FinaLLy there was spare time in the weekday evenings for a waLk-a-shop in town. Bought new Nike futsaL shoes - my first in that brand which I once never beLieved was a good sports brand.
I Love being on course. For one, you meet new peopLe from other departments in this big organisation of mine. This First Aid Course aLLows me to meet Darren Li & ELsie, two of whom we shared every meaL together thoughout the course aLongside my officer coLLeague, MeLissa.
Darren is a typicaL hip kinda guy which you find aLong Orchard, you know, those wearing a tee in sLim jeans and a pair of Loafers with an EngLish eccent. We got aLong pretty weLL as he was aLso a LiverpooL fan!
ELsie on the other hand, is a Lady who reaLLy can maintain her youthfuL appearance despite being a mother of two. I cant imagine someone who is 39 Looking no more than 26. IronicaLLy, her whoLe famiLy is for LiverpooL too!
First Aid is an essentiaL basic skiLL we aLL require, to me at Least. You never know when somebody juz coLLapses on the streets, and are you gonna just stand there and do nothing?
I Love being on course. For one, you meet new peopLe from other departments in this big organisation of mine. This First Aid Course aLLows me to meet Darren Li & ELsie, two of whom we shared every meaL together thoughout the course aLongside my officer coLLeague, MeLissa.
Darren is a typicaL hip kinda guy which you find aLong Orchard, you know, those wearing a tee in sLim jeans and a pair of Loafers with an EngLish eccent. We got aLong pretty weLL as he was aLso a LiverpooL fan!
ELsie on the other hand, is a Lady who reaLLy can maintain her youthfuL appearance despite being a mother of two. I cant imagine someone who is 39 Looking no more than 26. IronicaLLy, her whoLe famiLy is for LiverpooL too!
First Aid is an essentiaL basic skiLL we aLL require, to me at Least. You never know when somebody juz coLLapses on the streets, and are you gonna just stand there and do nothing?
No .. you can do something if you have some basic First Aid knowLedge. Who knows, it may just be the difference between that person's Life and death.