Sunday, August 29, 2004
Now and Then
Things are so much different today as I return to where I spent da best years of my Life .. in MayfLower Secondary. Homecoming reunion dinner it was, Lots of peeps .. yet aLL da new faces except for a few. SadLy many from my batch have been unabLe to attend due to hot demand for da tix which had been snapped up by enthusiastic earLy birds. WeLL, at Least da good oLd structure of da buiLding remained, and memories are aLL datz Left. Met quite a few teachers who DO remember me (but not my name which actuaLLy is understandabLe). Boy oh boy, so many babes around, yet I wud gLadLy give gLances of them aLL up for peopLe from my batch to come. It'd be da perfect scenario. Anyway itz not possibLe, so I tot I cud make do wif steaLing gLances at babes. 6 of us guys, a former teacher, my ex-NCC officer and 2 cutie pies are those dat were on tabLe 13. Not dat unauspicious a number at aLL ehh! However food ain dat fantastic, for every dish dat comes wif seafood I wud Lose aLL appetite (FYI, Im aLLergic to seafood). Looking back, time reLi fLies .. itz but yesterday dat we were having Loads of fun .. pLaying chapteh during recess .. spreading rumours across cLasses .. hose-ing water about in da toiLet .. awaiting 12.50pm for mad rush to da basketbaLL court for footbaLL .. itz gonna take a book or so to jot down every singLe thing we do. Yes, who doesnt yearn for yesterday. But motion takes us tru .. and moving on is da onLy option, as we aLL grow for tomorrow. Da past .. cLosed as another chapter ..
Saturday, August 28, 2004
What Porn Has Made Me Believe
1. Women wear high heels to bed.
2. Men are never impotent.
3. When going down on a woman 10 secs is more than satisfactory.
4. If a woman gets busted masturbating by a strange man, she will not scream with embarrassment, but rather insist he have sex with her.
5. Women smile appreciatively when men splat them in the face with sperm.
6. Women enjoy having sex with ugly,middle-aged men.
7. Women moan uncontrollably when giving a blowjob.
8. Women always orgasm when men do.
9. A blowjob will always get a women off a speeding fine.
10. All women are noisy ****s.
11. People in the 70's couldn't **** unless there was a wild guitar solo in the background.
12. Those tits are real.(woo)
13. A common and enjoyable sexual practice for a man is to take his half-erect penis and slap it repeatedly on a woman's butt.
14. Men always groan "OH YEAH!" when they cum.(lol!)
15. If there is two of them they "high five" each other.(and the girl isn't disgusted!)
16. Double penetration makes women smile.
17. Asian men don't exist.(but not me)
18. If you come across a guy and his girlfriend having sex in the bushes, the boyfriend won't bash seven shades of shit out of you if you shove your cock in his girlfriend's mouth.
19. There's a plot.
20. When taking a woman from behind, a man can really excite a woman by giving her a gentle slap on the butt.
21. Nurses suck patients’ cocks.
22. Men always pull out.
23. When your girlfriend busts you getting head from her best friend, she will only be momentarily pissed off before ****ing the both of you.
24. Women never have headaches... or periods.
25. When a woman is sucking a man's cock, it's important for him to remind her to "suck it".
26. Assholes are clean.
27. A man ejaculating on a woman’s butt is a satisfying result for all parties concerned.
28. Women always look pleasantly surprised when they open a man's trousers and find a cock there.
29. Men don't have to beg.(phew)
and finally...
30. When standing during a blowjob, a man will always place one hand
firmly on the back of the kneeling woman's head and the other proudly on his hip
Change is aLways tiring. It takes away stuff u have possession of and gives u new ones dat u may have to Learn and adapt. But da positives out of it are aLways so abundant, and it may juz be a matter of time before ur stoLen oLd stuff gets out of ur mind, with da new ones setting in. Though, not aLways da case.
A brand new department, a brand new team. To start from scratch and buiLd up rapport with new peopLe. Do miss da good oLd peopLe I have been Leading my Life wif for da past 2 months who brought me much meaning and Laughter and something to Look forward to every singLe day. Yet u and i noe, dat nothing Lasts an eternity. WeLL itz a cycLe comes and goes. Shopping Arcade's shops have aLL changed staff. Sity ain there in the VaLue Shop anymore. So is MicheLLe and Peixuan. Shiao Hui is now not at Lifestyle Shop anymore, now dat I have been transferred over to Inventory Management inside da same good oLd store I used to visit. Everyday I enter this room, used to but disturb her. Everyday I enter this room, presentLy is but memories of da past. How I wish I was here when she was here too. It'd be great fun I bet. Now with new peopLe, it is but moments .. am I tired or wat .. give me a break, man.
