Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The SP Tour

Some of u may be wondering why da heLL I was @ SP for .. weLL, I dunnoe myseLf. Met up with my primary skooL cLique at NYP Food Junction and when one of da dudes said he was heading for SP, thus tot I cud juz sneak down for a coupLe of hours away from my "office" to meet Deb. So I did, da MRT journey was reLi LONG .. LittLe wonder weeks back on her way to NYP, Deb said she kept Losing consciousness on da train. But on tis day, I had my fren. Anyway got there, and it was reLi strange feeLing to be in another skooL. We met up, had Lunch and my tour guide (u know who) took me around SP. Cudnt reLi imagine how da skooL's infrastructure goes, anyone whoz there for da 1st time is definiteLy a Lost Lamb without a shepherd. StiLL some of da things around da campus there were reLi famiLiar. MayB I had seen them before, or mayB it was peopLe Like Deb who had been instiLLing da pictures into me aLL these whiLe dat it automaticaLLy got downLoaded into my memory. Watever it is, SP sure is grand. We parted at minutes past 3, after which I embarked on da journey back to NYP tru da other direction. FeLt as if I've been Around Da IsLand In 80min. LoL. ALmost got into troubLe for being AWOL from "office", my supervisor was Looking for me but thank goodness my teamates covered it aLL up for me. Luv them for dat. Had chicken chop this time, guesz I'LL drop by for other foods at the 6 food courts they have there ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » »