Friday, June 12, 2009

FLip Side

Caught this movie with QJ, SW & JQ @ Ang Mo Kio Hub on a Thursday evening.

The show has been wideLy marketed and with two internationaL renown stars, no more can be said about the roLes the duo pLays.

SeLdom we see the viLLain taking centre roLe, but John TravoLta, with his vast taLent on showcase, took it Like no other. I suppose the script was weLL written .. at Least it is to me.

This reminds me of an incident days back when the Lads heLped out to catch a coupLe of youngsters accused of running away with a cabbie's cashcard and free-riding.

No I wasnt there but I passed by the crime scene and saw these two MaLay boys surrounded by a few angry chinese middLe-aged men. The boys Looked tired ...

Upon reaching the basketbaLL court for the Tuesday soccer session, the Lads were narrating about the whoLe incident and taLking about the good peopLe invoLved. However in my mind I thought of the youngsters, in this case, as the viLLains.

Indeed they may have done wrong, but for every wrong peopLe do, there is aLways a reason behind it. Sometimes we shouLd just show more attention to peopLe in difficuLties to prevent the worst from happening.

In any case, everybody deserves a second chance. But I do not beLieve in a third as it simpLy shows that a Leopard cannot change its spots.

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