A NormaL Day Turned BadWaking up Late on a good Thursday is what many peopLe yearned for, and I did. It is my off day, and I guess that was pure entitLement.
Spent the afternoon doing up faciaL at Tampines with my Mom, where I dozed off again for the next hour or so, but I reaLLy dun mean disrespect to the beautician. I apoLogised to her once I found my senses.
Then, for the sake of getting cheaper tickets and better seating for the Transformers movie on Friday evening, I traveLed to Ang Mo Kio Hub. I got what I wanted. Everything went cooL this day.
In the evening though, I think the decision to pLay a soccer friendLy game was the mother of aLL mistakes. A cLash with the opponent's eLbow Left my inner chin with a deep gash which needed immediate treatment. Was thus referred to Tan Tock Seng HospitaL by the neighbourhood cLinic as the injury requires stitching.
The HospitaL is much in the news for their speciaLisation in treating the current terror virus H1N1. Many precautionary measures are taken. First I have to wear a mask, register myseLf, and then temperature is taken. Everyone there is with a mask, and a goggLe. That is reaL professionaL!
And so I got to see the doctor, given a 5-10min stitching and off I am on my way home.
So much so for Looking forward to a good Friday of attending another course and an evening of a simpLe dinner and movie with the peeps.
Now, the events wiLL stiLL go on, but .. I cant eat normaL.
.... Shucks.