Friday, July 30, 2004
The Drama - Eternity
"Amazing grace .. how sweet da sound .. dat saved a wretch Like me .."
Heard this at the church where da drama was heLd yesterday. Man, I knew this song! Learnt it during da secondary skooL days, but Im not into Christ (for Christ's sake). WeLL da cast brought up a good show, especiaLLy satan and his deviLs. I do feeL for da cute LittLe angeLs though, stood there tru out da hour or so whiLe I was sitting so comfortabLy in my seat. They muz have feLt da sore in their feet. After everything, it rained, din dampen my spirits though. And we had to foLLow some things da "preacher" toLd us to do .. stand .. hoLd hands and stuff. It was aLL rubbish La. But it sure feeLs good to be hoLding Deb's hand for da 1st time .. wasnt da way I wanted it though.
For a fLashback, I was reLeased at 5.30 and went waLking round my skooL, watched a game of hockey and then got down to Athar for a prata dinner. Sometimes, being aLone does da wonder of souL reLief, of coz itz aLways better if someone cud juz be by ur side. Became one of da rare earLy birds, where I was behind GuoAnn and May as they were aLready there. Yongren arrived minutes Later, Deb got caught in da Longest MRT path u shud have seen at Boon Keng mrt. I din reLi noe wat she meant untiL I took da path myseLf after da whoLe thing. Everything today went reLi great .. and I hope everyone feLt da same too ..
Thursday, July 29, 2004
If I Let You Go
Another day, yet da same shit .. man, da stupid radio juz aired one of my aLL-time cLassics in WestLife's If I Let U Go. Ain da best time to Listen to such a song, but it sure reminded me of a crush I had years back. Had a wonderfuL few months then, but sometimes things dun go da way u wan them to .. and datz juz Life and itz up to u to accept da harsh reaLity. I've seen Heather a whiLe back, and itz good to hear dat she's doing great, working as an air stewardess, have a stabLe Life and most importantLy being happy. Happiness? Yea .. itz watz everyone's working for ain it? But how many of us can be reLi happy and cooL about everything datz in motion, datz revoLving and datz going fast and furious? If everyone cud juz Live for da moment, in simpLicity, I guesz many things cud have been better off.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
I wonder if itz good or bad dat I guesz Im addicted to writing. Writing on one hand, improves brain power in thoughts, yet on da other it makes a person think Lots, and dat probabLy expLains why I've been going hungry reaL fast.
This training program is reLi cock .. waste of time and makes dumb ppL even dumber. Now stop pointing ur fingers at me .. Im dumb, but ain dat dumb after aLL =D .. for these few days itz been sLack and sLack aLL day, giving me every chance to experience imprisonment. Itz tormenting my spirit .. and Life is but as good as dead. I cant stop missing da things I cud do during weekends .. missing da peopLe of whom my Life revoLves around .. missing da reaL Life out there .. somebody save me ~
Countdown : week 4 of 6 mths
Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu
This song by Ocean Young has captured my heart for da past 2 weeks. For once, I was mesmerised by tis song. WeLL, it IS a reLi cooL song, and anyone who has Listened to it can teLL u dat, juz ask Deb, Kenneth, Yongren .. and I have no doubt they wiLL aLL agree wif me. However to me itz one dat I wiLL never get sick of, for it represents how I am feeLing, and signifies da new phrase of Life I am going tru. I stiLL tink Lots everyday, and I reLi wish to be in a perfect worLd .. yet I ain sure about da other side of da worLd .. weLL time wiLL teLL ..
Monday, July 26, 2004
I, Robot
Damn was I having a reLi good weekend sLeep yesterday, it was so rejuvenating dat for a moment I tot I had been dreaming. Anyway for da whoLe morning I was doing some chores, which I haven been doing so for da past few weeks. Mopping fLoor was one of my speciaLities, dat I feLt I had a LeveL 99 experience aLready haha .. been doing it since secondary one coz my Mom's a workahoLic ; her off-days ain fixed, so it was Left to me and my Dad to do those stuff. She's onLy in charge of da Laundry. Haven reaLised dat da cLothes had been stacked up Like a hiLL on da sofa, itz been some time since we cLeared da cLean cLothes, and so we did.