Monday, August 23, 2004
FootbaLL is a game of 22 men, a referee and best with supporters and fans. Of coz, fans act as a form of stimuLant Like viagra to a weak man. It improves performance and enhances confidence. Guesz Im a weak man on da pitch of Late, but Im pretty sure I dun need viagra, juz some rest and Luck wud do da magic. PLayed 2 matches today .. and din win at both ends. Losing is bitter .. I simpLy HATE it. THE END.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Friday, August 20, 2004
Changes + high pace = Lethargy = time constraint = bLoody no Life
I ain bLogging as much as I wud Like to. I ain posting pics as much as I wud Luv to. Time has come for me to change and adapt. Things are coming fast and furious. Been committing to da Union .. been busy with work. Things are juz going as a routine. Tomorrow's juz another day, though different yet same shit. And this week's gonna be quite something, a switch of stopover. Come up with something sometime somewhere, if time permits. For now, adios.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Men - Born SeLfish?
Nike ReaL Run
Sunday morning, us, four in totaL, went for da Long awaited run - da ReaL Run @ Sentosa. Kandi was a Last minute repLacement for Leon who cudnt join us for da great event, and I bet he wiLL be reaL disappointed to hear dat we DID enjoy ourseLves. As usuaL, da Late was Late, and da earLy, earLy. Da bastard was there in da wee hours of dawn, having eggs, bread and butter whiLe I was taking my own sweet time traveLLing down to HarbourFront. Din expect such a BIG turnout, tens of thousands to be exact, and we did not expect much from da Run either. Off went da horn, but not us as we were stiLL stroLLing behind da starting Line aLong with some other haLf-asLeepers. Then came this siLLy idea of mine, to compLete da Run without stopping, and so we tried, for more haLf da course. Yet our pace eventuaLLy din aLLow us to run as a whoLe and in d' end I ran my own race, for I had onLy one goaL in mind - the Finish Line. So proud of myseLf! Din stop no run at aLL for da whoLe of my journey. Sometimes in Life, itz impossibLe to sLow down ur own course to accomodate for others, though seLfish, but datz juz reaLity ..
Met up wif da rest next. Saw Deb said hi .. Jaz saw me din say hi .. we had fun .. May fLew us kites .. and I had da baLL right into Persis' face!
Fireworks .. first officiaLLy decLared "I watched" fireworks .. fireworks - true beauty of da moment, thought short, they Lived to their fuLLest. And I suppose we shud juz Learn from them. Met Kase and her frenz .. got home and there goes.
Woke up feeLing da aftermath of run .. aches aLL around. Mom bought new fone in Sony Ericson's K700i .. great fone. Happy boy I was.
Got down Marina for steamboat .. was earLy bird .. da rest were Late .. ate to our heart's content. Got home. Shack. Kenneth to go NS next morning. Sad. Au revoir.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Itz aLways pLeasing to see peopLe caring for u whenever u have a good faLL and getting on ur feet again. However, it is aLways harder to face da cause of faLL as things have happened and cant be undone. Guesz I've tripped too many peopLe Like Leon and Weisiang for fun's sake dat mayB they wudnt wanna waLk aLongside me again. WeLL at Least I know how they feLt now ..
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Guowei's Day
They were reLi nice peopLe. My frenz, who made my drink saLt water. I was veri, veri Late and arrived @ an hour thirty after da meeting time together with Yongren. But they made me drink da spiked water instead, with me in da dark. However Lips @ CineLeisure ain such a bad pLace, though da ambience was quite disrupted by da bunch of us. Had some spicy sphagetti which I beLieve is my 1st and Last time eating dat .. itz as spicy as Mexican chiLLi! We then went to ktv, as usuaL da singers sang and da spectators spectated. Though, it was a thoroughLy enjoyabLe day, and wished Guowei did enjoy himseLf tru out. Peace out ..
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