1. Mum's Cake
She bought a cake .. and I onLy reaLised it when I came home at midnight. Everyone was aLready soundLy asLeep. So, I cut the cake on my own.
2. WiLLiam's NoodLe Soup
As normaL, we had our supper at the coffeeshop. WiLLiam ordered an additionaL NoodLe Soup just for me on my speciaL day. (But I have aLready eaten one fuLL pLate of fried rice)
3. Wai Keat's Doraemon Cake
My coLLeague at the community cLub who gave me a pLeasant surprise when one moment he found out about my birthday, and the next, he was there with a cake for me. WouLd have faLLen for him deep if I were an the opposite sex.
U can wear short sleeve to work? Hahah u still can fall in love with him even if he is opposite sex =) U never knows!
Ehh .. possibLe.
But not me. Hahah ..
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