Friday, July 30, 2004

The Drama - Eternity

"Amazing grace .. how sweet da sound .. dat saved a wretch Like me .."
Heard this at the church where da drama was heLd yesterday. Man, I knew this song! Learnt it during da secondary skooL days, but Im not into Christ (for Christ's sake). WeLL da cast brought up a good show, especiaLLy satan and his deviLs. I do feeL for da cute LittLe angeLs though, stood there tru out da hour or so whiLe I was sitting so comfortabLy in my seat. They muz have feLt da sore in their feet. After everything, it rained, din dampen my spirits though. And we had to foLLow some things da "preacher" toLd us to do .. stand .. hoLd hands and stuff. It was aLL rubbish La. But it sure feeLs good to be hoLding Deb's hand for da 1st time .. wasnt da way I wanted it though.
For a fLashback, I was reLeased at 5.30 and went waLking round my skooL, watched a game of hockey and then got down to Athar for a prata dinner. Sometimes, being aLone does da wonder of souL reLief, of coz itz aLways better if someone cud juz be by ur side. Became one of da rare earLy birds, where I was behind GuoAnn and May as they were aLready there. Yongren arrived minutes Later, Deb got caught in da Longest MRT path u shud have seen at Boon Keng mrt. I din reLi noe wat she meant untiL I took da path myseLf after da whoLe thing. Everything today went reLi great .. and I hope everyone feLt da same too ..

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