Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Dream

Had a weird dream two nights ago dat I had straightaway toLd my Dear when I woke up .. it ain a foLLow-up of Guowei's dream but it juz happened ..

I was in this grand hoteL in a strange pLace whereby down there aLong da two sides of da wide paths were shophouses which Looked Like those in Europe. Night it was. When I arrived at my fLoor, heard a man caLL me out "Long!" .. and I dun recognise this man other than he Looked Like some Turkish man and as I passed by his room, there were Lots of peopLe inside, which I beLieve to be his famiLy members. As I approached mine, Dear was there by the door, and as I entered, my Mom was Lying in bed which was Located in the kitchen, with some other peeps inside my room as weLL. Da whoLe pLace was Like some refugee camp or something. Standing by the window I Looked down upon the shophouses .. it was aLL peacefuL, with peopLe waLking around. But out of the "protected" zone of our hoteL and shophouses were destruction, with taLL buiLdings in ruins and boLts of fire in the horizon.

I can vividLy remember taking a waLk next with my Dear aLong the shophouses which stretches down to an end whereby we come to the sea, and across dat sea in a distance, I cud see darkness, isLands, burning and fires. Two fLags stood, one which I recognise as the Soviet Union's, and the other, I have no idea of .. it was after which I woke up, even though I wished for a continuation of the dream, for it may Lead me to yet another discovery.

The Last time i dreamt about war years back, it happened. I toLd da guys about it but they brushed it off. It was regarding the Iraq war. I had dreamt about a Land of destruction and burning, and saw more pLanes and bombings. After months, the U.S actuaLLy declared war on Iraq.

Some phrophetic dream, or issit juz coincidence? I Leave u guys to decide .. tiL then take care, and may worLd peace reLi exists.