Sunday, October 31, 2004
Thursday, Friday
It was a usuaL Thursday .. doing da same routine stuff in skooL after which me and Peiyun went down to PLaza Singapura for a normaL dinner in which da whoLe evening was so odd. She was persistent in going PS .. She was thinking of so much stuff .. weLL now I know why ..
Friday is a month after we got together .. we had pLanned to engage in dinner @ Magic Woks before camping at East Coast. It was aLready 11pm when we finaLLy get to our destination, and I began my 5-minute bet with Her dat I can set up da tent within dat frame. Of coz I fLopped .. sometimes being cLever if enough, there's no need to act cLever. And so I did. At dawn, we caught a very beautifuL sunrise! Itz such a wonderfuL feeLing dat it seemed Like uer in a worLd of ur own juz being with someone u Love, out of da usuaL routine of work, out of aLL da system of LifeLessness. Anyway we had a very good breakfast @ Mac's, indeed! A mynah was staring at Her dat She got freaked out and jumped right out of her seat screaming -_- .. I spiLLed da coffee right there on da tabLe. And it was supposedLy to be a perfect start to a good new day. Fucking bird! NevertheLess dat din affect da great weekend I had with Her.
WeLL she got me a neckLace with engravings of our names .. from PS dat is. ALthough I din show much expression, but deep down I was so dying to say thank you! For aLL da effort She put in .. for aLL da LittLe things She did .. it can never be repaid by juz a word of thanks .. but thanks, anyway, my dear!
PS : One month is not Long, but da fact dat it had made a mark for us to refLect on aLL da wonderfuL times we had and Looking ahead at where we wouLd be. Luv ya.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Life is B-E-A-utifuL
Im finaLLy back on my bLog again .. weLL ain going into detaiL aLL da wonderfuL moments I've been spending with my other haLf for u guys wiLL definiteLy get tired of it somehow =D
Was back from a trip to a 2-day stay at a MaLaysian keLong juz yesterday and my apoLogies for not getting no souvenirs coz there ain much anyway. Trust me, I was thinking of u guys back here, but i beLieve u aLL wud juz be happy knowing dat i am too, right? Or not? I wonder .. NevertheLess i tink it'd be cooL if aLL of us can go on a keLong trip one of these days next time. I had a magicaL 2 days with my dear sheep dat da crueLest eLement caLLed time seemed to have taken itz own toLL and stopped right there dat aLLowed me to reLi put down everything for once and Lead a Life of simpLicity.
Kukup is da pLace .. keLong is where they Live. Seafood is wat they eat .. and Im aLLergic to seafood duhh. StiLL i got to eat Lots of vege and meat dishes dat at Least my stomach is fiLLed as weLL. I muz reLi thank my dear for aLways Looking out for me every now and then, for i wun know wat i wud have Lost without her eh. Things Like passport, water bottLe, camera and stuff i aLways mispLace. WeLL many a time when u get out of a jaiL Like Singapore, u tend to reaLise da worLd out of it is so much b-e-a-utifuL .. and doing simpLe things Like juz sitting by da wooden pLank with dear or simpLy hoLding her hand waLking aLong da pavement of the keLong .. it cannot get any better than dat. Being there for 2 days, there are so many Lessons i have Learnt. FirstLy, fishing. We Learnt to fish! But aLas, i din reLi succeed, though there were a coupLe of fishy incidents whereby i ain patient enuff and da fish juz snapped off. Nickie got a catfish .. Kent caught a bLoody eeL .. eeeww!
Rich or poor, in Kukup, ain da amount of cash u carry, or da size of house u Live in. It is wat u have inside of u .. skiLLs, knowLedge, and maturity of thoughts. Kids there of 15 are rich with aLL these eh, seen a fisherboy of 15 who knows aLL kinds of fish and expLaining each of them juz Like we do during presntations, he's good! So peeps, pLz .. dun compLain about having a tuff Life right here in front of ur bLoody computer.
Okie, tru tis trip, i aLso got to spend some quaLity time wif my dear eh. Sorrie guys, but u know im happy and i have nowhere but here to reLease dat feeLing =D .. Life is beautifuL .. for sure it is .. and for u to reaLise take some time off ur routine and get of ur jaiL, ur "Life" ..
PS : There's more to Life than u know ..
Sunday, October 17, 2004
10 Little Stuff About My Wife
1. She is pretty .. pretty attractive .. pretty understanding .. pretty good gaL.
2. She does not Like poLLution .. especiaLLy noise.
3. She Luvs eating "ants" @ the ice-cream staLLs.
4. She Luvs the red agar-agar at fruit staLLs.
5. She is strong (but not reLi dat strong).
6. She is inteLLigent, diLigent and aLways find success in her tasks.
7. She is so LovabLe a queue of 100 guys wud be there at her house if she is ever avaiLabLe.
8. She daydreams .. and at times think deep.
9. She is juz Like a LittLe sheep whoz Lost.
10. She is speciaL!
Friday, October 15, 2004
Thanks for coming ..
Dear Mr. Virus,
Hi I've been wondering why u simpLy Luv pestering my Lao po so much dat u made her sick for da past 5 days of which twice I had to send her to da doctor who cant even detect u coz u are so good in hide-and-seek. Either da doctors have a bad chiLdhood or u simpLy prove to have a happy one .. anyway thanks for making Tuesday a day to remember. My Lao Po was so sick I sneaked out of skooL at noon and never went back and ended up at her house spending da time by her side not knowing wat to do but juz sitting there dazed da whoLe day while she tries to sLeep in da fever and spinning head dat caused her much pain and tears. NevertheLess, thanks for making me reaLise how important she is to my Life and I am but gratefuL for aLL da heLL u gave to her. WeLL last but not Least thanks for coming and pLease dun go back to her ever again ..
Your sincereLy,
Monday, October 11, 2004
The FairytaLe
Once upon a time there Lives an average Joe who was so average that nobody took notice of wat is good in him. Everything he does, was but juz average. One day, this dude got posted to the Logistics Department of which da office is right inside the shop of an AngeL. Though he din Let thoughts run wiLd coz no matter wat an angeL is stiLL an angeL .. thus he Lead a simpLe Life of being happy day in day out juz being abLe to see da AngeL and spending time knowing her as da days past by. His job was same shit different day yes .. but every night tinking of da next day made him Look forward to going to "work" and days and weeks passed. UnknowningLy, average Joe had accidentaLLy faLLen for da AngeL and he cud but juz dream .. for da AngeL had saints aLL around her Life. StiLL, they were good frenz .. so good dat on October 1st, a miracLe happened whiLe average Joe was out with the AngeL waLking aLong Orchard at midnight. Average Joe's dream came true .. and he is being watched over by the AngeL every now and then ..
The pLace where Average Joe and AngeL met, is now history, for moving on is but necessary. StiLL as Long as two peopLe work together, many wonders wouLd work ..
Luv ya, Lao Po .. Letz keep waLking on .. and on .. and on ..
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