Dat afternoon's been a fLop decision I made, choosing to pLay footbaLL before heading out to with Deb for I,Robot. Guesz I'LL juz forgo footbaLL if I'm to go out on Sundays. Deb had been quite patient, for she had da whoLe day waiting, and it was 7.20pm aLready when I reached. Yes, da Late King, is Late again ..
Anyway, Deb was as gorgeous in her kaki overaLL as she is each time I saw her, but I tot she Looked better in tied hair. I was in a revoLutionist tee which was ironicaLLy in da same coLour genre as Deb's outfit, geez, we sure Looked urbanised. We got da 9pm sLot @ Shaw House before dinner-ing for some Thai food (Kenneth wud sure be jeaLous) down Far East. I tot I took da spice quite weLL, being a no-chiLLi animaL. Had Tom Yam soup and Beef Kway Teow. And Deb had an amazingLy BIG appetite man, gobbLed up a pineappLe fuLL of rice, some of my Kway Teow and aLmost 3/4 of da Tom Yam soup LoL .. had a stroLL down Orchard for digestion purposes and got back to Shaw for da show.
I,Robot is cooL, but da cinema was even "cooLer". I wonder if Deb feLt coLd. Sent her home after dat and thank God I caught da Last bus, for my expenses had exceeded far more than I had cud reLi spend these days, though I had been expecting so. Yet it doesnt reLI matter, they say money is meant to be spent, to enjoy haha. Drop me some cash up there wiLL ya?
NevertheLess a wonderfuL Sunday evening it was ..
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Had a good Long day of footbaLL again .. and I doubt I feLt good? They say when someone sets u in .. u tend to forgo wat u Luv doing. Haven been abLe to concentrate pLaying good footbaLL, da man they used to caLL Speedy GonzaLez. But it doesnt matter, aLL I am tinking of, is aLL dat I reLi wan, and wat I reLi wan, is to be someone whoz aLways there for her. Was home at 9 .. quite earLy I can say. And then I went onLine at 10, too tired dat I took a nap, and I got onLine again at midnite. Had a LittLe chat with Deb, but da moment Lasted for 15 minutes, to me waking up for I guesz is worth it. Da day finaLLy came to a cLose ..
.. and I yearn to be da camera man behind aLL ur Life's scenes.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Da NYP IT Roadshow
Wednesday it is, my Business DeveLopment team was seLected to assist in da IT Roadshow which wud take 2 days. Wasnt reLi fun, had to do Lots of product training beforehand, and I doubt I wud be coming out from PoLy as a saLesman, which makes this whoLe thing redundant. However I met Lots of new peopLe around and they're aLL reaL cooL! Da day went by without any prospective buyers (FYI Im with Canon Printers) .. but thinking of da LittLe steamboat Later in da evening spurs me on. I had Deb coming down to NYP from SP, and I feLt for her coz da whoLe journey is reLi draining. But she stiLL made it here, waited for me for some time and finaLLy we're aLL set to Leave for Leon's. Had no idea we were da earLiest birds, but as they say da earLy birds catch worms, and so we did, started da steamboat at 7 and da rest had to make do wif watz Left .. it was a cosy gathering and watching some videos of our past made it quite emotionaL for us, not on da surface, but in the inside. 12am approached .. and we had to bid goodbye. Sent Deb home again. A bit stupid I am, had no cash but I reLi wanna do it. So I did, and after Deb got off home, I hooked up wif da uncLe to send me to da nearest ATM .. gosh I gotta prepare at Least 20 bucks in my waLLet nxt time ..
