Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Difference

Rich or poor .. good-Looking or not .. there are so many things that are beyond the normaL human controL. Throughout my Life I have never been deprived of da 4 basic needs in Life : Food, SheLter, CLothes and Love, and come to think of it, though I ain rich, my Life ain dat bad after aLL.

Before I met my gaL, I have been whining and cursing .. having to share a room, a computer and so many stuff with my two brothers, and dat aLL these which some others have compLete ownage of. However, my Love has made me reaLise dat, no matter how bad one's situation is, there are aLways others who are far worse, and coming into da Life of my Love reLi changed Lots of my perception.

She, for one, Lives in a 2-room fLat whereby her bedroom is her Living room, and dat everything is in one, from bedroom to kitchen, aLL separated by a singLe waLL. She, has to earn her own money to pay skooL fees, her biLLs and her expenses, aLL these whiLe juggLing her academic time with work, reaching home in Lethargy Late at night and itz juz another bLoody routine day next. Yet she doesnt compLain but accept her Life. WeLL fiLthy rich asses out there, fucking stop compLaining and cherish wat u have .. or wud u mind switching ur position with my dear's? How fair can Life get ..

If God is in controL, fuck u .. u are a biased bastard.
If money is in controL .. damn da rich asses. Yes, money works wonders, though I curse u guys without happiness.
If I am in controL, good bye God, uer Lousy. Rich asses wud beLong to Mars.

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