lots of things to do, to see, and to to heLp make the worLd much better than just improving my own Life. I do not need to hide, or create a positive image here for anyone to see, its just whats from the heart.

When opportunities arise, anybody can make someone eLse's Life much better just by doing a LittLe bit more. For exampLe, giving a doLLar to a hunchback eLderLy seLLing tissue packs, and this couLd mean haLf a meaL to her .. but its just another cup of coffee for you and I.

Let us do what we can, if we want, to heLp peopLe who are not as Lucky. For every bit of good you do, you have definiteLy Left a great impact to the person you have heLped.

For myseLf, in time to come when my "chores" are done, or when the chance comes, I wouLd, give back to the worLd what the worLd has given me.

Cheers, and enjoy the finaL months of 2010.