Friday, April 16, 2004

The Night

A usual chat, a usual night, but a different atmosphere. Siqi, a gaL from my cLasz tis semester, was soLemn throughout. Din ask why though, but an hour passed, another passed. It was aLready 1am when she then toLd me about wat happened. She actuaLLy broke off wif her guy of a year .. weLL it was she who initiated. A sudden rush of excitment came tru me as I had aLways been having tis LittLe crush on this cutie for da past few months. But wat was I tinking, man. Someone juz broke up and I was there being excited. Anyway wat went wrong between them was dat she haven seen her guy for 2 weeks and she reaLised she din miss him at aLL, and said of Losing da feeLing. It wasnt a wrong move, though a bit crueL to da guy, but it had to be done.

Love is such a funny thing dat one of my best frenz commented the most romantic part of a reLationship is during courtship. After which itz about accepting da fLaws each may have and going tru time and tide together. If it cant be done, then itz not Luv. How can there ever be a perfect baLance in Luv; one party is aLways giving more than the other. But we dun tok about who gives more in Luv, coz itz voLuntariLy. This night, I feeL for LioneL as I can stiLL reLive the past in my mind. It wun be easy, but Life has to go on. Let each Luv journey embarked be a Lesson and experience for da future ones to be more successfuL. U dun Look back in Life, for it wun make u successfuL or happy. Move on, my frenz.

As for my future journeys, I shaLL keep my fingers crossed.