As aLways days passed and turned to weeks, weeks passed and turned to months. Time sureLy awaits no man.
Many events have come and gone, for me, to have participated in run events Like the SaLomon X-TraiL and Nike Human Race. Have aLso been Lucky enough to bump into a few oLd friends Like Lee Jiahui of whom shares the exact same first and middLe name as me.
I have spoken about the Life that is going at an obscene pace. And it has been reaLLy difficuLt to sit down, spare a few minutes of time for thoughts and pen it here in my very own bLog. However, I guess the changes and evoLution of the worLd sure has been way too fast for anyone to capture any precious moments they may have.
It couLd be just me. But every change brings about joy and disappointment. Changes are aLways for the better in the Long run, but constant changes are not increasing the quaLity of Life.
I think a Lot these days. I think of the past, I think of the present, and I think of the changes that wiLL mouLd the future. It seems to be good, but transition wiLL be difficuLt, for some. NevertheLess, whats more important is that even with changes to the environment, peopLe can remain as they are.
I yearn for simpLicity.
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