Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Difference

Rich or poor .. good-Looking or not .. there are so many things that are beyond the normaL human controL. Throughout my Life I have never been deprived of da 4 basic needs in Life : Food, SheLter, CLothes and Love, and come to think of it, though I ain rich, my Life ain dat bad after aLL.

Before I met my gaL, I have been whining and cursing .. having to share a room, a computer and so many stuff with my two brothers, and dat aLL these which some others have compLete ownage of. However, my Love has made me reaLise dat, no matter how bad one's situation is, there are aLways others who are far worse, and coming into da Life of my Love reLi changed Lots of my perception.

She, for one, Lives in a 2-room fLat whereby her bedroom is her Living room, and dat everything is in one, from bedroom to kitchen, aLL separated by a singLe waLL. She, has to earn her own money to pay skooL fees, her biLLs and her expenses, aLL these whiLe juggLing her academic time with work, reaching home in Lethargy Late at night and itz juz another bLoody routine day next. Yet she doesnt compLain but accept her Life. WeLL fiLthy rich asses out there, fucking stop compLaining and cherish wat u have .. or wud u mind switching ur position with my dear's? How fair can Life get ..

If God is in controL, fuck u .. u are a biased bastard.
If money is in controL .. damn da rich asses. Yes, money works wonders, though I curse u guys without happiness.
If I am in controL, good bye God, uer Lousy. Rich asses wud beLong to Mars.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Happy CoupLe

He was having a bLock Leave, one fuLL week away from aLL da work and stuff datz been a routine to His Life. For dat, He went on a trip to KuaLa Lumpur with his other haLf, away from everyone, away from everything, juz being with his beLoved. Since Tuesday evening, He was away, getting up da train North bound and off they went, out of da LittLe isLand they have aLways been Living in. She was excited, of coz She was, for She'd aLways been Looking forward to the trip, and it was Her 1st ever train ride in aLL Her 19 years!

At Wednesday dawn, da train arrived in the city of K.L. There the coupLe was, being new to somewhere they have neither much knowLedge nor experience about and aLL they ever knew, was dat they were in K.L (at Least they knew where they were). Out of the new train terminaL where it Looked so much aLike dat of the movie The TerminaL. WeLL, She knew Times Square, for datz where She went da Last time She got here. And off they went, to Times Square and they found themseLves at a hoteL a few streets away and da day was spent waLking about in da enormous maLL.

Thursday was quite a day too. They came, they saw, they conquered ; the Petronas Twin Towers dat is, and another gigantic shopping maLL aLong da towers named KLCC. (FYI da shopping maLLs ain any much different from Singapore's for da shops dat are there, are here) WeLL da happy coupLe caught a movie, their onLy 2nd movie since being attached to each other, how ironic ..

Their trip was supposedLy to be a 2-day sightsee onLy but then on this evening they had a fren who is returning from Singapore back to K.L, thus extended their hoLidays tiL God knows when .. and in the end they onLy got back to Singapore on Monday morning! DaryL onLy arrived at 9pm dat day, and the coupLe went to his pLace to reside. PS : U guys shud reLi see how BIG DaryL's pLace is .. dozens of rooms and a toiLet in each (no kidding) .. a movie theatre .. a swimming pooL .. a baLcony da size of a street soccer court .. a Living room 3 storeys high .. 2 maids .. a guard .. 3 cars .. more Like a paLace than a house. Rich brat ..

Friday was another shopping centre affair @ MegaMaLL where their good fren, DaryL, had beauty business in. Not exactLy HIS business, but his Dad's. Spent da day stroLLing in da maLL and da day cLosed. Since She haven been to Genting HighLands as weLL, the coupLe pLanned to visit the chiLdren's paradise da foLLowing day.

DaryL had aLways been touted as an attitude probLem dude, but guesz he was juz being mouLded by the eviLs of his environment. An exampLe, we boarded a cab .. da driver pretended not to turn on the meter .. DaryL asked if itz spoiLed and da driver turned it on.

