Friday, August 31, 2007

My neighbour and I.

My car-mates @ Ferry terminaL.

On the ferry to Cijin.

@ Carrefour where I spotted a Lady purchasing a chiLd.

The hospitaL days, ok I was trying to Look to be in pain. But in fact I was in pain!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The tower in Hengchun town on that day.

President Ma? We'LL see in time to come.

With the beer promoters. Pretty faces but damn powdery!
The Banquet That Wasnt Quite

In conjunction with Singapore's NationaL Day ceLebration, there was a dinner heLd in the camp Last evening. Invited guests are mostLy infLuenciaL peopLe from town and around, which incLude the mayor, poLice, hospitaL head nurse, contractors, Laundry man and even beauty parLour staff! The whoLe event was a tribute to the Taiwanese LocaLs for their ongoing support for our presence as and when we need. This is wat the Chinese caLL "关系".

However, preparations have aLready taken pLace through the past few days. Setting up the whoLe dining haLL to be Like one banquet took time and effort, as we are obviousLy not trained in that fieLd. It ain easy for fifty men to be the event organiser, the entertainer, the chef, the waiter, the management and everything that is required of an event Like that, but we did.

There were rehearsaLs for the performers, the waiters and everyone invoLved and things Looked pretty good for the actuaL day. StiLL, somehow, some of us knew that there wouLd be a screw up somewhere, and we were spot on ....

From the moment we presented our first dish, aLmost nothing has gone to pLan. Instead, everyone was heLping everyone and not to their designated tabLes, but it was great fun and good teamwork. So much so, the cockup of the first dish presentation was forgotten and we received positive comments from aLL the peopLe that mattered. WeLL, datz just the way things work everywhere. You juz need to pLease the most important peopLe, everything wiLL turn out fine no matter wat.

This evening brought my memories back to some time ago when I worked in banquets. I couLd vagueLy remember some unforgettabLe moments .. maybe I wiLL just jot down some of the common things you see and rare ones that you dun :

1. Cutting of fish. This dish come as the 2nd or 3rd if I can remember. It can be fried in sweet and sour sauce, or steamed in Light soya sauce. Itz easier to cut the steamed fish because you just need to sLide the knife across the two fLanks of the body and therez absoLute zero sweat in removing the bone. However, some waiters tend to cut the beautifuL whoLe fish into sort of a mince to the disgust of the guests. Fried fish requires a LittLe more care, using the same method to cut the steamed one, but I have heard of a fish head fLying off the tabLe onto a guest!

2. CLearing bowLs. BowLs are usuaLLy used for shark's fin soup, fried rice, and ee-noodLes. Waiters often sweat hard having to hoLd the serving pLatter on one hand and stretching out to grab the used bowLs. Sometimes, some may Lose grip of the bowL they are grabbing, and it ends on either the Lap of guest, or if Lucky, right into the handbag of some Lady who pLaced it at the gap between two chairs. Sometimes, some may stretch too far for the one bowL, those on the pLatter toppLe onto the shouLder of the guest. If itz juz fried rice, the guest shouLd heave a sigh of reLief. However, most of the time, itz shark's fin soup that Lands on them.

3. Serving drinks. Drinks are served throughout the whoLe banquet. So, spiLLing a gLass over a guest is part and parceL of most banquet dinners. From my observation and personaL experience, spiLLing comes from factors such as, poor hand baLancing of serving pLatter, and physicaL and mentaL pressure from carrying many gLasses at one time Like a circus act, with guests Looking with amazement. I wiLL never forget this one incident where a man from the very front asked for 4 beers. Stress factors incLude the man being in the front and many peopLe are watching, and aLso the 4 beers. So,this waiter got 4 mugs from the bartender, headed towards the man, took 1 mug and Leaned over pLacing it on his right side, and then, the remaining 3 came pouring over his suit. The man stood up aLmost immediateLy whiLe the manager hurried over to cLear the embarassment.

Okie that was a personaL experience.

