Friday, October 15, 2004

Thanks for coming ..

Dear Mr. Virus,

Hi I've been wondering why u simpLy Luv pestering my Lao po so much dat u made her sick for da past 5 days of which twice I had to send her to da doctor who cant even detect u coz u are so good in hide-and-seek. Either da doctors have a bad chiLdhood or u simpLy prove to have a happy one .. anyway thanks for making Tuesday a day to remember. My Lao Po was so sick I sneaked out of skooL at noon and never went back and ended up at her house spending da time by her side not knowing wat to do but juz sitting there dazed da whoLe day while she tries to sLeep in da fever and spinning head dat caused her much pain and tears. NevertheLess, thanks for making me reaLise how important she is to my Life and I am but gratefuL for aLL da heLL u gave to her. WeLL last but not Least thanks for coming and pLease dun go back to her ever again ..

Your sincereLy,

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