Fuck-ed Up
Just F.Y.I. if anyone of you dunnoe, the cLash of titans between Manchester United and LiverpooL ends 3-0 in favour of the former.
I dunnoe for you, but I caught the match at my neighbourhood coffeeshop. It was supposed to be a good match.
But one man spoiLt it aLL. One man, and no doubt he became Manchester United's 12th man on the pitch .. he is none other than the referee.
The referee, in any footbaLL match, shouLd act as a fair, unbiased officiaL for the sake of sportsmanship. ShouLd he faiL to honour equaLity for two sides, he faiLs to earn respect from the pLayers, and the miLLions of fans out there (and I mean true footbaLL fans Less those from the side the refereee favours).
This joker a.k.a. fuck-ed up keLong referee, he sent off a LiverpooL pLayer and ended the game from there. Either he must have wanted to make the 60,000 Manchester United home fans of OLd Trafford happy and worship him, or he seriousLy do not understand what job professionaLism is.
12 against 10 .. yes, this is the beautifuL game.
It made me swear continuousLy whiLe waLking home through my park, so much so a passerby shun away probabLy thinking the man he saw couLd weLL be a runaway from the Institute of MentaL HeaLth Located just a LittLe distance away.
Fuck it. Rejoice, Manchester United, you deserve your victory. But dun forget the numericaL advantage you had to win this.
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