I wish I couLd teLL u more, but tiL next time then ..

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

EventfuL Hengchun Evening

Last evening there was an eye-opening event in my town. The peopLe hoLd it annuaLLy, and itz simpLy amazing!

Known as the InternationaL VauLt CLimbing Competition (or something), teams fight to see who reaches the top of the tower first by cLimbing their assigned grease-fiLLed piLLar. The participants haiL from towns aLL over Taiwan, and itz said Hengchun has aLways done itz peopLe proud through hosting the event and winning it. The winning team bags a whopping NT600k and wiLL take home the winner's fLag at the peak of the tower. It is beLieved that the winner wiLL vie with spirits for the fLag and therefore whoever owns it wiLL have good fortune the whoLe year round. Not surprising, that the fLag has aLready been a bidding item even before this day, specuLated to fetch around NT300k. This is such a popuLar event that the town was buzzLing with crowds and media companies and even an appearance by PresidentiaL eLect, Ma Yin-jiu. I had a bLurred picture taken on my K800i as he made his way through but pictures have to wait due to connectivity probLems.

Once Ma kicked start the event, as I stood there watching the competition Like aLL other peopLe around me, it made me feeL so much Like one of them. UnknowningLy eight months have passed since I came here and everything was juz extremeLy warm to me. It may not be where I beLong, but this is where you feeL accepted Like one of theirs. PeopLe ranging from bubbLe tea seLLer to the nurses and the driving coach and cafe owner .. their hospitaLity has been fabuLous.

That evening, we bumped into our LocaL fren, Joana, and from then, the rest of the evening was hers. Joana is one we met at one of the town cafes months back. She was heLping the Lady boss that time and due to her Loudness (for taLking very LoudLy) and outgoing character, she became our fren. Not a bad catch, cLean face and Lasting Look, but ... too Loud. Anyone who wouLd Like a rare LOUD Taiwanese girL as partner can come find me.

ExactLy four fuLL months .. I guess I wiLL return back to Singapore with more than a heavy heart.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


After a fuLL week of pure work, a Saturday getaway was juz wat we needed. Went Kaohsiung city and caught Taxi 4 .. which turned out to be LargeLy disappointing.

The movie began weLL, with humour, a LittLe road action and a good introduction to the footbaLL mad city of MarseiLLe in France. I wun even have dozed off if they repLayed the whoLe segment for the rest of the 90 minutes. However, somewhere near the middLe of the movie, I drifted away .. no idea if it was due to fatigue but there were simpLy too much speech and too LittLe Taxi-in-act.

1 out of 5 popcorns .. yes, itz that poor. Expectation comes with excitment whereas faLLing short of the expectation turns excitment into no Less than juz disappointment. I reckon I made a great Loss out of the money I paid.

This day wasnt a good one too, we had two cars and ended up spending the day in separate ways due to miscommunication. On my car were aLL peopLe who dun even know the ways around the city, and we were pretty much "foLLowers". WeLL in order not to Let the day go into waste, and being the most "senior", I brought them to Carrefour to do some groceries before heading to an externaL isLand caLLed Cijin, where the Taiwanese peopLe go for seafood. Juz a pity, for seafood is simpLy not for me. I'm aLLergic to it since chiLdhood.

We met up the other car at past midnight in a Snooker centre and pretty much made it up. WeLL, we're guys and most things are easiLy resoLved.

At the end of the day, on our way back to camp, those on my car thanked me for bringing them to Cijin for the seafood. It was a good gesture.

The Gift of Giving

I can understand as to why and how come some peopLe are more appreciate to LittLe acts of goodwiLL than others. They must have "given" before as weLL.

In my car, they are the camp chefs. They wake earLy, they prepare breakfast. They cook, they wash the utensiLs. PeopLe who eat, wiLL juz eat and go. How many wiLL reaLLy think about how much effort has been put in to fiLL their stomachs? No, I'm not trying to say I do, but juz the reaLisation of something simpLe.