Saturday came, they set off for Genting HighLands at noon to DaryL's disgust (u know, rich brats ain in for Leh ceh events). He resent having to take a 3 hours trip to and fro which cud kiLL nobody but him .. and so da 3 of them went the budget way .. taking a cab, then da mrt, then the coach, then the cabLe car. A straight cab wud cost R$50 ..

She was not feeLing weLL, but She maintained a strong and positive expression to make His day. WhiLe He knew and He is thankfuL for everything. A coupLe of hours journey up .. a coupLe of hours at Genting .. another hour down .. DaryL had been reLi patient with the happy coupLe, being a rich brat, his patience muz be appLauded.

It was Saturday .. for guys, they had a date with footbaLL .. for gaLs .. they had a date with boredom. Sure was, She feLL asLeep whiLe da 2 guys were watching footbaLL dat evening ..

The coupLe saw DaryL's Dad for da 1st time dat evening. He was juz back from Hong Kong. He had a gorgeous girLfren whoz in her earLy twenties. WeLL datz da probLem with rich asses .. Lusty.

The coupLe had the return train tickets for Sunday evening (the cost of a bed is R$37 for KL to SG as purchased there, compared to a seat from SG to KL priced @ S$30 purchased in SG .. wtf!)

Sunday came and itz time to bid the "paLace" goodbye. They were driven by BIG boss to the MegamaLL for a finaL dinner and DaryL sent them off .. the coupLe then boarded the train at 2230 and in da comfort (though not so comfy as they chose to sLeep together) of da bed and arrived back in their home, their normaL Life on Monday. A happy trip .. a happy experience .. a happy coupLe .. and a happy "honeymoon" ..

"Everyday cud be honeymoon .." - Kan Di

da picturesque scenery @ da top of da HighLands .. sure is a beauty Posted by Hello

He & DaryL .. inside da HoteL 1st WorLd indoor theme park .. Posted by Hello

datz da business dat beLongs to DaryL .. 's Dad  Posted by Hello

He & DaryL .. @ MegamaLL Posted by Hello

a meeting room .. Posted by Hello

The paLace of DaryL Posted by Hello

Inside da beautifuL KLCC .. sure Looked a fiestic pLace to be .. datz where da coupLe caught The InvincibLes Posted by Hello

The Towers .. Conquered .. and there the coupLe found .. another shopping haven in KLCC Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Living on Earth is expensive,
but it does include a free trip
around the sun every year.

Birthdays are good for you;
the more you have,
the longer you live.

Happiness comes through doors you
didn't even know you left open.

Ever notice that the people who are late
are often much jollier
than the people who have to wait for them?

How long a minute is
depends on what side of the
bathroom door you're on.

Most of us go to our grave
with our music still inside of us.

If Wal-Mart is lowering prices every day,
how come nothing is free yet?

You may be only one person in the world,
but you may also be the world to one person.

mistakes are too much fun
to only make once.

Don't cry because it's over;
smile because it happened.

We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
and all are different colors....but
they all exist very nicely in the same box.

A truly happy person is one who
can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

This is extracted from GerLynn's bLog .. quite something .. check it out ..

Whenever u worry abt smthing u give it life, energy & influence over ur world. The more u worry abt wat u do not want, e more likely & possible u make it.
Imagine wat would happen, though, if every thot of worry were replcaed wif a +ve, creative thot or action. Instead of giving power to ur worst fears, u could be giving life to ur best possibilities.
Certainly ther are plenty of things abt which u can be justifiably worried. Yet even so, there is nothing to be gained by spending & energy on worry.
Ur thots haf power & influence, whether they are -ve or +ve. The more +vely they are focused, e more surely will ur thots lead u forward.
You can choose to redirect e intensely -ve energy of ur worries into +ve, pdt-tive actions. Instead if worrying abt wat u dun want, put ur time & energy into creating wat u want. Though there is much tt u can worry abt, there is also much tt u can achieve. Where u put e energy of ur thots & actions is up to u.