Saturday, September 25, 2004

20 Years, For A Moment

Had a game of footbaLL in skooL after a day of "work". Great game it was, and so da beatifuL game Lives itz name. We, da footbaLLers had conquered da basketbaLL court and merged da 2 courts as one to pLay. Was reLi something which I wud caLL is innovative, new and revoLutionary, aLL thanks to 1 good man caLLed JL. My team consisting of da Likes of Yongren, Leon and some of my NYP mates Like Nickie, Is and Joe were dominating "The Cage" for some games and I beLieve we impressed not juz da waiting next-teamers but probabLy da insects around wud have been singing to our superiority. Sure is one of those days I thoroughLy enjoyed my footbaLL.

MayB age is catching up after aLL. Got so shacked out dat I dozed off watching White Chicks at midnite after meeting da peeps up. HiLarious, yes it is, but as much as I wanna, I cudnt keep my eyes open except for a few moments when da theatre burst into Laughter but itz juz a matter of seconds before I shutdown yet again. No wonder Zhanrong described my 8 bucks as a 2-hour therapy session. I cant deny age is catching up .. many stuff I had wanna get done but had neither da time nor da energy to either begin with or actuaLLy compLete it. Things Like getting into a reLationship .. it sure is a wardrobe out there. So many cLothes u wud Like to wear but aLL u need is juz one set. Though it seemed easy to choose da best Looking outfits, many a time u got stuck choosing wat to wear and end up deciding to stay home and sLeep instead.

20 years .. a quarter of ur Life .. haLf ur youth. And there are so many things I have yet to experience, to Learn. And it can onLy be done out of ur hectic routine of Same Shit Different Day. MayB I shud juz wear something and go out after aLL ..