In giving, there comes no better gift than Learning how to appreciate many, many smaLL things that one may have taken for granted.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Typhoon Time

Got "out-of-jaiL" that Thursday evening, not coz I'm heaLed, but coz the doctor has to go to the isLand I caLL home. Being back in camp was a good feeLing, and a pLeasant surprise for the many campmates.

There was no time for any rest though, for preparations for another typhoon had to be done on Friday. The weekend was LargeLy spent on my own bed whiLe the strong winds hit our grounds. My sympathy to two separate visitors from Singapore who are caught in the storms at Taipei .. regrets reserved for Ms Lee Jia Hui and Mr. Benny Ng.

I'm pretty appreciative of those of whom had worried about my condition. But you know, this guy here is way too strong for anything to knock him down ya ..

WeLL itz aLways my good fortune to have you peeps around my Life, so a very big thanks to you who had cared, and the few who had companied me through the weekend onLine.

ALright I'm in a very spirited mood tonight even as I gotta wake up in five hours' time, due to a coupLe of footbaLL resuLts that went my way .. the Team won in their first match this new season, whiLe LiverpooL did pretty weLL against CheLsea, hoLding them for a draw!

So, off I go for a sweet dream's affair.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Two more days before a fuLL 24/7 .. I wouLd have faced the same four waLLs, Lying on the same bed and hoLding the same teLevision controLLer watching the same programs. Lord of The Rings (2x) .. X-Men (3x) .. Spiderman (2x) .. Stephen Chow movies .. DayLight (3x) .. Simone (2x) and etc. Everyday, the same nurses come and give the same injection and set the same drip. The same Lunchboxes. The same baths with one hand and the other hangs dry.

The onLy change, is my neighbour. The middLe-aged man is the third. Itz aLso my third visit to this internet cafe, and I hate the smoke datz going around. But weLLs, time has got to pass, and wiLL pass. IronicaLLy, the doctor in charge of me is moving to Singapore in a few days. I wish him good Luck. He shouLd be abLe to find it easy to earn the bucks there. And I wish him Long Life.

I dreamt of home. I dreamt of WiLLiam sending me up the pitch. I miss running those greens! I'm reaLLy hungry for footbaLL.

ALright enough of me, myseLf and I. ToodLes and see you guys the next time I bid goodbye to the LoveLy nurses.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Friday tiL ....?

I have not mentioned, but there is a sweLL on my Left forearm which has been going for a week now. The name "Popeye" is going on for far too Long, that I have to make a trip to the hospitaL for a checkup.

So, at the hospitaL the doctor diagnosed me with some CeLLuLitis shit and recommend me to stay in untiL condition betters. My camp medics aLso push for it, and there I am, though right now I sneaked out to an internet cafe nearby coz boredom is getting into me. How worse can things be, staying over the weekend at the hospitaL, untiL who knows when ...

OriginaLLy I was entitLed to stay onLy in the 8-men ward coz that is what the camp wiLL pay for, but thankfuLLy that cLass had aLL been taken up. So the next cLass was the 2-men one. As I entered my "room", I saw two girLs ; one Lying on it and the other sitting beside. It was weird. But Later they toLd me the "reaL" patient was out gaming and they were his frenz. Okie, that made things more LogicaL. So at about past midnight I saw my roomate. He's a young Lad, too. One who got into a traffic accident yet doesnt Look at aLL Like it. WeLL we both have Lots of time to know each other ...

When I woke up this morning, I was waiting for breakfast. It din come. At noon, I waited for Lunch. It din come. So I caLLed for the nurse and asked. It was then I reaLised meaLs have to be indented and charged accordingLy. ALso, patients here are free to move anywhere as and when they Like, but itz necessary to inform the nurse-in-charge. ALright there goes a new Lesson and cuLture shock.

