Sunday, October 31, 2004

Thursday, Friday

It was a usuaL Thursday .. doing da same routine stuff in skooL after which me and Peiyun went down to PLaza Singapura for a normaL dinner in which da whoLe evening was so odd. She was persistent in going PS .. She was thinking of so much stuff .. weLL now I know why ..

Friday is a month after we got together .. we had pLanned to engage in dinner @ Magic Woks before camping at East Coast. It was aLready 11pm when we finaLLy get to our destination, and I began my 5-minute bet with Her dat I can set up da tent within dat frame. Of coz I fLopped .. sometimes being cLever if enough, there's no need to act cLever. And so I did. At dawn, we caught a very beautifuL sunrise! Itz such a wonderfuL feeLing dat it seemed Like uer in a worLd of ur own juz being with someone u Love, out of da usuaL routine of work, out of aLL da system of LifeLessness. Anyway we had a very good breakfast @ Mac's, indeed! A mynah was staring at Her dat She got freaked out and jumped right out of her seat screaming -_- .. I spiLLed da coffee right there on da tabLe. And it was supposedLy to be a perfect start to a good new day. Fucking bird! NevertheLess dat din affect da great weekend I had with Her.

WeLL she got me a neckLace with engravings of our names .. from PS dat is. ALthough I din show much expression, but deep down I was so dying to say thank you! For aLL da effort She put in .. for aLL da LittLe things She did .. it can never be repaid by juz a word of thanks .. but thanks, anyway, my dear!

PS : One month is not Long, but da fact dat it had made a mark for us to refLect on aLL da wonderfuL times we had and Looking ahead at where we wouLd be. Luv ya.