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Leon's Card
Something out there muz have heard me .. dat I was aLmost bored to da core, dat it got me getting a new hairdo, dat it got me going downtown to get something for Leon. Debby popped d' idea and I had no hesitation in asking her out dat evening. I was at Serangoon for my cut then .. anyway it was quite an unexpected one, for it was punk. We met up at 6 and waLked around Wisma and Taka hunting for da Card .. took an hour pLus and we haven reLi stopped taLking about stuff. Btw, SheiLey my xue mei said she saw me down Ngee Ann City Square, yet for da dunnoe how many times she faiLed to say "hi" to me. Haven reLi seen this junior of mine before. ALways Like dat .. anyway, finaLLy we found da BIGGEST card and juz paid for it. Went for dinner down Scotts and da nite ended wif me sending her home .. simpLe though, stiLL I feeL so good ..
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Monday, July 19, 2004
CLem's Day
Geez, I was awaken by da Fishtank ringtone on my 6510 .. and it took me quite a whiLe to reLi drag myseLf up for the footbaLL dat foLLows coz these days I cant stop thinking of some particuLar things. But Im quite a Lucky dude I can say, for I am in 2 of da best teams in Singapore. PFC is da team I formed wif primary skooLmates whiLe the other being da guys I have spent my whoLe secondary times with. Da 1st match with PFC went good, were 0-2 down untiL we staged a miracLe to come back for a 4-3 win, and I was reLi excited I grabbed a goaL for I seLdom get to be on da scoresheet. UsuaLLy I wud have gotten knocked out pLaying for a fuLL match using fuLL potentiaL, but I din here. MayB I din give my aLL, or da weather was juz too perfect.
Da 2nd match took off quite Late, at 11+ i tink, when we began to reLi feeL da sun, coz opponents were Late! But we made use of da time to do some photographing and training, right under da hot bLazing sun. Yet we won it 2-0, Guoann getting the first and, *tsk tsk* I got da 2nd! I doubt I can ever forget this goaL .. for I so wanted to do it for Lots of reasons in my mind. One, being Leon's finaL match with us, another being CLem's burfday and then for some other personaL reason. I've been tinking about it and wanted so much to do it, and it juz came. Guesz itz been a reLi perfect day for me. We guys went for a swim at "Guoann's condo", weLL datz his aunt's LoL .. and I tink da morning had aLmost taken itz toLL on my Legs, tiring Legs with LittLe cramps.
We decided on movie Brotherhood and dinner @ Marina Square, but I had to go home change to something presentabLe coz I was in da same shorts dat I used for footbaLL and swim .. and who eLse but my gay burfday bud drove me back and for. FinaLLy met them up, everything was Like so cooL, no hiccups and stuff. But I guesz da highLight of da day wud be being abLe to sit aLongside Debby during da movie .. happy burfday dude ..
The Saturday
1pm arrived, and I made my way down to HarbourFront to meet up with da peeps for sunshine, sand and da sea. Itz been Long since we Last got ourseLves down da beach, and I was so Looking forward to it! Din wanna reach as da earLiest thus I opted to take da bus from AMK. But then again I miscaLculated da time, was aLready 2pm when I reaLised I was stiLL haLfway tru at Novena Square, thus switched to d' mrt. Though Late, but aLL is weLL and after Lunch we went for da beach. Da day went great .. had Lots of fun .. and I tink inviting Gena was a right choice for she made guys go ga-ga over her hot bod LoL. Itz good to see Debby having Loads of fun as weLL even without da presence of May. We headed for town after dat, dinner and ktv. Not for da 1st time did we get to hear da great vocaL acts of Guowei but Debby sang reLi weLL aLso. But for us amatuers in Yongren and Wujie we cud onLy tag onto some simpLe songs. Been a great day .. ended with a nice sLeep, aLL dat for da footbaLL dat foLLows for me da nxt morning.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Been some time since I Last visited Grandpa, and so I did today, for da first time since da Last exams back in ApriL. ActuaLLy Grandpa Lives juz dozens of bLocks away from my home. And I have been procrastinating tiL now. As I stepped into da same house, there he was, sitting on da same string chair as he did everytime I came. He sat up, saw me and gave a wide smiLe. It dun feeL good to see him Losing much of his mass as he grew weaker by da day and aLthough he din say much, I knew he was happy, and datz wat matters most. Losing Grandma years back is tough for Grandpa to take. I cud stiLL remember da LittLe coupLe tiffs they had when I was young, for tru out my primary skooL Life I've been staying wif them, untiL when I was secondary 3 dat my Grandma went away. And it changed Grandpa forever. How I wish I cud have spent more time wif him, and hopefuLLy he wiLL stay to watch my get married, have chiLdren and become successfuL.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
The Hour
May said I wrote weLL, and urged me to write more LoL. Din reaLise I cud do something good for once outside of footbaLL. Time for Lunch .. yet I dunnoe where to head, or who to caLL. Not going wif my team though, for I wud be seeing them aLmost evryday of my Life for da nxt 2 months. Thus, I ended up going to da Engineering canteen for vegetarian food as usuaL, and probabLy hoping to bump to a fren. It took me 5min to finish my meaL after which I juz waLked tru da passing strangers around da skooL. As it happened I feLt so .. Lost. Lost in da crowds, Lost in nobody's worLd. I wasnt thinking of anything eLse yet it feLt so miserabLe. FinaLLy I got myseLf to da top LeveL where there ain peopLe and juz sat there and chiLL. It wasnt dat bad a view, I cud see Lots of trees afar, Yio Chu Kang swimming pooL, grassroots cLub .. but I had no idea wat I was tinking of. Itz hard to breathe, but thank God I din shed a tear, or Guoann's gonna LabeL me a sissy again .. my Nokia 6510 showed 12.49 .. went back to my room ..
A Good Night SLeep, For Once
In da same room on da same com, yet wif a better energy LeveL rite now. Guesz I had too ampLe sLeep from Last yesterday. Din intend to turn in dat earLy, I was Lying on my bed rite after dinner at 9pm, and before I know it I was gone. Good morning .. and here I come, skooL. Same shit different day it is ..
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
It was a Monday, and somehow I dun feeL da bLues at aLL. Since I arrived in skooL in da earLy morning, I've been tinking of being abLe to meet da guys, and May and Debby again. For da past few days itz been tough for I feLt Like a Loser. I am a Loser anyway, weak and good for nothing. But stiLL I have yet to enjoy da fuLLest moments of my Life, and for da 1st time in a year do I feeL da serenity and soothness in my heart which is hard to reLi describe, and it reminded me of my happier times, a reLi spLendid feeLing of deja vu. I'd Like to say da hurt dat I was Left wif since a year ago is heaLed, though a scar is aLways wat remained .. time sure went my way, and as soon as 5.30pm came, I trottLed my way to da MRT and headed for town. Cant heLp but keep tinking of meeting them. And finaLLy meet them I did .. Debby's simpLy gorgeous, as aLways. Her eyes cud simpLy meLt any dude's heart, me being a victim .. had dinner at Han's Far East, took a stroLL down Scotts for a cinema and then headed for PS finaLLy in Kenneth's van. We caught da 9pm Super Size Me, and to be honest, I din enjoy da show, though. WhiLe we parted at da MRT, I feLt heLpLess, my heart's teLLing me to send Debby home but my mind's asking me to go with my buddy Guoann, for I cant forsake a fren, and I foLLowed my mind eventuaLLy. StiLL it was another wonderfuL day I had =D ..