ALthough the iLLness is nothing serious, you know doctors, some simpLy Love cooking the worst scenarios even though your case might be one of the common ones. I wonder, are they saLesmen in disguise. Sorry Let me correct myseLf .. they are saLesmen! I dun buy their stories, but neither do I want to risk the most precious thing that is Life. And I think itz more than an honour that I've been getting visitors, first, my Department Head, a Lieutenant. Then came the Camp Commanding Officer, a Major. LastLy, juz when I went out of the hospitaL searching for my Lunch, the Camp Commander, a Lieutenant CoLoneL came and met not me but my roomie. Oh geez, my bad .. hope he understands, the hospitaLs here DO NOT provide food for their patients. There is aLso no pyjamas for you to sLeep soundLy. The many other campmates came in the evening to have dinner with me and pass me my stuff.

WeLL, seriousLy, peopLe associate hospitaLisation with much severity when in fact many are just there to make up for the empty wards and growing revenue for our dear doctors. Nuff said. They studied hard for that piece of paper. I din. The story ends here.

Right, I shouLd be going back to my bed soon, after I finish foLLowing my LiverpooL match.

I'm so much aLive and kicking Like you can see from this post so pLease, ease the worries. WouLd most probabLy discharge myseLf on Monday if they don't .. cya peopLe soon!

Friday, August 10, 2007

DaiLy EnLightenment

I brought a book over from Singapore during my two weeks Leave back in June. Itz caLLed "DaiLy EnLightenment", a Buddhism-based book. WeLL, I must admit I haven even read one fuLL page but I guess it wiLL come to be of an interest in the days to come.

These two days was somewhat fuLL of sLeep and fuLL of thoughts. ALL in aLL, it made me much fresher and Lighter from worries, fatigue and negativity.

Somehow it brings me back to the simpLe principLe of choice ; the choice is yours to make things happen, or not. The choice is yours to be happy, or not. WeLL the choice is simpLe .. you juz need to Listen to your heart, then your head.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Itz the worst night ever in Taiwan. U get cut from practicaLLy everything and the comfort of fresh air coz every singLe window was shut. Hot and humid, coupLed with mosquito bites. I was wrong about the typhoon, it was definiteLy not here just to say hi. After the raging storms and rain, came a sudden short period of quietness and not a sight of rain. Someone said, we're in the eye of the typhoon. This is the most centre part of the whoLe disaster where nothing happens, but once it passed and the taiL get to you, thatz it.

The nightmare was over at about 6a.m .. though I was oredi soundLy asLeep despite the unnecessities.

In the morning we see dozens of dead sparrows and broken tree branches. The whoLe pLace was in a compLete mess. And so the "shit-work warriors" got to work what the typhoon Left behind ...

LuckiLy I was the Duty PersonneL of the Day. So basicaLLy stay in the aircon room from morning untiL midnight.

ALrite, typhoon ain that fun after aLL seriousLy.

P.S: I've yet to mention the chefs considered picking up the birds for cooking soup. It wasnt a bad idea, reaLLy.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Itz been Like two years since I caught the premiere. Today I saw the second.

This is a great movie. ExceLLent storyLine that teLLs you everything about a professionaL footbaLLer and their hidden Lives. WeLL, one wiLL never forget where they come from no matter how far they go, can they?

As I embrace the first typhoon in Taiwan right now, with the storm sLamming against the windows and shaking my bed, guess what ...

.. I'm simpLy typing this bLog and chatting with a few peeps back there.

In anyways, this one is a gentLe one that passed by onLy to greet and not create havoc.

Monday, August 06, 2007

The L-factor

Shit, wonder if itz coz of my first name being Lee or the Last being Long that make me so much associated with Losing aLL the time!

Over the weekend, Lost money in Mahjong game. Juz earLier, Lost in soccer betting with camp mates. Throughout my Life, Lost this, Lost that.

Fuck. Maybe winning for me can onLy be found on the footbaLL pitch itseLf.

I miss the team.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Shooting Star

What if your wish made upon the star was to be with somebody eLse ..

.. then mine wiLL never come true.

Coz I've made mine to be with you.