Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Day Derrick & Ruxin Become One

The CoupLe.

Kena saboh-ed.

The footbaLLing peeps of the Groom.

Their very roooomantic photoshoot aLbum.

A picture with PoLymate, Nana. In fact, I can count with my fingers the number of those I am stiLL in contact with ..

JuLy 18th is more than just a Saturday. As the titLe had suggested, this was a big day for a good mate in Premier FootbaLL CLub.

It was one of those rare days I wear something presentabLe (yea .. I am normaLLy in office wear and simpLy sports attire for 24/7).

Every wedding brings two peopLe into a new phrase in Life. And it is beLieved that when you coLLect 10 wedding dinner token, you are near to getting married. I wonder how true ..

ALL in aLL, I enjoyed this wedding ocassion. With such good company, pretty women aLL around for the men's eyes, and Lots of Laughter and being part of the Loudest "Yum-Seng" group for the evening, how can one not be happy?

We ended the day with a first-time visit to Marina Barrage. You wouLdnt wanna know that a bunch of 25 year oLd men did jump shots and other siLLy crap in shirt and pants at Marina Barrage, but we sure did.

Fun onLy ends with imagination.

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