Pink, BLack, Grey.
Pink represents my identity card which reunites itz owner after two years. Others are joyous over the occasion, but not for me. There is nothing to be proud of compLeting NationaL Service at 24. For my own foLLy during the younger days, I'm thus deprived of certain emotions that peopLe taking the common route are entitLed to feeL.
BLack represents The Dark Knight a.k.a Batman. Right after coLLecting pink, the mates and I went watching the Latest bLockbuster. For a mere six bucks, I must say itz been a bargain. The many twists and turns in the story makes it one not to be missed. I appLaud the script writer for a story exceLLentLy written. Not forgetting the roLe of Heath Ledger (deceased) as Joker, and he makes his roLe so LiveLy that the Oscar deserves to go to him despite his absence in the reaL worLd. With so many great movies around, this has beaten off competition to become my movie of the year.
Grey is the coLour of my Life, as of now. It shouLd change. Not that things ain good .. itz juz not exciting, even though some peopLe think that I have an interesting Life with incidents Like making a referee so frustrated, he stops the game and come chasing me for a punch .. and the accidentaL burning of my armpit hair (juz becoz someone commented it was bushy and so I took the Lighter and Lit it near the affected area).
Like they say, what doesnt break you, make you stronger. And that whatever goes down have to come up. I wiLL become one great man.
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