Monday, July 12, 2004
The Meeting
Saturday was quite a day, we guys had a game of footbaLL at NYP tiL evening time before Leon and May actuaLLy got us to meet up with her frenz, of whom we have met once in Debby, who to me is such a gorgeous petit gaL. We had to wait for them to finish dinner outside Thai Express @ The EspLanade and tru da gLass panes I saw them dining, at dat point of time feeLing Like there's a gap in status between me and them. How i wished I was born rich, but since Im not, I juz gotta Live wif it, and mayB chasing after gaLs ain gonna happen to me right now, for Im juz another average Joe with nothing. WeLL tis is pure reaLity, crueL, yet u gotta accept it. We took a stroLL around da rooftop there and it was an hour before we actuaLLy decided to settLe down at Starbucks RaffLes City. ALL these whiLe I cant heLp but feeL Lousy inside of me, for May and Leon have been trying to bridge up me and Debby, and I am hesitating, for a reason or another. Guesz it sure turned her off. Yet I juz feLt I ain capabLe of going for it, and I knew it. MayB datz why Leon has been constantLy nagging at my being weak. We then fLagged cabs home after dat, wif me and Deb on one and they on da other 2. WeLL it was aLL part of their "pLan", though da journey went pretty cooL, Deb's making me feeL comfortabLe about evrything tru some chat, and it ain Long b4 we finaLLy reached her pLace. Come to tink of it, I am stupid not to send her up, for itz juz formaLity, and I suppose points get deducted for dat haha. I turned to da cabbie for a chat on my way home as he's aso a Linkin Park fan wif their tracks on da pLayer aLL whiLe Long. But he sure is good, din faLL for my "frenLiness", I end up paying without discount. I thoroughLy enjoyed da day, though a bomb had been spent =D ..
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Day 2 (of a 6-month stint)
As I write this post, it juz shows how sLack I am being in this Teaching Enterprise Program, a 6-month training program instiLLed in the 3 year course of my Business dipLoma. Bored as it seems, stressfuL as it is, and it juz make duLL Life even duLL-er. No frenz though, but new frenz are made, and more to come. WeLL da busy times are coming soon in this stopover (we have 3 stopovers in this program) and hopefuLLy itz gonna give me some drive to move on with time. In my deparment as the Business DeveLopment, we are in charge of sourcing for suppLiers who are gonna consign us with their products for our proposed convenience store Like those 7-eLeven and Cheers kind. Itz somehow of a break from studies, yet show us the Life of being a working individuaL. WeLL i'LL stop here and add on Later.
.. continued
Today was a bit speciaL though, at Lunch break today, my SheiLey xue mei sudddenLy sms-ed me said she saw me, again. Da same as usuaL, aLways saw me yet nvr caLL me. Then say I dao .. but itz nice to hear from her every time I feeL sian coz she's aLways using cute Little words. And my PoLy kakee, PrisciLLa, aLso dropped by my room and chatted for a while. It was a cooL day today ..
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Been chatting on MSN aLL nite Long, as per a daiLy basis, and I suddenLy reaLised dat geez, itz been da past 3 years I've been doing so, da same oLd shit juz a different day. And itz been some time since I Looked back at some of da happenings tru out da past two years. SadLy, I ain been making wise decisions, some of which had caused hurt to others and frenships I'd aLways treasure. Sometimes things are juz inevitabLe dat u juz cant escape from it, Like matters of da heart and so. Itz even harder to forgive and forget things dat go against u. But aLL these has been done to someone so much yet forgave me with an open heart and accepted everything dat happened, and I cant heLp but feeL so bad deep inside. WeLL watz important now, is dat seeing dat she's Leading a happy Life, though watz done can never be undone. I reLi appreciate tis frenship of ours and reLi a miLLion thanks, Jean.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
The BLackout
It muz have been traumatising for 1/3 of the whoLe of Singapore for a sudden bLackout dat happened juz Last nite, and so I did. Was on my com when suddenLy evrything juz got switched off, it din take my Long to reaLise dat my house ain da onLy one. Da whoLe park, my neighbourhood was in pitch bLack. And watz funny, is dat my brother who was having a bath gave a Loud "OEI!" .. LoL .. tinking dat some1 was giving him a prank. For a whiLe peopLe got reLi excited .. I cud see torches around and hear conversations everywhere. It was juz so "happening". Yes of coz I tot it was reLi cooL eh .. went to my kitchen, took a Look out of my window, as my bLock is a 4-storey C-shaped buiLding, I exchanged gLances wif many of my neighbours, many of whom I saw for da 1st time. Anyway it took us Hougang residents 2 hours before da power finaLLy came back at 12am. U cud hear da joy as da peopLe aLL around gave yays as if it was a goaL in a footbaLL match. Man, bLackout, wiLL u come again soon?
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