Sunday, March 06, 2005

FooL Again

Friday was sure a bad day. Why? FirstLy, I got back my Business Finance overaLL grading and it was a pathetic C as compared to my Baby's A*. Of coz, in da cLasz nobody eLse can compete with Her, as Rahman and Eric had said to consoLe me, but it was a fact dat Im juz Lousy, and dat brought my day down, even though Dear said I did fine, and dat She ain bothered dat I have Lousier resuLts than Her.

Da next BIG thing dat befeLL, was hours Later .. Dear was having Japanese cLasz, and so I foLLowed Eric and Harry to buy soccer boots, whiLe some others went Sim Lim to buy mp3. UnexpectedLy She had gonna be finishing Her cLasz earLier and dat I toLd Her I'd be back to skooL straight after da boots shopping .. after which I thought it shud be aLright if I went to have Rochor beancurd with da guys, and so I went, and I took away one for Her as weLL. But it was a wrong move next, dat I took off with da guys to Sim Lim to join da rest, without even teLLing Her. WeLL, I can understand dat da fauLt Lies with me.

So, da next moment I rushed back to skooL, but it sure was a Long way, needing to waLk to Bugis MRT and then switching @ City HaLL before a LittLe stroLL from Yio Chu Kang into our campus. But I took a mere haLf past an hour to do dat, sure was fast .. but useLess ..

I found Her in da computer Lab, with da beancurd in my hand, stiLL warm .. She said She ain gonna eat, and din wanna see me. SO I got our fren to pass Her da beancurd. Da next thing I knew, da beancurd was in da dustbin. So I picked it up, and went down to da Lecture HaLL to find Her .. and pLeading for forgiveness outside da Ladies' washroom .. but She stiLL wun give in and as we approached da Lecture HaLL, I saw two of our frenz and She turned towards them and so I waLked away .. again ..

After a moment I went to da Lecture HaLL again. This was where da drama began, with so many of our peers around. Juz by da door I tried expLaining everything and things were going fine .. untiL I made a fucking mistake .. I dragged Eric in! And She suddenLy shouted dat Im very irritating .. my patience seriousLy ran out .. da beancurd dropped and I kicked it and waLked off with Her storming into da Lecture theatre.

Looking back, I beLieve me and Dear shud have coLLected quite some cash for our show, for da peeps were aLL watching and quite surprised too! WeLL, sorry Eric .. u were right at the epidemic of da disaster and Im sorry for aLL who have seen such an ugLy side of us ..

We patched up in Less than ten minutes, after I bought Her favourite watermeLon and sat right next to Her during da Lecture. Though I muz say it wun have been easy if not for Her giving in to me .. again ..

However Let me teLL u da irony of da whoLe bLoody incident .. in da computer Lab She was aLready gonna give in untiL I asked a fren to pass da beancurd to Her and waLked off, thus da beancurd Landed right in da bin. Next, at da Ladies', She had wanted to say something to me but I waLked away after She turned and there goes .. Then at da Lecture HaLL She had prepared to drop da whoLe case untiL I puLLed Eric in it and thus She Lost Her cooL, and me, my patience .. wat bad Luck ..

Anyway it was heLL of a reLi siLLy bout .. and to aLL da peeps .. thanks for watching. We do hope you enjoyed da show brought to you by yet another quaLity production from JLNPY Media Ltd.

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